MAKE SURE YOU READ UNTIL THE END. Be thankful - TopicsExpress


MAKE SURE YOU READ UNTIL THE END. Be thankful always,especially to those who made you what you are today. 23June years ago, I came on earth because of a man and a woman who met at school and I was the product,After some few years they separated,my mother blamed herself and thought she had made a mistake but I was not a mistake,She took care of me. I thank G.O.D for my parents, I am really humbled your majesty for taking care of me until today,I also appreciate HRH Make Mbikiza for being there for me at all times.My beloved grandmothers Balondolozi,I love them so His majesty is leaving today lets join hands in prayer for our father. The wouldnt be Prophet/Seer Paul Israel if the was no Prophet U.Angel, Major Prophet wherever you are and mom Prophetess Bebe Angel I really appreciate everything you have done in my life,although sometimes I do dissappoint you on my actions but you always in prayer for us and you always lead by example to me. There are men and women that I tresuar, love and honer so much.Man Like my Senior Major Prophet, Prophet Passion Java and Prophetess Yasmin Java Kingdom Embassy who came through in my life where everyone had written me off, The were and the are still there for me physically and Spiritually.Your are always in my heart and in my life I will never forget you and all the things you teaching,especially in the prophetic,I really appreciate. Another man of the same calibre as my beloved, Senior Major Prophet,Prophet Passion Java, A man who came through where I felt like quiting everything, where by I even felt like quiting life itself,where by I thought the Lord has forsaken me, whereby I was now hopeless,He gave me hope.Apostle Whatmore Makwara, I honer you and I tresuar you my Rabbi, always and everyday. On the other side whereby I had and still have them, women who stood with me where by everything was closing down, financilly, Spiritually,physically, Women of valour, whereby everyone around me turned against me because of my wicknesses and my mistakes but this following women stood with me,Whereby even those I found from scratch left, those who were nobodys, whom now have become somebodys because of me had turned against me this women stood with me, some of this had to go through a tough time even in their households because of the love they had and still have for me, some of them had to loose somethings because of me. Dr Bongiwe Zondi Matsebula,mom thank you very much,in everything you have done for me and still doing for me, I really appreciate everything and thank you for being patient with all my mistakes.I love you always and your entire household. Prophetess Denswa Israel, a woman who have been insulted,abused,used, accused, rejected but still remained strong,You stood with me where by I did not deserve it,You brought hope where the was no hope, you encouraged me to press on the mark until we achieve it, Lo and behold it was so, You were and you are still there with me physically,spiritual.Although you went to through a lot because of me but you decided just to stick with me,you didnt care about the insults you got from the people who were around you,its like you were seeing the future,which is today,this year and from this month. Harmony Israel aka Bethu Shiba a woman who has been told how evil I am,a woman who has been forced to ship out of my life and the Holy Spirit Embassy because of my actions but you decided to draw more closer,Holy Spirit Embassy Swaziland and I today wouldnt be standing,wouldnt be existing without you, I really appreciate everything you have done and you still doing might woman of valour. I cannot forget my beloved brother, Apostle Glorious Liberty, A man who came through when everyone was running away from me and you stood with me,encouraged me and gave me a reason to continue preaching the gospel.i love you brother. My teacher, my leader, Dr Prophet Themba Magongo and Prophetess Mom Ntabiseng, whom you are always in my support,physically, financially and spiritual How can I leave my elders, especially in branch Swaziland,Make Nomsa Janet Dlamini, Babe Mabuza and Make mabuza, Emmanuel Sithole, Babe Nkambule,Pastor Hlobi, Babe Sifiso Dlamini,Sibonelo, Great Success, Charles, Wiseman Dunamis Israel,my elders I am humbled and proud to have you in my life and in the Holy Spirit Embassy,Swaziland. Just to name a few. Through actions I have seen and have tasted love through this people I have mentioned,although I was not perfect,although I would sometimes do things they didnt understand but they never left and they never talked bad or should I say publicly criticised or judged nor condemned me, they counselled me, adviced me, although sometimes I wouldnt give them a chance to do so but they never gave up on me. I would also like to thank everyone who has been praying,supporting us financially, physically, spiritual.You mean a lot to us. Learn to appreciate the people who made you who you are today,appreciate the people who stood with you hard times.Think to your self, if the was no this person, would you be known where you are known today,would you be alive today if your parents were not there.would you have met the people you met if it was not for somebody else, who decided to agree on the Holy Spirit to make you what you are today. I decree and declare may the Lord, your creator give you people who love you genuinely,people who will stand with you no matter what happens, people who will give you hope where the is no hope, may you be connected to the right people,not Judas Iscariots by the authority of the Holy Spirit in the name of Christ Yeshua. IN SWAZILAND,EVERY SUNDAY, FELLOWSHIP WITH US AT LITTLE ESTAIN PRE-SCHOOL OPPOSITE FLAS,MANZINI.1030 am IN GAUTENG,EVERY FRIDAY,CENTURION-PRETORIA,LYTELLTON,630 pm IN BRONKHOSPRUIT WE ARE MOVING TO A NEW VENUE,WHICH WILL KNOWN BY MONDAY IN LYDENBURG-EVERYDAY AT MASHISHING, MAJUBANE, KHULISA DAY CARE.6pm IN THE USA, MIAMI SERVICES ARE CANCELLED FOR NOW AS THE DAUGHTER IN CHARGE OF THE PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP IS AT SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS IN ISRAEL. THE HOLY SPIRIT EMBASSY IS MORE THAN A CHURCH BUT A FAMILY, AS NOW IN SWAZILAND WE HAVE STARTED A MINISTRY OF VISITING JAILS, HOSPITALS, OPHARNAGES AND TAKING OF THE WIDOWS. SHAMMAH-THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD IS ALWAYS WITH US.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 23:42:15 +0000

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