MACHALI - WILL INDIA STARVE HER TO DEATH? OR HUMANITY WIN THIS TIME. Photograph by Bobby Bhargawa URGENT- MACHILI TIGRESS - Cee4life has had it confrimed from on ground sources that their has been an ongoing battle ofo wills as to whether Machali, the beautiful tigress of Ranthambhore, continue to recieve food suppliments after she has lost her k9s as well as her age. It has been alleged that iconic tiger man, Valmik Thapar, is petitioning to stop Machili from being fed. This iconic tigress who earned more than $800 million in tourism may be left to die of starvation or ripped apart by a stronger predator on the alleged grounds of this petitioning. Mr Thapar was one of Indias best tiger experts, however this alleged petitioning to have Machili not fed has stunned tiger lovers across the world. Machilis ability to produce tiger cubs from varying mates, therefore keeping the genetic pool diverse, and it is her cubs that have aided Sariska National Park in their tiger population, after the entire population was poached in 2004. Whatevere the truth to Mr Thapars petitioning, Cee4life strongly urge the NTCA to continue to provide Machili with food, to protect her, with the possibility of a bauma built for her. Just in the same humane manner in which another inconic tiger named Charger was cared for until the end. After recieving this alleged petitioning by Mr Thapar, it leaves many stunned of what possible reason would benefit this horrible slow and agonizing death of Machali. The world outcry is suffice enough for the NTCA to hear that any petitioning of a no feed for Machili, is highly immoral. It is a shame that due to well known persons names, that people may feel intimidated by that person, and dare not take them on. Cee4life believes there is nothing to take on, NTCA has the perfect example of the handling of Charger to already go by. I doubt there is one person on this earth that wishes to see Machili starved to death, or ripped apart by another predator. But what is sure, there is a watch on her now, and its said that after Machili passes away she will be taxidermed. Whatever this petitioining situation is, PUT YOURSELF in Machlilis place - after years of service would you like to be pushed aside to starve to death. If Mr Thapar has been petitioning NTCA to stop feeding Machali, it has now become very obvious that the entire public world, both of tiger lovers and experts, disagree. \ Humanity, remember humanity, no matter what the system has done to you, DO NOT do this to Machili. ..... Stop it now, feed her. NTCA I beg you to stop this wicked way now.!!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:04:12 +0000

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