M7 IS A NONENTITY, HE IS DANGEROUSLY AMBITIOUS, HE IS A LIAR, AND HE IS DANGER TO THE EXISTENCE OF UGANDA AS A PROGRESSIVE NATION-STATE; OBOTE WARNED OBOTE SHOULD BE CRYING FOR HIS BELOVED COUNTRY Uganda’s late president Dr Apollo Milton Obote must be turning in his grave. His late vice president Paul Muwanga must also be turning in his grave – because they both shouted their voices hoarse warning us of the dangers of allowing Museveni to become president. He is a nonentity, he is dangerously ambitious, he is a liar, and he is danger to the existence of Uganda as a progressive nation-state, they warned. Our polarized politics blinded us, made us deaf, and we ignored the patriotic warnings from Obote and Mwanga. Today many of us are speechless – because everything Obote warned about has come true. U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama recently pointed out that, “…leadership does not change a person – it only reveals who the person is”. You would be forgiven for thinking she was talking about Museveni. The 27 years he has been in power have not changed him. He is the same man who thought barter trade was the magic wand that would solve Uganda’s economic problems. He is the same man thought and still thinks ‘no party politics’ is the best form of democracy. He is the same man who thinks he is the greatest soldier Uganda has ever seen – never mind that he didn’t attend any serious military academy. In his delusion, Museveni thinks he is the one who saved Uganda from the bad leadership – even though he is the worst leader Uganda has ever seen. What tangible and sustainable development project has Museveni initiated in 27 years? NIL! I was young during Amin’s time but I remember the ubiquitous UTC buses. They even had subsidised student fares. Makerere University was never as tribalised as it is today. We had Mpooma satellite station; we had Uganda Airlines; our soldiers lived decent lives in the army barracks with subsidised groceries from the many army shops; we had vibrant Uganda Hotels in every town – the list is endless. Love him or loathe him – that was part of Idi Amin’s legacy. As for Obote’s achievements, I shall do no more than refer Uganda Correspondent readers to an article written by Odoobo Bichachi which was published in The Observer of 31st January. In short, Obote’s first stint in power laid the foundations of the Ugandan State that Museveni has now torn apart. During his second coming, I have no doubt that Obote had the intention to start from where he had left in 1971 when Idi Amin overthrew him. Obote kept the Ministry of Finance under President’s Office to ensure that national development funds are not misappropriated and diverted to fund party political activities the way the NRM is doing today. Education was one of Obote’s top priorities. Every region of the country had at least one or two very good secondary schools – and all of them had school trucks! I have no doubt in my mind that Museveni declared war against Obote not because Obote rigged the 1980 elections. It was because Obote was too selfless and patriotic to be corrupted by Museveni’s poisonous ideas. Over the last 28 years, we have proved more than once that incorruptible men are a threat to Museveni. For that reason, I think newly elected FDC party president Gen. Mugisha Muntu must watch his back. Obote must be crying in his grave for his beloved country.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 11:47:31 +0000

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