MADAM MIATTA FAHNBULLEH MONTSERRADO COUNTY SENATE PETITIONING STATEMENT Madam Miatta Fahnbulleh, daughter of a devout Muslim father and equally devout Christian mother, from the west and east of Liberia, respectively, embodies within her personality and experiences a unique blend of the rich diversities that characterize the population of Monrovia. She is a musical legend and an educator with superb articulation skills; a social entrepreneur and a political activist. She cuts across the socio-political divide with a personality that is able to relate to everyone irrespective of political, tribal, educational or social status. Aunty Miatta’s run for the Senate of Liberia’s most populous county, Montserrado County, is given birth to by her desire to STAND UP and inspire hope in a people disillusioned by the dismal performance of the established political structures. She comes with an ever-increasing passion to serve a people in search of a leader to articulate their views and challenge the status quo in providing the necessary agenda relevant for socio-economic development. The evidence of her outstanding services to humanity abounds. She has used her musical career to respond to the needs of people not only at home but in many parts of Africa and the world. During years of war in Liberia and Sierra Leone, Aunty Miatta performed throughout the US raising awareness not only about the tragic situation in Liberia and neighboring Sierra Leone, but also the suffering of all of Africa’s war-scarred children. She raised thousands of dollars for many African and Diaspora charities, religious and non-profit organizations worldwide. In Africa, Europe and America, she is embraced and respected as an artist of integrity and sought out as a speaker for the burning issues of our times touching children, human rights and women’s equality. She has further demonstrated her passion for societal advancement by the establishment of an educational program which provides opportunities for quality education to less fortunate girls and boys at various levels of their education. She also works with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare as Anti-Maternal Mortality Ambassador, a role she has scored impressive success within a relatively short period of time. As anti-maternal mortality Ambassador, she’s working with women across the country and raising awareness about measures to reduce death rates among pregnant women and newly delivered mothers, as well as ensuring that maternal homes are accessible across the country. Aunty Miatta has been a vocal opponent to corruption and other vices undermining the advancement of the Liberian society and keeping the population largely impoverished. She aspires for the Senate seat because she believes that the people deserve a leader who cares. She believes that the people deserve a leader with integrity. She believes that the people deserve a leader who is not interested in amassing wealth but who believes that the people are entitled to improved social amenities. She believes Montserrado and its inhabitants must take the lead in accelerating national development exemplified in the quality of leaders it produces – leaders who are crusaders for a change that would institute programs to break the jinx of poverty and class marginalization. Miatta Fahnbulleh is a name that stands for a cause. She has the ears of the world and is respected even by her political opponents. Her life tells a story that individual potentials can be harnessed and utilized for personal and societal advancement. She believes that every man and woman, boy and girl, educated or non-educated must be given an opportunity to develop themselves. She is a reformist who wants to FIGHT against the political and economic structures that are keeping our people impoverished. Tata cares! In view of the foregoing, we have hereby freely affixed our signatures petitioning her to contest the Senate seat of Montserrado County in the October 2014 senatorial elections: Please call the below numbers for more information. Cell #:0886-378-262, 0777-240-181, 0886-870-979, 0886-881-969
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:51:05 +0000

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