Lynn Lorenz tagged me on the first lines of the first three - TopicsExpress


Lynn Lorenz tagged me on the first lines of the first three chapters in my work in progress....which is a M/M/F romance and tentatively titled Full Circle. Im supposed to tag other authors...but Im going to buck custom and skip that. So here goes. Keep in mind this is unedited and subject to change. Chapter One The business line shrilling for attention. Ella snatched the phone off the desk and answered. Good afternoon. Youve reached Stuart Goodwins office. Ella Walker speaking. Ella? Its Mae. Mae? Is everything all right? It wasnt like her to call the office. Dont worry. Im fine. Thank goodness for that. You had me worried there for a minute. Ella sat down and powered up her computer. She pulled up the files she needed and sent them to Mr. Goodwin. Im sorry to bother you at work, but I need to ask a favor. Name it, Ella said without hesitation. You may not be so willing when you hear what I need. Well, I wont know that until you tell me. So whats up? The thing is... Mae paused. Im in Salem. She couldnt have heard that right. Youre where? Salem, Mae repeated. Massachusetts? Virginia. Oh. Ella couldnt believe what she was hearing. What, um, what are you doing in Salem? She closed her eyes and tried to remember to breath. Please. Please God. Dont let her be there for the reason I suspect. Chapter Two Ella wanted to be surprised by Maes question, but she wasnt. Not really. And it certainly answered her curiosity about whether the men were more than best friends or roommates. Im not sure what to tell you. The three of us grew up together and were the best of friends for years. Then something changed in high school and they went from being my buddies to my boyfriends. I was in love with them and thought they felt the same way in return until I caught them together the night I found out I was pregnant with you. That was the last time I ever saw them. Wow. That must have been a surprise. Yeah. Ella nodded, her memory flashing back to that night, to her terror at finding out she was pregnant and then her shock at walking in on Gavin and Holden naked and locked together in a passionate embrace. To say I was surprised is putting it mildly. Devastated was closer to the truth. Chapter Three Sleep alluded Ella. She tossed and turned on the stiff hotel bed for hours before giving up around five and getting out of bed to shower and start the day. After she dressed and primped, and felt sure she looked her best in a simple, wrinkle resistant mauve sundress ad her favorite strappy leather sandals, she left the hotel in search of coffee and sustenance. She stumbled on a charming little coffee house a few miles away and breathed a sigh of relief. If given the choice, she would main line caffeine directly into her body. Since that wasnt going to happen any time soon, shed happily settle for vast amount of sweet, sweet java and something sugary to go with it. She needed all the extra oomph she could scrounge up to get through the day to come.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 15:45:58 +0000

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