Luke Miniscalco 21 minutes ago Lets recap on anything under - TopicsExpress


Luke Miniscalco 21 minutes ago Lets recap on anything under vacuum. Matteo Renzi continues its bursts of ads reformist. No matter the object to unwrap the thing or that, with what money and as provided on the cover of various practices will be well stamped the word reform. Renzi, suddenly discovering a fan of Martin Luither King, argued that serves a project that is capable of dreaming. We are always in short cultural and political colonialism to the United States. Always I have a dream and Yes We Can. As if the rumors were enough to take down the economy. But Renzi, taken from his role, he does not want to listen to reason and is in high gear. The real Europeans - has argued, speaking of himself - are those who want to change the Union, not those who want to stay still. Once this ugly shell game called crap. Today, in the era renziana, that of announcing-a-reform, hit-a-bit-of-taxes-and-run with another announcement, citizens are couch potatoes educated to believe facts announced projects, not without only going to see if they were made, but without even knowing what it is Luke Miniscalco PEOPLE. Sunday, April 6, 2014 FISCAL FEDERALISM, SHIELD FISCAL FISCAL PRESSURE FROM 18% TO 30% DEAR FRIENDS YOU WANT CHANGE, YOU THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ABANDONED. THE GOVERNMENT THAT CONTINUE TO TAKE AROUND THE ITALIAN PEOPLE; FISCAL FEDERALISM LESS TAXES FOR COMPANIES, ENHANCE THE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN THE COMPANY RECRUITING NEW, WITH A LONG TERM CONTRACTS. FISCAL PRESSURE FROM 18% TO 30% (PAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANNUAL TURNOVER) IN ADDITION TO THAT YOU MUST LOWER THE TAX BURDEN THAT THE COMPANY ARE SUBJECT IF PAY SALARY 1000USD FOR ANY OFFICIAL OR PAY TO THE ITALIAN CIRCA 2500. SO I BELIEVE THAT AGAIN, THIS MUST REDUCE PRESSURE. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THAT IS ON A COMPANY MAY reinvest SE FROM BEING ON THE SAME OFFICIALS FISCAL FEDERALISM MORE ON THE DEDUCTION 730 PAY LESS TAXES IN THE ENVELOPE, AN INCREASE OF 22 PERCENT% = 300 EURO EQUITY. DEDUCT THE MACHINE HERE GO TO WORK, MECHANICAL, GOMMISTA, ELETTRAUTO. DEDUCT THE EXPENSE FOR THE FAMILY THAT INCLUDES THE FOOD, THE MEDICAL SPECIALIST, DENTIST, THE LATTER IS NECESSARY TO MAKE A SPECIAL LAW WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO REBUILD THE SMILE AND CHEW AND AN OBLIGATION IMPOSED AS A HUMAN RIGHT STATE YOU MUST TAKE A LOAD L FOR A MAXIMUM OF 50% OF EXPENDITURE. FOR COMMUTER WHO USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SHOULD RECEIVE A REFUND FOR COMMUTER THAT ARE OUTSIDE THE WHOLE WEEK SHOULD DEDUCT BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER. DEDUCT THE SCHOOL REGISTRATION, TEACHING AND ANY PURCHASE. EDUCATION: BE INCLUDED IN EVERY ORDER OF SCHOOL PROGRAMS (FROM MOTHER TO UNIVERSITY) CIVIC EDUCATION TEACHING. TODAY ESSENTIAL THAT THE FUTURE CLASS OFFICERS TO ACT WITH HONESTY learn RESPONSIBILITY AND RESPECT TO THE INSTITUTIONS WHICH WILL BE CALLED TO OPERATE. TODAY PREVENT CORRUPTION INVASIVE GROWTH OF OUR COUNTRY AND, THEREFORE, THE BEST STANDARD OF LIVING FOR MORE CLASSES LESS FORTUNATE THE COMPANY, IN ADDITION TO THAT THE spread of crime IN THE WHOLE. ITALIAN JUSTICE REFORM: ALL CAUSES OF CIVIL AND CRIMINAL TO BE CLOSED WITHIN THREE YEARS WITH FINAL JUDGMENT, empower PUBLIC PROSECUTORS AND JUDGES IN THE END OF JUDGES, ABOUT A DEFECTIVE MUST RESPOND TO ANY ERRORS IN PERSON. ALL CITIZENS TO PAY THE ITALIAN JUSTICE SHOULD DISCOUNT THE PENALTY TO THEIR HOME. IN ADDITION TO ALL THOSE WHO COME TO THE ITALIAN COAST, MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH VALID DOCUMENT THAT identifying them And proving that COME FROM A COUNTRY AT WAR. MUST ACCEPT THE NATIONAL RULES THEN THE FORTY DAYS OF RECEPTION CENTRES IN ADDITION TO THAT, ONCE YOU HAVE MADE ALL THE FINDINGS OF THE CASE HAVE TO BE POSTED ROMANIA BULGARIA BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA FOR A TRIAL PERIOD. REFORMING THE ROAD TRANSPORT: CREATE STORAGE OF DISCHARGE DISCHARGE WHERE ALL THE COMPANIES ITALIAN FOREIGN AND MUST DOWNLOAD THROUGH THESE STORES. DISTRIBUTION MUST BE PERFORMED ONLY BY ITALIAN COMPANIES WITH SINGLE SEAT IN ITALY. REFORM ALL CONTRACTS OF EMPLOYMENT BY LAW ENFORCEMENT TO WORKERS, RECOVER 400 BILLION