MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND COMMIT EVERYTHING FOR VICTORY November 04, 2013 Luke 14:26–35 Key Verse: Luke 14:33 Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Have you ever watched television documentaries about how the United States entered World War II after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? By the end of the war, we had assembled the largest and most powerful fighting force in the history of man; but we did not begin that way. Our “air force” consisted of a handful of World War I vintage double-wing aircraft with open cockpits, very few instruments, and the speed of snails compared to the state-of-the-art fighters and bombers Japanese and German pilots flew. Our skimpy tank divisions also dated from World War I, complete with rust and missing parts. We had a very small and poorly prepared standing army. The problem was that until the fateful morning of December 7, we did not have the will or determination to fight. Once we made up our mind, the entire nation changed its priorities virtually overnight! We rationed crucial resources such as rubber, petroleum products, and steel, and we quickly converted entire auto production plants and shipyards into military equipment plants. Millions of men left their homes, jobs, and families to joint the fight, and everyone at home did his part as well. The Axis powers greatly underestimated what we Americans could do, and it cost them everything. Another enemy has underestimated the power of the church. God’s kingdom is about to rise suddenly and accelerate the time schedule of this cleanup and occupation operation. All we have to do is make up our mind. The weak-willed and undisciplined church we have today barely resembles the glorious church of power, light, and holiness pictured in the Bible. Something has to change, and God says it must change now. Judgment and mercy begin in the house of God, then they move outward to the unredeemed world. God is removing the old to bring in the new. It is showdown time for the church first, then the world. Are you ready for change? PRAYER Heavenly Father, You do not have to wait on me any longer. I have made up mind, and I am with You in this thing to the end—no matter what it costs. I am ready to advance Your kingdom now.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 07:34:55 +0000

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