MAKE GREAT DECISIONS Standing in the middle of the road is very - TopicsExpress


MAKE GREAT DECISIONS Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher What is the difference between people who make things happen and those that just seem to have things happen to them? Why can one person create new directions for themselves while another always seems to be a victim of circumstance? The difference lies in their ability to make decisions. What are you like at making decisions? Good, poor, can’t decide? Have you noticed that when your self-esteem falls your decision-making faculty seems to be one of the first things to go? And just when you most needed it! When self-doubt casts it shadow it can become hard to trust our own judgement and so we flounder about in a mist of vagueness and begin to unquestioningly accept the opinion of others. This of course plunges us straight into even lower self-esteem. Just look at me I can’t even make an easy decision, I’m so useless, I just give up, I’ll just go along with what everybody else thinks… When we feel like this it can seem impossible to know what to do, what to say or even what to believe. So what can you do when indecision next strikes? If you can’t make up your mind about something don’t immediately criticize yourself for being dithering and irresolute. Perhaps this decision needs some careful consideration. Weigh up the pros and cons and allow yourself time to process your feelings. Give yourself a realistic deadline for coming to a conclusion. And then, if you are still unsure, why not try a different approach? You can beat the indecision blues every time by using this practical and upbeat life coaching strategy Try this • Discover your objective. This just means clarifying your outcome. You do this by asking yourself this question: ‘What do I want to happen here?’ When you are clear about your intention you can just work backwards to see how you can accomplish it. • Plan your action. As soon as you know your objective you can ask yourself how you can achieve it and this will show you the first step that you will need to take. • Take that first step. No more sitting on the fence or standing in the middle of the road! Follow through with the right moves and you will be amazed by how wonderful you will feel and how your self-esteem will soar. I am aware that clients sometimes use indecisiveness as an excuse not to commit. You might not be suffering with uncertainty you may just be reluctant to move out of a comfort zone. Check whether this is the case.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 09:29:39 +0000

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