L’associazione della stampa estera a Gerusalemme condanna gli - TopicsExpress


L’associazione della stampa estera a Gerusalemme condanna gli attacchi da parte dellesercito israeliano ai danni di diversi giornalisti che stanno seguendo il conflitto a Gaza, come il bombardamento della redazione di Al Jazeera a Gaza. Il comunicato: The FPA strongly condemns deliberate official and unofficial incitement against journalists working to cover the current warfare under very difficult circumstances as well as forcible attempts to prevent journalists and TV crews from carrying out their news assignments. While we do not condone the use of invective by any side, outright attacks on journalists are absolutely unacceptable. On Tuesday, IDF forces aimed live fire at the Al Jazeera offices in Gaza City. The offices are on the 11th floor of a known commercial centre. The IDF apologised claiming it was in error and said they would investigate the incident. Also Tuesday, FPA member Firas Khatib of BBC Arabic was physically attacked and abused in the midst of a live feed on the Israeli side of the border.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:00:33 +0000

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