M-M-M-M-METAL M-M-M-M-MONDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Today I wanted to highlight a band from my youth, who deserve recognition for their incredible sound. Their drums, guitar, bass, and vocals blend into what can only be described as harmonious Latin metal. Yes, Im talking about the group Ill Nino. For those of you who dont speak Spanish, Ill Niño translated means Sick Niño. Founded in 1998 by drummer Dave Chavarri in New Jersey, the band has 7 albums underneath their belt, and are still touring to this day. Their sound is heavily influenced by their Latin roots, creating riffs and beats that are both strong and brutal, but also beautiful. Todays track is Letting Go, a great song with a slower tempo, and a superb melody. Honestly, if you enjoy the track, Id highly recommend searching for some of their acoustic tracks as well. Great stuff. Thats all for this week boys and girls! Next weeks Metal Monday will be a special surprise. til then, rock on, and have a good week.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:40:43 +0000

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