MAGNIFIQUE SIGNE PIERRE R. WONDERFUL POST TO READ THANKS.. I am a Jew. My mood those days depends on the progress of our army in its task to disarm a fierce enemy, whom only goal is to destroy our country and massacre us. I am a Jew. Not a religious one. I dont wear a kippa, and I dont respect kosher laws. I could have a happy life in New York, where I lived for many years, or in Paris... well... forget Paris ! Instead, I chose to live in Israel ! I am a Jew because, if I was in the thirties, nobody would ask me if I believe in God or prefer Darwins theories. They would just kill me. Not for what I do. Not for what I think. Just because I am a Jew. Because I am a Jew, I feel sorry for civilian casualties on the other side. I wish they would do the same, instead of targeting my country with rockets in the hope of killing as many children and innocent people as possible. Because I am a Jew, I understand the historical task of the Jewish People despite all ordeals. And they were many, throughout history. We are facing another one : the obligation to restraint when the other side wants to exterminate us. Because I am a Jew, I am proud that my children had ambitions, studied and became successful. More than me. They never wanted to become suicide bombers or to kill anyone. They dont even understand why so many people hate us. I was born in Algeria and discovered I was a Jew thanks to an antisemitic graffiti on my parents house, written by Arabs who, later, kicked us out of Algeria. That happened just after my school was the target of Arabs terrorists. Because I am a Jew, I am ready to forgive, but will never forget. Forgiveness allows to move on. Remembrance stops us for always making the same mistakes. Since I am a Jew, and even though I dont practice Judaism, I have spent many years fighting defamation, often at high risk. Because I am a Jew, I am a Zionist. Being a Zionist, people forgot, means only one thing : our will to own our own little state, in which our nation can be safe, practice its religion freely, while other groups would have the same freedom, in safety and respect. To Jews who protest against Israels rightful fight against a blood thirsty entity, made of gangsters, terrorists, liars, thieves, I say this : dont wear a kippa if you are not capable of standing by the only Jewish country of the world. Dont go to synagogues, if the next day you protest with a keffieh around your neck. I am a non religious Jew, but I am more Jewish than you. During WWII, you would have sold your own People, for another day of survival. In the Warsaw ghetto, you would have fought against Mordechai Anielewitz rather than turning a weapon against Nazis. This is what you are doing today, when you take the side of the Arabs. You, pro-Palestinian Jews, are despicable. You dont deserve to be called Jews anymore ! And yet, yes, I feel sorry for innocent Arabs dying everyday, because they are used as human shields against our army. But, because I am a lucid Jew, I feel even more sorry for those kids in uniform who are forced to defend their homeland, and will end up traumatized because, in order to defend themselves and protect their country, they end up causing casualties among innocent people. Hamas, pro-palestinians, and the 90% of Palestinians who are taking the side of Hamas, this blood is ON YOU ! This time, no forgiveness, no forgetting. Only one solution : go all the way, until everybody can live peacefully inside Israel. Amen ve amen !
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:21:20 +0000

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