AGAINST TAX AND 200 BILLION BY THE GOVERNMENT (FROM WASTE) 400 BILLION FROM OTHER SLOT MACHINE. ALL THIS WILL BRING ONLY SET ECONOMIC AND WORK AND FAMILY. WITH REGARD TO EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS REBUILD YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY THE DAMAGED AREA, IN ADDITION TO THIS FOR THE PEOPLE THAT HAS NOW FLOODING SHOULD BE BUILDING ARTIFICIAL RIVER WATER CONTAINMENT AND REBUILD IMMEDIATELY ARTIFICIAL CHANNEL EMERGENCY discharging NOW IN THE SEA. IM NOT GOING TO joke, AVRO WHEN I SAY THAT THE IRON FIST, BUT ALL DEPENDS ON THE PEOPLE THAT REALLY SHOULD DECIDE TO CHANGE. KEEP AWARE THAT THE PEOPLE OF THE INCREASE OF 80 EURO will enjoy TEMPORARILY ARE ONLY 11 MILLION PEOPLE, BUT THAT YOU SEE GIVE Sodi WITH ONE HAND AND RETURN IT WITH THE OTHER FORM OF NEW TAXES. SINCE YEAR INCREASED THE PETROL, DIESEL. IN ADDITION TO OUR NATION IN THE ECONOMIC CRISIS AND WORK. WE CONTINUE TO LOSE MAJOR COMPANIES THAT ONLY THE AXLE OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY; The NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PROVIDENCE AND IN TROUBLE ECONOMIC CAN NOT MORE TO COPE WITH MANY REQUESTS FOR UNEMPLOYMENT AND MOBILITY DEROGATES IN UNEMPLOYMENT. PEOPLE REALLY CAN CHANGE IF YOU WANT IN YOUR HEART, AND YOU HAVE TO BET ON YOURSELF THAT YOU LEAVE THE FUTURE OUR CHILDREN, IMAGINE IF THIS EARTH REBELS AND DESTROYS THE MAN, WHAT WILL THE HUMAN RACE? GOOD DAY TO ALL Miniscalco Gianluca Miniscalco Who is a worker who has shown more good sense, of a whole congeries of POLITICIANS Hello dear friends good morning dear friends I sincerely I fall for those round things that we have men this time I find myself in the area have Lesegno belonging to the cloud as Fantozzi I seem to be in the film Dracula against Fracchia from this country to Young, I found a lot of closed businesses I found even the lack of road signs from the moment you notice the road signs is completely incorrect and wrong to go to top off the turin piacenza please Snakes In addition to this I have crossed over 5 countries can ensure the work would be guaranteed for at least two years because the roads that I went through with the truck They pity. Every day that goes by that country as they are and were killing, indifference on the part of the people first and foremost. Government has shown no intention of changing time I can assure you on my honor if we join forces together we can really change knowing that unfortunately there are a great strategic majority of people who did not care and does not care to save our nation Mrs. if Italy could express whats inside I guess it could all his anger and the blood of people who have died for freedom for justice for Democracy the massacre of Piazza Fontana massacre of Capaci the death of Aldo Moro see all those people who shed blood how can you be so indifferent But you do not realize you do not realize that so you can not go any further so you can not go on like you do not realize is we 1mi we are the first to have to wait for something to change who we wait for the government to be people change as when there was an earthquake in Friuli Mayor of Udine have lost a lot of his loved ones spoke to me of nationality roll up our sleeves rebuild the territory from good family man and wounded by the mayor at the institutional level and also at the household level in Irpinia how many years we are keeping them nobody ever said we reconstruct someone forgot the last case LAquila and even there shenanigans were discovered someone forgot the famous mountains that we had begged to pay immediately the first installment of limu and then came the people cheated in the first place and then perhaps by the State agency that worked for the State seems to me that no one has been investigated for the second time when Monti asked us to pay the second installment IMU, however, but we were at the risk of national bankruptcy in this case to pay all running the latest savings at the end of this money had been earmarked to help Montepaschi Siena without the authorization of the Italian people. My friends, I guarantee you Miniscalco Gianluca That the worst is yet to come I say today on July 4th, 2014 at 18 and 30 minutes to tell you all I love you
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 19:56:41 +0000

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