Lutheran Class Reunion Meetings: Date: July 19th, 2013 Time: - TopicsExpress


Lutheran Class Reunion Meetings: Date: July 19th, 2013 Time: 6:00pm Venue: 1233 Stirling Street, Philadelphia, PA 19111 (Madison Moore’s House) Agenda: • Opening Prayers • Read Minutes from last Conference Call (July 7Th) • Discuss visit to Eva C. Jorkey (Sunday at 1:00pm) • Discuss care package for the young people and focus on adding sanitary napkins for the girls as well as providing sanitary lessons • Discuss finding out text books and Note Books needed 1. Types needed 2. Who we will send them to 3. How they will get there • Discuss creating a Lutheran Alumni Association • Other Matters Roll Call: Evangeline Yankey Jerusha Frankfort-Segbe Madison Moore Flomo Talawoda Gbomai Bestman-Johnson Charles Porter Charles Wangolo Alfonso Johnson Thank You: We would like to give honorable mention to two of our class mates who even though they were unable to attend the meeting they send in their contribution towards the food and they are Mator Borsay and Tazue Morris, Thank you both very much your contribution was much appreciated and we know we can count on you when you agree to do something you do it. Thank you to Charles Porter who came all the way from Canada to join his Friends, I look forward to working with you all to make St. Peters Lutheran School Alumni Association a successful one. Meeting: Meeting started at 10:45pm Read meeting Agenda Charles Porter gave the opening prayer Due to the lateness of the meeting starting we took an early brake and ate (the Food was GREAT, Evangeline put her foot in it) Meeting reconvened and the minutes from the last Conference call on July 7th and the updated information were read, it was moved by Charles Porter and second by a few of us to be accepted and form part of our archives. We discussed our visit with Mrs. Jorkey • Mrs. Jorkey was in Minnesota, MN and due to return on Sunday and she would be expecting us to visit with her at 1:00 pm, we agreed to meet at Evangeline’s house at 12:00 noon then we would go to see her as a group. • Unfortunately we were unable to visit with Mrs. Jorkey as her flight got delayed. We were hoping to meet with her to greet her and to find out if she could be of assistance to us with our project, if she had information about the School’s administrative staff, when Gbomai spoke to her on the phone she informed her that she was not in contact with the school at all. • Gbomai will be visiting the school to get that information and as we form the Alumni Association we will ask Mrs. Jorkey to serve as an adviser. Gbomai lead the discussion for the Care Packages. She explained the problem with the plumbing system issue with GW Gibson where the sewage system backed up and cause the young Ladies to be unable to attend school during their time of the month as there was no way for them to use the restrooms. The care package will focus on Sanitary napkins, teaching the girls how to use and dispose of the Sanitary Napkins as well as general hand washing. We discussed creating a user manual to put into the care packages showing the girls how to use and dispose of the Sanitary Napkins. We also discussed ways of improving the sewage system. Alfonso suggested putting barrels outside of the school to collect rain water which can be used to flush the toilets, and even working on a well system that will help to full the barrel with water when it runs out or does not rain. It was suggested that we purchase the supplies in Liberia to patronize the Liberian based businesses. Another reason is the brand names will be familiar and we can bargain with the vendors for a discount especially since this will be an on going project. We will also plan an Event in which we can conduct a drive for the sanitary napkins along with other items we will need and Funds to help us transport the items as well, shipping them in barrels. Flomo suggested we go to different NGO Organizations and Hospitals that will be willing to donate the pads (Blue Biscuits) hand sanitizers and other items that are part of our wish list. Alfonso informed us that he spoke with a few Lutheran Alumni that are willing and ready to join the cause and he spoke with his friend’s wife who works with the School system and can help us collect the Text books that are no longer in use for us to send to Liberia once Gbomai let us know which text books are needed. Since Omaru Barry lives in Liberia it was suggested that he would be one of our contact person in charge of making sure the Care Packages are distributed accurately, I suggested Raliet Zayzay who was in our class to be another contact person as well. We agreed to form a team of volunteers of three or four persons to act on our behalf in Liberia. They will send us