MAKE VIRAL.....ANYONE THAT CAN Calling All AMERICANS TO DC TOMORROW!!!! Bring warm Clothes and Sleeping Bag! Manny E. Vega I am, like most Americans, disgusted with the lack of reverence applied to our democratic process. Mr. Obama has usurped the Constitution he swore to uphold faithfully and has subverted the will of the American people. This action by this man, to be announced tomorrow, will be the last violation this executive commits. The American people have had enough of this carelessness within this branch. American Patriots, who revere the Constitution, will take matters into their own hands, peacefully, but in mass, to restore our nation and demand Barack Obamas resignation along with the entire administration, including the Vice President. An ultimatum will be set, for them to resign or they will face citizens arrest at the hands of We the People. Within the Patriot community there exist many veterans. Warriors who have sworn an oath to the defend the Constitution. We still are more than willing to uphold our oath taken years back. We come in peace, but we will not leave. We will get louder and greater. This is a call for all Americans, from sea to shining sea, to reinforce their fellow American Patriots in front of the White House. Enough is enough, the time is now for the American people to intervene in the checks and balances, for nothing has been done to uphold our nations supreme law, by neither the Legislative and Judicial branches, and particularly, everything is a political agenda between the parties. Such is why, the thought of impeaching the occupant of the White House is laughably dismissed. We aim to take our country to the grand idea that our founding fathers intended when they established it. This is a peaceful revolution with every ounce of the Spirit of 1776. We will apply pressure, daily, night and day, until We the People redress our grievances and the criminals resign. We do this with our posterity in mind, just as the founders had US in theirs. A grand endeavor it is, but we Americans will follow through and not quit. God Bless America! For our children, Manny E. Vega
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:34:39 +0000

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