MADE FOR GREATER THINGS. There is a story about an eagles egg - TopicsExpress


MADE FOR GREATER THINGS. There is a story about an eagles egg that end up in the nest of a prairie chicken. When the egg hatched, the little eagle grew up thinking it was a prairie chicken. The eagle did what the prairie chickens did. It scratched in the dirt for seeds. It clucked and cackled. It never flew more than a few feet because that is what the prairie chickens did. One day he saw an eagle flying gracefully and majestically in the open sky. He asked the prairie chickens: What is that beautiful bird? The chickens replied, That is an eagle. He is an outstanding bird, but you cannot fly like him because you are just a prairie chicken, and chickens cannot soar The eagle continued staring at his real family up above, dreaming that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his dreams be known, he was told it couldnt be done. That is what the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, after a time, stopped dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. He lived the life of and died a prairie chicken, depriving himself of his heritage because of his lack of vision. What a waste! He was born to win, but was conditioned to lose. Sadly too many of us are like that eagle. Weve been conditioned to some extent in all areas of our life, and lose faith in ourselves due to surrounding negative environment. Circumstances arise that discourage us, People say things that cause us to feel defeated. We end up believing in what we’re told and what we see, imposing limitations on ourselves that condition us to lose in life. Maybe you dont know, but there’s a glorious person living inside you, predestined to win and to soar higher. But if you end up not understanding who you are and what God put in you and gave you abilities to do; life will keep on distorting what’s inside of you. You were born to fly, born to make manifest the glory and power of God that is within you.. Don’t allow society to change who God predestined you to be. Even if there have been failures along the way, even if there have been bumps and obstacles on the path..Lift up your eyes to where cometh your Help..the Lord will never let you down, if you truly abide in Him..Condition yourself intentionally to believe you’re a winner, see it, live it and God will divinely bring it to pass. #Sami
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 07:44:13 +0000

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