MAGNA CARTA It is known, that true law is both with nature and - TopicsExpress


MAGNA CARTA It is known, that true law is both with nature and the ability of reasoning; universal, unchanging and everlasting right. It sets upon all a duty, and prevents wrong by its prohibitions, never to lay its commands upon good men in vain. It is not allowable to attempt to repeal any part of it, and impossible to abolish it. We cannot be freed from it by Parliament nor people, nor can Parliament free itself of it, and we find this law to be the very heart of our culture since before the mind of man. It is known that in ancient time we sought this unwritten law, but only when many minds are collectively consulted in indigenous jury, might we find the habits of the law through good and just people of this land and promising by that, the right we hold sacred being due process of law. We, the people of these Kingdoms, pray that all will recognise and affirm, that our Kingdoms are free and that freedom is and has always been our nationalities. We therefore require that all recognise and affirm, that the doctrine of our constitution is serial demand of remedy, for abuses that have been imposed upon the people by the state in whatever form that government may take. This has always been by confirmation of existing liberties, looking back to time immemorial to find conditions that are specific to our culture, our beliefs and ancient custom. A method which is entirely unique in the world and only truly understood by ourselves. This, the most unique constitution, evolving after the invasion of William the Bastard and from the 1100 Charter of liberties, through Magna Carta, and many other ancient documents, set as restrictions to prevent state corruptions and petitions or declarations to right injustices, as issued by the learned and wise from amongst the people. This gives the people of our land the ability to hold those who govern us accountable and grant formal recognition in law both of and for the dignity of the common man, granting him the ability to maintain his liberties under the rule of law, not the rule of any other government body, as a divine right of Kings and of parliament is known non-existent, and the voice of the people is greater than that of the state. When these matters become distorted by various means through the pressing of miseries, calamities, distempers and disorders that may arise through desire, greed, misjudgement or ignorance, that the people of this land have habitually had reason to refine our liberties to allow for our comfort and for our peace. The men and women of this nation have now, by various Parliaments assembled, and with much zeal towards the public good of these assembled kingdoms, for honour and service, wrestled with increasing confusion, torment and fear. The pressing of which has assaulted, overwhelmed and extinguished the liberty, peace, and prosperity of these kingdoms through innumerable distortions, while accordingly being rendered ignorant that English law knows nothing of reasons of state and that no parliament may bind its successor. Despite technological advances, many of which have been used only to damage our freedom and surroundings, the comfort and hopes of all free men and women are without doubt weakened. The constitutional restraints placed upon the state, showing the true and ancient requirement of representation for the liberty, happiness and wellbeing of our people, has been found destroyed by that of foreign or domestic usurpations, serving further only to undermine the very foundation and strength of the Kingdoms and the peoples within them. We still find malignity and opposition in those parties and factions who have been the cause of these evils and they labour still to cast aspersions upon that which has been done, and to raise many difficulties for the hindrance of that which remains to be done. This has only served to foment jealousies and distrust between the people and Parliamentary public servants, that so they may deprive the people of the fruit of their own gracious intentions, and their humble desires of procuring the public peace, safety, and happiness of these realms. It is necessary that the exercise of every form of implied authority under the said Crown, corporate or royal, as public servants, should now be accordingly suppressed since the influence of parliament and that of London over the rest of this kingdom, has been found to be increased, is increasing and ought to be diminished. The root of all this mischief we find to be a malignant and pernicious design of subverting the fundamental laws and principles of government, upon which the true belief, nature and justice of these kingdoms are firmly established. The peoples of these Kingdoms assert as a matter of natural law, self determination and native right, the ability of a people to assume personal and political independence. We acknowledge that the grounds for this must be reasonable and are therefore explicable and ought to be explained to a candid world. As was used by the Commons before their absorption by the executive, leading to the destruction of effective separation of powers, and as indeed is valid for an informed people; the right of de tellagio non concedendo shall now be taken. Whereas, this has been a right of Parliament, it shall also be a right of all, the ability to control the state through the power of the purse. This has been a valid method of control since time immemorial and enshrined in the constitution. Usurped powers and actions of the state shall no longer be funded without option and the separation of powers shall be replaced and maintained. The men and women of this nation are those who grant money to government and therefore ought have individual primacy on deciding what, if anything, should be granted. The pay and conditions of those in representative positions shall never be exceeding in total, including expenses, privileges, benefits, offices, titles, grants, gifts nor bonus, that of the modal average in this nation over the previous financial year. No man shall have any right or justice sold, denied nor delayed. Nothing shall be paid or accepted for the issue of a writ of inquisition of life or limbs; it shall be given gratis, and not refused. There shall no longer be allowed any exercise of powers by an agent which have not been delegated to him by the principal, and the manufacture of consent shall in all ways be ended and considered an evil. The native and original Imperial standard of weights and measures of these Kingdoms shall be reinstated throughout with immediate effect. Usury of all kinds is a known and recognised evil, when applied to currency or men it creates a slavery and as such all forms of it shall be banned from these Kingdoms. Inflation is also seen as a false and stealth taxation, to reduce the value of monies held by the people, an organised and pressed misery to reduce the wealth of those who are not the source of currency, and again, all practices of it shall be banned. Pounds of sterling silver is the money of this kingdom and all banks shall be liable for all currency bills of exchange issued to reverse the injustice of the sinister fiat system. All unjust practices by banking are to be resolved, and never again to be fiat, nor issued against the economy, which again, forces another form of slavery and pressing of miseries to the benefit only of those in the financial system. The practice of centralised