Luxor is divided to two sides. The Eastern and West Bank. In te - TopicsExpress


Luxor is divided to two sides. The Eastern and West Bank. In te East bank different sightseeing venues like Karnak temple in which you discover how the Pharouhs had built the pharounic culture of walls and colloseum s. Other sightseings are the Luxor temple , the luxor museaum , the Mumie Museum and the Island of Bannanas. The Westbank include the Valley of kings, the Valley of Queens, the tombs of 62 kings and queens from the 18-21 dynasty before christ, kings and queens of pharouhs including the tomb of beautiful first queen Hatshepsut of pharounic Egypt, Ramsis lll, Ramsis Vll, Ramsis lX which you can enter to see. Howard Quarte the englis Archiologist is the one who dicover the Valley of kings. You can understand the pharounic culture on the historical walls through writings and drawings and scenes through which you can understand how pharouhs lived. Tombs are only on the West bank not the East bank. All kings have got two names: birth name and Royal name. Pharouhs believed in life after death. Ibis is the writer of all judgements who allow people to go to hell or heaven according to the weight of their hearts. The legend says that if the heart is put on a balance or scale.. On one side a feather and on the other side the heart. If the heart is heavy then the person enters hell accompanies by a snake with three heads. If the heart is light ad the feather then his heart is good and he is going to paradise in a second life with many Gods accompanied by a snake with one head as sign for protection. Amoun is God for power. Annobas is the king of Mummification. Ramsis ll was the only king who built the Karnak temple.among all pharous who was a God at the same time. The tombs are like a church which have christian and coptic writings. The tombs are covered with stones to be secretive. The three queens who ruled Ancient Egypt were Hatschepsute ruled 21 years, Cleopatra 5-7 years and Shageret al Dor only for 80 days. The lotus flowers are holy flowers. Queen Hatshepsut was the most clever queen. She tried to marry Tohotmus ll who was her brother as well. Pharouhs at this time could marry relatives even brothers , sisters or aunts and uncles. Pharouhs could be named by same names but are numbered by different numbers. Our Minister of Archiology Mr. Hawass discovered the mummie of Hatschepsute which is placed in the Egyptian museum in Cairo. Some Pharouhs put on double crowns. The double crown has two colours red and white. Signs for North and South for lower Egypt and upper Egypt. Pharous having spear are sign that they have power and that they couls control. Pharouhs with lion head is sign for respect. Karnak temple has three shrines one for Amon raa , his wife and daughter. Amon Raa is the God to whom all pharous kings and queens and people bring all offerings and sacrifices which schould be of animals like cows and sheeps and buffalos. Ramsis lll..his left leg is forwards is the sign for power and the step to the future Ramsis ll and his most beautiful Nefertari between his legs. Amon Raa legs and scenes were destroyed by christians this was a sign that amon Raavis not a real god. Those were an abbreviated and short glimpses of the pharounic culture of Egypt. It is of course a long history but very interesting for all to know. I loved the stories and the historical explanations.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 21:33:23 +0000

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