M. Story 💜 My story. My biggest fear was that if I got - TopicsExpress


M. Story 💜 My story. My biggest fear was that if I got pregnant I would have to have a c-section. At 18 I found out I was 9 weeks pregnant. I had never wanted any children, but the father of my child talked me into keeping the baby (best thing that would ever happen to me but I didnt know that yet). Things were great with the father until I was about 4 months along, he started accusing me of things but I found out was cheating on me. I broke things off but I wanted to stay friends so that our child would have both its parents. A few weeks before exams he had started harassing me while I was in school to the point I had to leave, but I still tried to keep him in my life for our child. I graduated high school early in January, and was 5 months pregnant. Not long after that my childs father started harassing me one night. Would not let me sleep until around 3:30 in the morning. I had tried blocking him but he would just call from a different number. I was lucky not to go into early labor that night because of stress. From then on I had contractions that were pretty regular sometimes and I started development preeclampsia. In February I turned 19 and with the help of medicine things were okay until the end of March. The medicine stopped working and the swelling I had was at its worse the doctor had me coming in twice a week to have my blood pressure checked. At the end of April on a Monday I went in for an appointment we scheduled an induction date for that Thursday I would have been 39 weeks that day, but I had to come in the next day to have an ultrasound to check my babys weight. He measures at between 8-9 pounds and didnt have any fluid around him, he was turned the right was but was still face up and I hadnt dilated more than half a cm nor thinned more than 80% in weeks. I sat in my doctors office with my mom and I was crying because I was scared for my baby. My doctor told me he didnt think I would make it through delivery and that I needed a c-section the next morning and it felt like my whole world was crashing around me. The next morning Wednesday April 30th at 7:45am, I was at the hospital, and at 8:15am I delivered my beautiful son who weighted 8 pounds and 15 ounces (well my doctored delivered him, I just laid there). I never knew what real love felt like until I held my son for the first time. And now I have a very handsome silly 8 monthly old who does not stop for nothing, but I would not trade him for the world.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:15:11 +0000

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