banking has been seen as a cause of massive injustice around the world, and shall no longer be permitted. Banking shall be under direct government control, for the public good of the nation. Each of the counties shall have and establish their own mint and all taxation shall be controlled by each county, as is tradition and allowed under clause 13 of Magna Carta 1215. All free and enneadic descendant British peoples shall, in order to remove the monopoly of force created by a militarised police service and other usurpations of force, have the right to openly have, keep and bear arms for the mutual defence of their nation and that of their household and family, as permitted by the law of the land as an unalienable and indigenous right. This right shall not be infringed by the will of the legislature, judiciary nor the executive unless unlawful harm by that individual has been caused to life or limb of another within our community. No English man nor woman, shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of any rights, possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way. Nor shall anyone proceed with force against any other nor send others to do so except by the lawful judgement of and by jury, or by the law of the land, but not through the will of the state. English men and women shall cease to be confused with corporate entities, and the owners or shareholders of all corporate entities shall bear full liability for the actions of said corporations in these Kingdoms. Even at present, the free people of this land attribute their liberty to their having continually rejected the Roman law, as a system which is mistaking the effect for the cause. All Roman law including the formula Quod Principi placuerit legis habet vigorem shall again, be banished from use in these Kingdoms immediately and for all time. The only understood principle of law in these diverse Kingdoms shall be that of Praeteritorum memoria eventorum and that of urbanae & rusticae, to include all constitutional documents not created by the state. The laws of this nation were before now discovered from the people of this nation by the judges, not issued by the state. This is the source of our common law and shall continue to be the means. All English men and women, shall have and hold full and unrestricted freedom of speech, movement, thought and assembly throughout these Kingdoms. All married English male and female couples shall have a right to family life, unhindered by the state. How a family chooses to raise their child shall no longer be interfered with and both mother and father will have full rights of access to their children unless restricted, limited or removed by due process of law. There shall be no restrictions nor limitations placed upon any traditions, celebrations, occasions nor laudable customs of the realm, their symbolism nor practices. The writ of Haebeas Corpus shall never be abandoned nor removed or in any other way destroyed or denied in any occasion. The English Church is and shall always be free of all foreign control and be maintained separate and removed from the influence or control of those beyond these shores. We shall maintain forever both the freedom of religion and equally guarantee a freedom from religion. Any dogma which practices or advocates theft from, taxes upon, or harm to an individual, property, rights, liberties, freedoms, or seeks to impose itself through threat of, or by actual force, shall be outlawed and forbidden and the heads of such shall be held forfeit and liable for all persecutions. All merchants may enter or leave England unharmed and without fear, and may stay or travel within it, by land or water, for purposes of trade, free from illegal exactions, in accordance with ancient and lawful customs. This will not apply in time of war to merchants from a country that is at war with us. Any such merchants found in our country at the outbreak of war shall be detained without injury to their persons or property, until government or other servant of the public good have discovered how our own people are being treated in the country at war with us. If our people are safe, they shall be safe too. It shall be lawful for any of our men and women to leave and return to our Kingdoms unharmed and without fear, by land, water and air, reserving allegiance to our nations except in time of war, for some short period, for the common benefit of the realm. People that have been imprisoned or outlawed in accordance with the law of the land, people from a country that is at war with us, and merchants who will be dealt with as already established are exempt from this provision. Publically funded press shall be free from influence by any with offices, titles, financial or political bias under offence of perjury and shall refuse any and all other funding sources. Those who work for such agencies shall be bound to unbiased information for the people and take oath to the public good. As with the principle of de tellagio non concedendo, finance shall only be granted to good and just press. In order to see that peace is restored, we will remove from these Kingdoms, all foreign police that have come to them to their harm. And to restore all removed indigenous rights to determine the course of our nation as demanded and pressed in the Act of Supremacy 1558, Bill of Rights 1689 et al; no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate shall have or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within these Kingdoms, only indigenous, enneadic descendant British people will be allowed. We shall appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs or other officials, only those that have living and heritage knowledge of the laws and traditions of these realms and are minded to keep them well. We shall remove completely from their offices all others that have been allowed such positions in contradiction to the constitution and prosecute all who placed or allowed them to be placed in contradiction of our laws. Diverse peoples have struggled to come here because of the freedoms that we have, to allow those traditions to be undermined leaves no place for others to escape to. Foreign peoples shall be recognised as native only after nine generations have passed of their living within these kingdoms. Our armed forces are at once to be returned and kept here or amongst our commonwealth, they are of our people to serve and uphold the peace, good, service and defence of the commonwealth, best trained to know our enemies well, defend us and keep us in peace. No longer are they to be used for false reasons, nor come under the command of those who would pretend, in making war on weaker nations, nor in wars that are established only to find quicker profit and weaker resistance. The distribution of land and concentration by financial and political serfdom, of our native people, into the cities, along with a loss of traditional and sustainable methods of working these lands, shall be reversed with lands and education granted for those who wish to establish self sustaining and economically free families and communities. Decided, given and declared by witanegemot, by a group of persons considered wise from amongst our Kingdoms and brought about for the public good on the First Day of November, Two Thousand and Fourteen, at Runnymede between Windsor and Staines.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:33:33 +0000

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