MAJOR PROPHECY COMING TO PASS! 2ND TRY WILL BE IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2015! THE OPENING OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT! Revelation chapter 9 VS 1-6, and 11, And the FIFTH ANGEL SOUNDED, and I saw a STAR fall from HEAVEN unto the EARTH: and to him was GIVEN the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT. (Note, Hell loosed upon the earth! We now have the technology the KEY, to open the bottomless pit! The STAR represents an ANGEL a messenger bringing Gods knowledge to make this happen! This is prophecy that must come to pass there is no avoiding it!) And he OPENED the BOTTOMLESS PIT; and there AROSE a SMOKE out of the PIT, as the SMOKE of a GREAT FURNACE; and the SUN and the AIR WERE DARKENED by reason of the smoke of the PIT. (Note, We must pray to see and understand what is going on in the spiritual in order to see what is truly manifesting in the physical!) And there came out of the smoke LOCUSTS upon the EARTH: and unto them was given POWER, as the SCORPIONS of the EARTH HAVE POWER. And it was COMMANDED THEM that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but ONLY THOSE MEN which have NOT the SEAL of GOD in their FOREHEADS. (Note, Notice they are only allowed to HURT THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE THE SEAL of GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS!) And to THEM it was GIVEN that they should not KILL THEM, but that THEY SHOULD BE TORMENTED FIVE MONTHS: and their TORMENT was as the TORMENT of a SCORPION, when he STRIKES A MAN. And in those days shall MEN SEEK DEATH, and SHALL NOT FIND IT; and shall DESIRE to DIE, and DEATH SHALL FLEE FROM THEM. (Note, On this next verse also shows, when the beast is given His full POWER from Satan, which is with the opening of the pit, though Satan is not bound, this still reflects on the worse to be unleashed, full power given to the ANTICHRIST for a short period of time, for he will come to his end!) VS 11 And THEY had a king over them, which is the ANGEL of the BOTTOMLESS PIT, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue has his name Apollyon. (Note, So at what point were we shown we were given the SEAL of God? Here is scripture!) Revelation chapter 7 VS 1-3 And after these things I saw FOUR ANGELS standing on the FOUR CORNERS of the EARTH, HOLDING the FOUR WINDS of the EARTH, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another ANGEL ASCENDING from the EAST, having the SEAL of the LIVING GOD: and he CRIED with a LOUD VOICE to the FOUR ANGELS, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and sea, Saying, Hurt NOT the EARTH, neither the SEA, nor the TREES, till WE HAVE SEALED the SERVANTS of OUR GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS. (Note, The SEAL of GOD is the WORD of GOD SEALED into our FOREHEADS, Gods chosen ELECT have the SEAL. Where is the backing of this? I will give scripture, for those who belong to our Lord God have His word engraved into us! Praise our Lord God for His mercy and grace! He will be coming back with a new name which NO MAN will KNOW, and that is the WORD of GOD. Those who do not love God, will not know His WORD!) Revelation chapter 19 VS 11-16 And I saw HEAVEN OPENED, and behold a WHITE HORSE; and He that sat upon him was called FAITHFUL and TRUE, and in RIGHTEOUSNESS He does JUDGE and MAKE WAR. His EYES were as a FLAME of FIRE, and on His head were MANY CROWNS; and He had a NAME WRITTEN, that NO MAN KNEW, but He Himself. (Note, Once again, Gods children are not appointed to WRATH, so when our Lord God comes back to make war with those who are left behind, they are those who are not of God!) And He was CLOTHED with a VESTURE DIPPED IN BLOOD: and His name is called THE WORD of GOD. (Note, Here is the confirmation of the SEAL of GOD, being the WORD of GOD. This part of the scriptures is AFTER THE ELECT is in HEAVEN, for Revelation 19 shows the marriage of the Lamb, if we read the beginning of it, we find this out here. It is best to read all of Revelation 19! His children are given a new name. What better name than the WORD of GOD, which is eternal life through Jesus Christ, the AUTHOR of our SALVATION!) And the ARMIES which were in HEAVEN followed Him upon WHITE HORSES, clothed in FINE LINEN, WHITE and CLEAN. And out of His mouth goes a SHARP SWORD, that with it He should SMITE the NATIONS: and He shall RULE THEM with a ROD of IRON: and He TREADS the WINEPRESS of the FIERCENESS and WRATH of ALMIGHTY GOD. And He has on His VESTURE and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Amen and Amen... (Note, For one more confirmation, showing the WINDOWS of HEAVEN as is also noted here opened, but also the GATES of HELL opened, at the end of days, here is book and scripture.) Isaiah chapter 24 VS 17-18 FEAR, and the PIT, and the SNARE, are UPON YOU, O inhabitant of the EARTH. And it shall come to pass, that he who FLEES from the noise of the FEAR shall FALL INTO the PIT; and he that COMES UP out of the midst of the PIT shall be TAKEN IN the SNARE; for the WINDOWS from on HIGH ARE OPEN, and the FOUNDATIONS of the EARTH DO SHAKE. (Note, Stand firm on the word of God, do not soon be shaken, for those who are following our Lord God with all of our heart, mind, and soul, are covered with the PROTECTION of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD through our ALMIGHTY LORD and KING JESUS CHRIST!) Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:10:02 +0000

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