Lyndon B. Johnson, the Mastermind behind the murder of Present - TopicsExpress


Lyndon B. Johnson, the Mastermind behind the murder of Present John F. Kennedy. • viewzone/lbj/indexx.html o Partial Fingerprint belonging to Lyndon B. Johnson’s personal hit-man Malcolm Wallace (Murderer of John Douglas Kinser, Henry Marshall, Josefa Johnson) in one of the cardboard boxes in the “sniper’s nest”, sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository Building in Dallas Texas. • paperlessarchives/lbjfbi.html o 312 pages of FBI files dating from 1956 to 1966, covering Congressman Lyndon Johnson, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson, and the Johnson Administration. Alleged voting irregularities in the Texas counties of Webb, Duval, Starr, Zapata and Jim Hogg. The Billy Sol Estes Affair. Billy Sol Estes was an associate and neighbor of Lyndon Johnson. Billy Sol Estes was convicted in 1962 of fraud against the federal government. Details of a conversation between FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and President Johnson, about developments in the Kennedy Assassination investigation. President Lyndon B .Johnson confiscated the Robert G. Baker file from the U. S. Department of Justice while Attorney General Robert Kennedy was on his recent peace mission trip. … As a result of this action, the Senate Rules Committee investigating the Baker matter was at a complete standstill. • viewzone/lbj/lbj2.html o Senator Johnson used his office to grow his influence with big oil. His main appeal was his support for the Oil Depletion Allowance which allowed oil companies to avoid taxes on their wealth. Ironically, Kennedy wanted to reduce the Oil Depletion Allowance. Kennedy was also opposed to the escalating Vietnam conflict. With 16,000 military advisors in Vietnam, big oil and big business desperately wanted to see this develop to a full blown war. But Kennedy had already signed a National Security Document (NSA #263) to withdraw all of the troops by 1965. With billions to be made from a military economy, Kennedy was an obvious obsticle. But Johnson was seen as a friend to big money. This love-hate conflict with the Kennedy administration was especially felt by one wealthy, big-oil man named Clint Murchison. And it was at the Murchison mansion, just before Kennedys trip to Dallas in 1963, where the fate of both LBJ and JFK would eventually be decided. Once, while traveling to Scandinavia, the US embassy sent an uncoded telegram, for all eyes to read, warning that anything Johnson said should not be taken as representing the views of the American government. This kind of humiliation accelerated the hostility of Johnson for the Kennedys and drove him to take action. • viewzone/lbj/lbj3.html o Clint Murchison [above] was an oil millionaire whose wealth was made in the wildcat oil business, nurtured and preserved by the Oil Depletion Allowance. He owned about 500 different companies and controlled just about everything and anything in Texas. As you probably guessed, the Del Charro was no ordinary hotel. In the 1950s the room rate officially started at $150 per night. Murchison, a multi-millionaire, certainly didnt run it to make a profit. No. If you stayed at the Del Charro your food and lodging were usually pro bono. The frequent guests were all power figures like J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI), Carlos Mossello (New Orleans Mafia head), Richard Nixon (who lost the 1960 presidential election to Kennedy), Bobby Baker (Johnsons right hand man and secretary of the US Senate) and a wealthy man named D.H. Byrd (the owner of the Texas Book Depository). With a partner named Sid Richardson, Murchison also owned the Del Mar Race Track. Since Hoover was fond of gambling, Murchison set him up with a box seat at the finish line. He also let Hoover invest in his oil ventures and would give him his money back if a well didnt strike oil. Gradually, organized crime, Hoover and big oil were becoming frustrated with JFK. Nixon also had his axe to grind, having been defeated by Kennedy in the 1960 presidential election. Kennedy not only talked about change -- he made it happen. The Oil Depletion Allowance was to be slashed, organized crime had begun to be prosecuted by a zealous Justice Department, even the CIA was upset with Kennedy. Kennedy had made it clear that the CIA was to gather intelligence, as described in their charter, but were not to propose or promote policies. He was so angry with their performance in Vietnam and Cuba that he openly talked about dissolving the organization. If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA. The agency represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone. --JFK • viewzone/lbj/lbj4.html o The evening before Kennedys assassination there was a dinner party at the Murchison mansion in Dallas, Texas. The special guest was J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI. Other high level guests included Richard Nixon, H. L. Hunt (of Hunt Oil) and other special guests from the roster of the Del Charro Hotel. H. L. Hunt [right] was likely the richest American in 1963. His estimated worht was about 5-billion dollars. He was especially interested in preserving the Oil Depletion Allowance and disliked the social programs proposed by the Kennedy administration. He told the gathering of compatriots that the only way to get Communists like the Kennedy brothers out of office is to shoot em out. The Murchison Mansion guests ate quail for dinner and, shortly after they finished, Lyndon Johnson arrived. The male members quickly assembled behind closed doors. One of the female guests was Madeline Brown, LBJs girlfriend. When Lyndon arrived they all went into a conference room and you could just feel the atmosphere. When Lyndon came out... he was red in the face... he took my hand and said, Those god damned Kennedys will never embarrass me again. Thats not a threat. Thats a promise! Years later, Madeline saw how troubled Johnson seemed, as if harboring some psychological demons. Throughout Texas there were rumors that he had been responsible for the death of JFK. One evening, Madeline Brown asked the question she had always wanted to ask. Johnson became extremely angry and used foul language and eventually blamed the assassination on big oil and the CIA. The Arranger -- Edward Clark. He was one of the guests at the Del Charro Hotel, owned by Murchison, and was known as the arranger. … A few years after the assassination, Clarks law firm partner couldnt resist bragging about Clarks involvement in the affair. He told Barr McClellan, who worked at the firm, Im the only living man who knows what happened in Box 13... (Referring to Johnsons rigged senate election) But Clark took care of things in Dallas. Clark had access to the mafia, the FBI and the CIA. The latter was involved through the mobs association with William K. Harvey, [right] a former FBI man who worked with the CIAs foreign assassination projects. The plans were elaborate but, as history shows, very effective. Not only did they succeed in killing Kennedy but they also achieved their financial goals, political goals and covered their tracks. … Oswald was the CIAs contribution. Malcolm Wallace was Johnsons chip. The mob contributed two expert hit men to take the head-on shot as a back-up to Oswald and Wallace. Big oil, namely Murchison, put up the cash. In return, big oil got their Oil Depletion Allowance; the Military Industrial Complex got the war-time economy they dreamed about; the CIA maintained their stronghold on power and escalated the Vietnam conflict to a full blown war; the mob silenced Attorney General Robert Kennedys pressure on Hoover to combat their criminal activities... and finally, Lyndon Johnson avoided being indicted for his corruption with Billy Sol Estes and Bobby Baker (almost certain imprisonment) and gained his zenith as the President of the United States of America. • viewzone/lbj/lbj6.html Unknown to the general American public and never mentioned in history books is the fact that a Texas Grand Jury has officially indicted and found Lyndon Johnson guilty as a co-conspirator (from his association with Malcolm Wallace, Billie Sol Estes and Edward Clark) in the following nine (9) murders: • The killing of Henry Marshall (the Agriculture Secretary) • The killing of George Krutelnik (an FBI informant who worked for Estes) • The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary • The killing of Harold Orr (an FBI informant who worked for Estes) • The killing of Coleman Wade (an FBI informant who wqorked for Estes) • The killing of Josefa Johnson (LBJs own sister!) • The killing of John Kinser (Josefas boyfriend) • The killing of President John Kennedy
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:39:58 +0000

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