MAJOR UPDATE ON BALBOA PARK CELEBRATIONS, INC. PLEASE note paragraph # 4: To those of you who have been following the continuing, never-ending and both always sad yet frighteningly entertaining saga of the Balboa Park Celebration, Inc. [BPCI] debacle, fiscal shenanigans, nondisclosures and arrogance, this is the latest chapter as of 3.7.2014 at 7:00 PM: 1. Documents show a continuous pattern of non-disclosures and misrepresentations to the Public. Salaries higher than disclosed. Personnel changes not disclosed. Transparency and Openness were an internal joke at BPCI , from the full Board of Directors to the least senior employee. Lying, misrepresentations, cover-ups---all were an inherent part of their corporate culture; 2. A key employee had to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement, so the public, the Mayor, the City Council would not know the truth; 3. I visited, unannounced, to the BPCI offices in Balboa Park one afternoon after the first UT articles about BPCI, but before I became involved, just to see if anyone was there, and if they were working. One person, Victor Avina, was having a sandwich and talking to someone on the phone. No one else was there. Apparently after I became involved, my earlier visit panicked Mr. Braun, who wrote an internal memo saying the offices should always be locked, and I may be unstable and pose a security risk. Mr. Braun is the propaganda expert of course. When you cant defend your conduct on the merits, slander your critics; 4. I have now had the chance to review all produced documents produced to date, including a series of distressing internal BPCI E Mails between employees and Board members. These detail their attempts to personally discredit me, to factually mislead me, to inaccurately represent the controlling law in an effort to discourage me , and to actively deceive the public and public officials. I got physically ill reading these, and reflecting on them. This is how an honest critic is treated by public trustees in this City ? And these were the documents that were preserved and produced. WHAT did they write, TEXT and send in voice mails that we will never discover ? [I can send you the entire E Mail series in a file, if you send me an E Mail to: 2015BalboaPark@GMail]; 5. Mayor Faulconer and the City Council continue to do nothing and to say nothing [Send Faulconer and Todd Gloria an E Mail, or just copy this Posting, and send them to [email protected] & [email protected] and see if you get no response like me]; and 6. Jeff McDonald of the UT will have another article posted early this evening. Thanks so much to each of you who have followed this tragedy.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:05:18 +0000

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