MAJOR PROPHECY COMING TO PASS! THE END OF THIS WORLD IS NEAR! ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMIES COLLAPSING! WORLD WAR III NEAR, OIL PRICE DROP PUTTING THE HOOK IN GOG! Ezekiel chapter 38 VS 2-11 Son of man, set your face AGAINST GOG, the LAND of MAGOG, the CHIEF PRINCE of MESHECH and Tubal, and PROPHESY AGAINST HIM, And say, thus saith the LORD GOD; Behold, I AM AGAINST YOU, O Gog, the CHIEF PRINCE of Meshach and Tubal. And I will TURN YOU BACK, and PUT HOOKS INTO YOUR JAWS, and I will BRING YOU FORTH, and ALL YOUR ARMY, HORSES, and HORSEMEN, all of them clothed with ALL SORTS of ARMOR, EVEN A GREAT COMPANY with BUCKLERS, and SHIELDS, ALL of THEM HANDLING SWORDS: PERSIA, ETHIOPIA, and LIBYA with THEM; ALL of THEM with SHIELD, and HELMET: GOMER, and ALL HIS BANDS; the HOUSE of TOGARMAH of the NORTH QUARTERS, and ALL HIS BANDS: and MANY PEOPLE with YOU. (Note, This is world war III our brothers, and sisters in Jesus Christ! It is taking place! There is no avoiding it! There is a big reason one of the major sources of wealth which is OIL was dropped to an all time low, to put the hooks in, and bring about this upcoming terrible war, a time of trouble like never before, and never shall be again! Look up for our redemption draws near! Keep Faith, and Hope in Jesus Christ, He is our blessed Saviour, He will deliver on His promise, to spare His children from His wrath, for the Lord has not appointed those of us who keep all of His commandments to wrath, walking, in His truth, and His righteousness, being His light in this dark, and sinful world! Behold, He has told us before time, so when it came, we would know He is our Lord God!) VS 7 Be YOU PREPARED, and PREPARE for YOURSELF, YOU, and ALL YOUR COMPANY that are ASSEMBLED UNTO YOU, and be YOU A GAURD unto THEM. After many days YOU shall be VISITED: in the LATTER DAYS you shall come into the land that is BROUGHT BACK from the SWORD, and is gathered out of many people, AGAINST the MOUNTAINS of ISRAEL, which have BEEN ALWAYS WASTE: but it is BROUGHT forth OUT of the NATIONS, and THEY shall DWELL SAFELY ALL of THEM. You shall ASCEND (RISE UP), and COME LIKE A STORM, YOU shall BE LIKE A CLOUD to COVER the LAND, YOU, and ALL YOUR BANDS, and MANY PEOPLE WITH YOU. (Note, A cloud of war planes, of destruction, sudden destruction of all sorts, by land, and by sea!!!) Thus saith the LORD GOD; It shall COME to PASS, that at the SAME TIME shall THINGS COME INTO YOUR MIND, and YOU SHALL THINK AN EVIL THOUGHT: And YOU shall say, I will GO UP to the LAND of UNWALLED VILLAGES; I will go TO THEM THAT ARE AT REST, that DWELL SAFELY, ALL of THEM DWELLING WITHOUT WALLS, and having neither BARS NOR GATES, (Note, This prophecy is against AMERICA, the land of UNWALLED VILLAGES, NO BARS or GATES, the LAND that was ONCE KNOWN AS THE FREE, which confirms, no bars or gates! Those who are imprisoned are behind WALLS, BARS, and GATES! Hear what the SPIRIT of the LORD is saying, our precious brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ! Now is high time to sound the ALARM, to BLOW the TRUMPET!) To TAKE A SPOIL, and to TAKE A PREY; to turn your hand upon the DESOLATE PLACES that ARE NOW INHABITED, and upon the PEOPLE that are GATHERED OUT of the NATIONS, which have GOTTEN CATTLE, and GOODS, that DWELL in the MIDST of the LAND. (Note, We must NOT miss what our Lord is prophesying here! UPON THE PEOPLE THAT ARE GATHERED OUT OF THE NATIONS, PLURAL, meaning, AMERICA is a LAND OF MANY TONGUES, PEOPLE OF MANY NATIONS! Us being careful not to miss, that this also involves the ENTIRE WORLDLY NATIONS, for it is WORLD WAR III, to CRIPPLE the people, to bring in the NEW ANTICHRIST WORLD ORDER, to BRING DESOLATION of MANY PEOPLE, to BRING DOWN THE CITIES OF THE NATIONS, and the OLD RICHES, THE OLD MONEY OF THE NATIONS, TO BRING INSLAVEMENT UNTO THOSE WHO REMAIN ALIVE, AFTER THOUSANDS HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES, DO TO WAR, APOCALYPTIC WEATHER, HEAVENLY AND EARTHLY WAR, FOR THE POWERS OF THE HEAVENS SHALL BE SHAKEN!!! Read all of Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39!) Revelation chapter 18 VS 1-5, 23 And after these things I saw ANOTHER ANGEL, COME DOWN from HEAVEN, having GREAT POWER; and the EARTH was LIGHTENED with HIS GLORY. And he CRIED MIGHTILY with A STRONG VOICE, saying, Babylon the GREAT is FALLEN, is FALLEN, and is BECOME the HABITATION of DEVILS, and the HOLD of EVERY FOUL SPIRIT, and A CAGE of EVERY UNCLEAN, and HATEFUL BIRD. (Note, Jesus Christ has been TAKEN OUT OF AMERICA, there is a BIG ATTACK ON CHRISTIANS, and ISRAEL WORLD