M of Cs SIX MOST IRRITATING PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA THIS WEEK ... In the interest of balance 3 males, 3 females . CLIVE PALMER ...for continually being loose with the truth on everything he opens his mouth about! especially about the $12 million removed from the Chinese bank account. TONY FITZGERALD ...former Queensland Legal Eagle involved in the Enquiry that carries his name, who never stops bagging the LNP and Campbell and now has the audacity to chime in about the appointment of Tim CARMODY.. Well Tony, you should be careful what you wish for. It has now been revealed that the said Tony was granted a favour and a Post by the former Goss Labor Government. He now lives in NS W, stay away Tony. RICHARD MARLES Labor Shadow Opposition for Immigration and Member for Corio in Vic.This moron is devastated that Scott Morrison has done a spectacular job in stopping the boats. No thought given by Mr. MARLES that thousands of lives were lost at sea under his and Labors watch. His problem is that he had a shockeras Immigration Minister and his ego cant cop it. All of his comments are vacuous. JACQUI LAMBIE ...absolute ratbag PUP Senator for Tasmania. This woman who is riding rough shod over Australia, got voted in on 1051 votes. Its a joke. When I wrote in a previous Post that Clive the Saviour came along, presumably with money,I was being flippant. When Ms. Lambie was asked this week why she stepped up for politics and joined the PUP...reply, I was running out of money. How scary is this KRISTINA KENEALLY...Former, thank God, Labor NSW Premier, who on Sky yesterday, kept telling everyone , that Rudd, Gillard, Rudd were Heroes. Now KRISTINA may look good ,but shes nuts. ANNASTACIA PALASZCUK ...Labor Opposition Leader in Qld. Who is constantly carping about Campbell but does not have an answer about how to fix the debt that her mate Anna left us with in Qld. Also for allowing Dr. Lynham , Labor Candidate for the upcoming Stafford By-Election , to put out absolute lies about the Health System in Qld. Shame Anna Marlene of Clayfield
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 08:59:37 +0000

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