feed back on the progress of our project(s). We will need pictures as proof of our work being done accurately. Gbomai volunteered to meet with the Principal of Lutheran School during her visit to Liberia in August and since Madison will be in Liberia at the same time she asked him to accompany her to conduct a feasibility study on what the school needs as far as text books and who the Principal is as well as who will be the person in charge of distributing the Text books and supplies the school needs. She will also report back to us the Plumbing conditions and the condition of the bathrooms to give us an idea of what to do about it. Charles Porter suggested we compensate her while she goes to visit the school and as she suggested she cannot go and meet with the Principal empty handed. Alfonso agreed he would give her $100 and Charles said he would add $25. She is going to take pictures as part of her report back to us. She will visit the school twice and get the pictures and information on the Bathroom condition, the sanitary napkins, text books needed as well as distribute the Back Packs. We discussed setting up an account and taxing ourselves $50 per person to start off the Backpack project and use the account for future projects. We discussed opening the account with SunTrust Bank or Wells Fargo, I went to SunTrust Bank and opened our account with me and Gbomai as Signatures on the account till we can form ourselves and get a group account. We will sign up for on line access to the account and send the information to Charles Porter who will over see the account as our resident accountant. He will then be in charge of sending out Financial Reports to all members. The Account is an EZ Checking Account with Monthly transactions of 10 or more and no monthly maintenance fee when we go paperless and the Account Number is 1000158896984. Since we do not yet have a group account all checks, Money grams, Western union and or money orders will be made payable to me (Jerusha Segbe) and mailed to my address: 5381 Harpers Farm Road Apt. 3 Columbia, MD 21044 Or if there is a SunTrust Bank close to you, just go in and make your deposit. We discussed starting an Alumni Association and using this Project as a starting point. All information and pictures gathered from Gbomai and Madison’s visit to Lutheran School in August will be posted on the page and we will plan and official Alumni Association Convention in Maryland in 2014. As people accept the Alumni page we will then ask for idea of time for the Convention. We will work on our Vision and Mission Statement. We decided to award the initial Back to School backpacks to the highest scorers in each class as an incentive for the children to attend school and do their best. We are working on starting with 100 backpack, we will see how that will work, as this is going to be an on going project. The backpack will be filled with: • 2 3-Subject Note Books • 1 pack of Pencil $1.86 We decided on adding personal sharpeners to the backpack but it was suggested that we purchase 1 mountable sharpener in the class room on the table which we all thought was a good idea. As soon as we find out how many class rooms are in the school we can get the sharpeners. $14.88 The backpacks will be purchased here but the rest of the supplies will be purchased in Liberia. We decided the deadline for the money for this project will be August 30th. Since the meeting I’ve learned that Gbomai will be going to Liberia on the 19th so if we can get the $260 for the backpack by Monday (August 5th) we can order it so she can take the bags with her when she goes to Liberia, below is the print screen of the backpacks I found on line and it will take about 7 day to get to her when we order it: $260.00/100 We have collected $50 from Charles Porter, Evangeline and Gbomai. We will continue to collect the money for this project and when Gbomai get to Liberia she will let us know how much the Note books will cost and we will wire her the money to purchase them over there. Our Future Goal is the Register the organization as an Alumni Association and create our by laws, our visions and Mission statements. Evangeline gave the closing prayer. Meeting ended. Thank you all for making this first step a very impressive one, as we have been saying Please don’t let this be this one time, we have work to do, Lets roll up our sleeves and get to work. It will also be a lot of fun as we help our former school progress and we become a bigger family; pictures are worth a thousand words, check us on FB. See you all very soon ;) “Step by Step we make this journey putting our trust in the Almighty Father”
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 07:56:08 +0000

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