WIDE! No one is aloud to talk about Jesus Christ in the schools, or practically anywhere else. One can practice any religion in America, except practicing Christianity, which shows the ONE and ONLY TRUE BELIEF IN JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD! Satanism is on the RISE in AMERICA, and AROUND the WORLD LIKE NEVER BEFORE! America has BECOME FILLED with EVERY EVIL SPIRIT, FILLED with DEVILS, the Satanist/illuminati/ luciferian worshippers, putting a STATUE of SATAN up in Oklahoma! Them purposely knocking down the STATUE of the TEN COMMANDMENTS of our Lord God! This is to show that our LORD GOD is no longer risen up in this country knocking His commandments down, and that LUCIFER/SATAN their god is RISEN UP! They may do it here for a moment, for the reason that the DEVIL KNOWS he has but a SHORT TIME, but in the end we know how our Lords prophecy ends, and that is all evil sin, being cast into the lake of fire, and brimstone!) For ALL NATIONS have DRUNK of the WINE, of the WRATH of HER FORNICATION, and the KINGS of the EARTH have committed FORNICATION with HER, and the MERCHANTS of the EARTH ARE WAXED RICH through the ABUNDANCE of HER DELICACIES. (Note, We know since 1945 WORLD WAR II, that AMERICA has been a SUPER POWER, and ALL NATIONS have bought, and traded with her off of the coasts lines, for she is the one that SITS ON MANY WATERS, California, Hawaii, New York, surrounded by many waters, as prophesied by the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 51!) And I heard another VOICE from HEAVEN, saying, COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that YOU BE NOT PARTAKERS of HER SINS, and that YOU RECEIVE NOT of HER PLAGUES. For HER SINS have REACHED unto HEAVEN, and GOD has remembered her INIQUITIES. (Note, We must remember that there used to be a time, when we could PREACH about JESUS CHRIST on the STREET CORNERS, that America said, we were one nation under God! We must remember in the schools we used to sing songs like WHEN THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN, TALKING about the SAINTS of our Lord GOD! All has changed, and our Lord God, has REMEMBERED the INIQUITIES of this NATION! Notice our Lord Jesus Christ is calling us out in this verse, COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, THIS IS A CALL TO THE ELECT CHURCH, to COME OUT OF BABYLON, which is the DECIEVEING SPIRIT over the RICHES and LUSTS of the NATIONS around THE WHOLE WORLD, this is the church being CAUGHT UP TO GOD! I will show proof in scripture in the same chapter!) VS 23 And the LIGHT of A CANDLE shall SHINE NO MORE AT ALL IN YOU; and the VOICE of the BRIDEGROOM ( JESUS CHRIST), and of the BRIDE (ELECT CHURCH) shall be HEARD NO MORE AT ALL IN YOU: for YOUR MERCHANTS were the GREAT MEN of the EARTH; for by YOUR SORCERIES WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. (Note, A candle represents the church! The LIGHT is JESUS CHRIST, will SHINE NO MORE, His LIGHT IS TAKEN OUT OF THE WORLD! As noted above my brothers, and sister in Christ, the VOICE of the BRIDEGROOM, and of the BRIDE, JESUS CHRIST and the ELECT CHURCH will be heard no more at all in this present sinful world! We are CAUGHT UP TO our LORD GOD, the Light of Jesus Christ goes up with His light upon His call, at the LAST TRUMP of GOD, which can happen any moment now, when everything is getting ready to be AT ITS MOST TERRIBLE TIME! This is getting ready to be the TIME OF DELIVERANCE! By the guidance of our Lord God I will show proof once again in scripture.) KJV, Daniel chapter 12 VS 1 And at THAT TIME shall MICHAEL (archangel) STAND UP, the GREAT PRINCE which STANDS for the CHILDREN of YOUR PEOPLE: and there shall BE A TIME of TROUBLE, such as NEVER WAS since there was a NATION even to that SAME TIME: and AT THAT TIME YOUR PEOPLE shall BE DELIVERED, EVERYONE that shall be FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK. (Note, Lambs Book of Life. Praise our Lord GOD!!!) ST. Mark chapter 13 VS 20 And EXCEPT that the LORD HAD SHORTENED THOSE DAYS, NO FLESH should be SAVED: but for the ELECTS SAKE, whom HE HAS CHOSEN, HE HAS SHORTENED the DAYS. (Note, The Elect will be REMOVED from this world, SNATCHED OUT, RAPTURED, CAUGHT UP TO OUR LORD GOD, AT A TWINKLE of an EYE, VANISHED, followed by the WRATH of GOD upon those who did not love the truth, which is the WORD of GOD, which is JESUS CHRIST!) Revelation chapter 22 VS 20-21 He which TESTIFIES these things saith, SURELY I COME QUICKLY. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:40:02 +0000

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