Lying is the opposite of the truth. So anything which is not the - TopicsExpress


Lying is the opposite of the truth. So anything which is not the truth for sure is a lie. A lie can therefore be something oral or written, which could be totally or partially baseless, unreal, made-up, distorted or exaggerated. A 5 foot pole is described as a 10 foot pole. Similarly giving praise out of proportion to someone is a form of lie.Lying is giving some information while believing it to be untrue, intending to deceive by doing so. Hence a lie has three essential features: (1) A lie communicates some information, (2) the liar intends to deceive or mislead, and (3) the liar believes that what they are saying is not true.Lying in Islam: What are the motives of a Liar? Why Islam always discourages lying?A liar tells a lie for the purpose of: (1) concealing the truth, since they are afraid of truth or punitive actions by law or individuals once the truth is established, (2) for cheating and deceiving others and enjoying their misery like Satan did to Prophet Adam (pbuh), and (3) short-term worldly gains i.e., gaining their favors or monetary gains until the lies are not exposed as a lie.Among the characteristics of liars is that they only believe after annoying insistence. Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) said: Surely those who are most frequent in believing people are most frequent in telling the truth and those who mostly doubt people are the most frequent liars.Truthfulness is a command of Allah (SWT), part of faith, and a quality of must for all prophets and is mentioned in 100 places in the Noble Quran. Therefore, there are two positive traits that Allah (SWT) wants the Muslim to acquire and be committed to in building his Islamic personality. Allah (SWT) wants the believer to aspire among the people they live with a feeling of trust whether in what they say or in how they deal with them. They would feel that the money or other trusts they have with him are safe, while the things he says to them are true.Being truthful and trustworthy is among the greatest virtues any human being can possess on the other hand lying leads to corruption and deceit in any society.Note: In the picture, Pinocchio is known for having a long nose that becomes longer when he is under stress, especially while telling a lie.Prophet Mohamed (pbuh), as we are told by his sira (biography), was known in the forty years before he declare his Prophet Hood by his truthfulness and returning the trusts, to the extent that he was called: The truthful and the trustworthy. People use this phrase when they want to talk about him; the truthful and trustworthy said or did it, instead of saying Mohammed. Even his enemies confirmed that he was truthful as described by Abu Sufyan a leader of the tribe of Quraish and the arch enemy of Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) in the court of Hercules, the Byzantine emperor of Eastern Roman Empire.True belief in Allah and the Day of Judgment implies that the person is truthful in his speech If he truly believes that Allah Hears and Sees everything he does and a Day will come when he will be accounted for his actions, then he will not lie. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: Let he who truly believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good or be silent.[Saheeh al-Bukharee]It is from the tricks of Shaytaan that he first makes sins look insignificant and minor in the eyes of the believers, and then gradually deceives them to commit those sins. Lying is one of them, and people do not show much concern about its prohibition, however, lying is a characteristic of hypocrisy, Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Amr al-Aas (radhi allahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: Whoever has the following four characteristics will be a pure hypocrite; and whoever has one of these four characteristics will have one characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up; whenever he is entrusted he betrays, whenever he speaks he tells a lie, whenever he makes a covenant he proves treacherous, and whenever he quarrels he behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner. [Saheeh al-Bukharee]
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 06:45:22 +0000

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