M P DONATES TO BURIAL TEAM AS KAFF U BULLOM STRATEGIES TO FIGHT AGAINT EBOLA By Hassan Bruz Northern Bureau Chief The Member of Parliament for Constituency 054-Hon. Nicholas Alimamy Kamara has donated a Tricycle to the Burial Team as the People of Kaffu Bullom renew their resolve in making sure that the Chiefdom is redeemed from the ravages of the Ebola Virus. The Honourable Member of Parliament made the donation at a well attended meeting summoned by the Paramount Chief-Bai Shebora Shebba Gberren 11. The Purpose of the meeting as outlined by its Chairman- Mohamed Manga Kamara who is also the Coordinator for the Ebola Operational Centre in the Chiefdom was to seek out ways through which Kaffu Bullom could be protected from the furious clutches of the Ebola Virus. He said the Paramount Chief has deemed it proper to ask for the input of all well meaning ‘Bollomites’ to come on board and register their contribution as everything is required to protect the Chiefdom from the spread of Ebola. He said the Virus, has killed and will continue to ravage many more lives if drastic measures were not adopted. He catalogued the series of efforts so far done by the Paramount Chief –the latest of which was now to recruit Youths that would Mann the numerous entry points to Kaffu Bullom. Speaking on the justifications for such a clarion call to Youths and other Chiefdom Stakeholders including the Police, Army and the Office of National Security the Paramount Chief said his Chiefdom is the host to the only International Airport .He said such a status qualifies it as the Official National Gateway to and from Sierra Leone and therefore has the compelling duty to have it protected at all times .He said even though the virus was yet to make inroads into the Chiefdom they must not idly sit by and wait for an invasion a time. The Paramount Chief observed that Government is currently overloaded with a lot of Ebola related issues citing the other parts of the Country that have been very badly affected by the scourge and how it would not take Kaffu Bullom as a priority in the prevailing circumstance . He said that was the more reason he has decided to champion the fight. He spoke of the previous meetings he has had with his Sub Chiefs and other categories of Stakeholders to sensitised the People on the realities of the disease. The Paramount Chief however noted that they would not be able to win such a critical fight without the collaborative efforts of all and sundry especially with such porous entry points. Paramount Chief Bai Sherba Gberren 11 aka ‘Orbama’ recalled the remarkable efforts of the people of Kaffu Bullom during the then Rebel War in the Country when they converted themselves into a Civil Defence in which he acted as one of its Chairmen . He said the objective was to ensure that the Chiefdom remained protected from the destructive tendency of the Rebels. The Paramount Chief therefore expressed optimism that they would again be able to put up the same resistance in keeping the Chiefdom from the ravages of this killer disease. He said the Government has intensified efforts with support from the International World that the Virus seems to have been condoned in such a way that it would now be seeking an outlet. He said they should not allow their Chiefdom to serve as a soft ground for its exit. He informed the gathering that his Section Chiefs have selected some Youths and able bodied persons to serve as Ebola surveillance officers and contact tracers in their respective Localities with a mandate to report any suspected case. He went on to praise and thank all for opting to serve in the defence of their Chiefdom. He said even though they would not be on salary, yet he would do his best to provide them with food and other basic incentives Albert Kamara is the Officer in Charge of the Office of National Security in the International Airport Town of L adding. He commended the Paramount Chief for his brilliant idea of recruiting Youths to serve as Vigilantes. He said the initiative was great enough as security should be a general concern. He said all those that have been recommended by the various Section Chiefs will be properly screened so as not to recruit criminals that might go with a different purpose rather than the one for which the idea is aimed at. He said those who would go through the screening process shall be divided into Groups under a set of Supervisors who are bound to report to the Ebola Operational Centre on daily basis. The Youths who were presented to the Paramount Chief by the Chiefdom Speaker-Pa Komrabai Maylie Kamara were further encouraged to serve diligently and not to target at immediate financial gains .Both Captain AK Fanny of the Republic of the Sierra Leone Armed Forces and Inspector Marah of the Sierra Leone Police as representatives of the 15 Battalion and the Lungi Police Station respectively urged for uprightness in carrying out the pending function.. The meeting was climaxed by the presentation of the Tricycle to the Paramount Chief by Hon. Nicholas Alimamy Kamara for onward delivery to the Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom Ebola Operational Centre. The Member of Parliament noted that there have been some key challenges in dealing with Ebola related cases in the Chiefdom citing the constraints often faced by the Burial Team. The Member of Parliament said there is always a problem in responding to situations that require prompt response largely because of the limited means of transportation. He said this could even be one of the key factors for the continuing spread of the disease. Hon. Nicholas Kamara said the Ambulance supplied to the Lungi Government Hospital is not sufficient for effective service to both Kaffu Bullom and Lokomasama Chiefdoms. He said Government is overloaded with a lot of challenges which is why he has decided to offer such a humble presentation hoping that it would be accepted in good faith. According to the Paramount Chief nothing is less invaluable at such a time of need. He on behalf of the People of Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom expressed profound thanks and appreciation .He said the offer could not have come at a better time. He said it would be judiciously utilised in conveying Ebola Corpses for burial. You now have the opportunity to glance at the Photos of how it all went at the compound of the Paramount Chief.........
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 05:43:53 +0000

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