Luke James Doyle Nelson 08-08-14 My probation officer, Ms. - TopicsExpress


Luke James Doyle Nelson 08-08-14 My probation officer, Ms. Hendricks requested me to do some homework. I immediately thought “Oh boy!”. No sarcasm at all, either. I miss doing assignments, projects, and home work. Heck, I even miss doing quizzes and tests. I asked her what the homework would be, and she told me that it was to write down my goals and how I will complete them. Once again, I thought “Oh boy!”. Really, I think about these things on a daily basis, and I work toward them constantly. Unfortunately, I had somehow forgotten all about doing this homework, during my whirlwind of actually actively working toward my goals. Ha! Ironic, I guess, especially since this assignment is a small component of a part of what I need to do to complete some of my goals. Don’t worry Ms. Hendricks, I am on it now. So here it is… A major goal of mine, broad as it may seem, is to be the best man, the best person, the best human that I can be. A good friend. A good brother. A good nephew. A good father. A good husband, at some point. A good neighbor. A good mentor. Instructor. Leader. Pupil. Everything that I do, everything that I am, everything that I become, I would like to be my best at it. I intend to be a good father to my children. I am not a bad father now, but I am not the best that I could be. I work so much that I don’t at present really have that much time to spend with them. And I would like to be able to support them more, financially, as well. Even though I work so much, such a large portion of my income goes immediately to debt that I have acquired from being foolish. And to the cost of living. What I am working on is catching up financially, paying off these debts, and working to be placed in a higher paying position. Ultimately, doing well professionally will enable me to have both the time and the money to be supportive to my children in the ways I wish to. Also, being foolish is no longer an option. It would be detrimental to all my goals. Another major goal of mine is to get into the field of horticulture more in depth and more specific to my desires. Right now, I am in grounds maintenance. The landscaping field. Not exactly the type of horticulture I am into. I enjoy it well enough, but it is not as engaging or interesting as I would like. I want to get into Horticulture. Plant propagation and cultivation. Maybe grow vegetables and herbs that I can make available to the community. I may also provide a service, in this field; perhaps not only grow and sell herbs and produce, but also set up gardens for people in the community (raised beds, terraced gardens, planters, etc.) that they can produce their own vegetables and herbs in. I would also provide instruction on how to care for their crops, and utilize space and earth. This would enable me to use my past knowledge and skills with landscape architecture/hardscaping, and I would be providing not only a product, but also a service, to the community. Both of those things are quite appealing to me. I will have to go back to school for horticulture (also appealing). And start with getting an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science in Horticulture. Probably at a community college to be realistic, as far as finances are concerned. I will most likely have to pay for this school myself, so financial stability will be key here as well. Probably part time; with a payment plan for tuition. I also intend to be involved in the community. I would like to volunteer with a local food service, or pantry. Maybe the Richmond food co-op. I also want to build community; meet good people, make connections, spread good energy, positivism. The main thing needed for this would be time. I will have to be secure enough financially and have it set up so that I will be able to make time. I also would like to expand upon my artistic endeavors. I do a good bit of free-writing, and I would like to grow in that area and share it with the world. I am looking into the local spoken-word and slam poetry scene/venues around Richmond. I intend to get involved and get my writings out there. It seems to be kind of like a sub-culture, and there is a lot of good energy and good people. It is an environment that is conducive to good health and positive behavior. I also do painting and illustration and music. I would like to dive into those realms of the art world more, meet fellow painters and musicians and do things like murals and collaborative pieces. I will employ entirety of Self. To be included with the aforementioned goals and means to execute them, I fully intend to create a solid partnership with my fiancée. She is living in another state at the moment, pursuing a career in a field that she believes in. I believe in her and her endeavors, and I would like for her goals and dreams to fit right in with mine. I would like to have a cooperative and mutual partnership with her. We have similar ideals and ideas of how to live in this world, and we both believe strongly in community. She is studying herbalism and herbology, and I will study horticulture. We may ultimately set up a nursery and greenhouse where I will grow several different types of herbaceous plants. She will be able to take these and dry some for distribution, use some to make tinctures, and use some to make actual herbal supplements. We will also provide fresh cut herbs to the community, and whole living plants for customers to grows, enabling them to provide for themselves and their families. This all will take a good amount of perseverance and work. I believe I am up for the challenge. I will cross bridges as I come to them, and build new ones as needed. I will pursue these goals and accomplishments, and I will succeed. Much work will be put into it, I feel that I am a pretty strong and efficient worker. I will provide for my family. I will live positive, and spread positivism. I will be an asset to the community. A strong person to be there for friends and family. I will study and learn. I will instruct and teach. I will learn more in the field I desire to be in. I will create art and writing to express myself, and to share with the world. I will inspire. I will be inspired. I will hold firm to my ideals and morals. Honor. Integrity. Respect. Consideration. Love. Community. I will be a benefit not only to those immediately near me, but also to the World. I will develop partnership with an exceptional and wonderful person that I admire and love, that has similar ideals to mine. All of these goals may seem like quite a bit, but they are actually quite realistic, and I have got a pretty good grip on the means to make them happen. I am not searching for the Means to an End. Rather, I am finding the Means to a Beginning. Luke James Doyle Nelson 08-08-14
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 17:14:26 +0000

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