MAKING NATIONAL HISTORY; HOW TO BECOME NIGERIA’S FIRST PRESIDENT TO BE DEMOCRATICALLY REMOVED FROM OFFICE…… Obagunle Adelowo How do you make your mama proud? For a child to be part of the history of a clan, virtually would bring joy to the mother, but if he (the son) make-up a Nation’s history! Wao!, the mother is overwhelmed, let alone, history-line of Presidents and Heads of state of the nation, your guess is as good as mine; the son has the mother’s heart already, but to blow her heart most, let the child ensure his mum is alive to witness as the history unfolds. (Obagunle Adelowo, January 14, 2015; Making National History) How do you make national history? Very simple and straightforward!: (One)- *Ensure the wisdom, competency and ability to lead A WHOLE NATION wasn’t part of your nature, ambition and struggles for life right from birth till your tender age, *Become a governor by Natural Luck, *Become also, the President by Natural Luck, Meet your Boss reduce FUEL from 70 naira to 65 naira but remove oil subsidy as a New Year gift to Nigerians on the 1st of a January. Initially dribble Nigerians with fuel price; announce first, 150 Naira per litre but after prompting into NATIONAL PROTEST against your government from all angles of Nigerian regions by Nigerians irrespective of their ethnic or political identity. Later reduce the price to 97 Naira which was the initial price you intended increasing it to earlier, Likewise meet your Boss use wisdom settle an unrest in a certain part of the country not strange to you. But make sure when it get to your administration, allow a crippling insurgency in a part of the nation amplify at an alarming rate. Just keep blaming and blaming activities of these blood daredevil insurgents on your opposition party and ill equipped Arm Forces while you ask the nation to allow you keep borrowing money from the ever ready to trade WHITES (as dollar keep strengthening against naira). Keep asking Nigerians to give you more time and of course, be patient and continue to pray along with you for God to help the country put an end to the daily Massacre of Nigerian souls (as you deceitfully often visit Israel WHERE GOD IS). Deceive Nigerians that your government has reached a CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT with the insurgents, only for them to wake up few days after, to see the insurgents release a video, denying any cease fire agreement if there was even any agreement and vowed to continue their able deeds even as the insurgents fulfill after on daily basis bathing with Nigerians’ blood under YOUR ABLE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF NIGERIAN ARMED FORCE’S WATCH. And of course, tell Nigerians to vote for you for another 4 years, after 6 years in office of not winning the life security war, which happens to be the priority of Nigerians (No be person wey dey alive go board LIGHT TRAIN?). Consequently watch as citizens unsponsoredly destroy your campaign vehicles in annoyance to your administration during election mood, Meet your party a strong, most influential party in Africa, while you selfishly tear the party apart, loosing various qualitative and quantitative countless members of the party jumping out of the party on a daily basis within your first 4 years in office and consequently watch as the party becomes challengeable by a new opposition party which is always ready to receive those virtues jumping out of your party. Lose 5 governors to this party at a go and of course try your best to lose also the Lower Federal Legislative House to this opposition party, all on this broken party course, attributed to their aggrieved annoyance with your personality, stand and acts in the party. Get impatiently pressed within the next 48 hours to declare the seat of the Lower House chairman Jumpee vacant through your boy Inspector General of police, Turn down the offer of your political elder, world known security conscious and capable leader in this sense, someone like a former President of the country on his sole request for an official letter of permission, to voluntarily help your government and Nigeria negotiate on behalf of the nation to put an end to this bloodshed. Disregard his elongated hand of help offer, observably because you believe he just selfishly want to win huge political points and the nation’s heart; the glory of winning the war (so wetin concern us Nigerians? atleast stop the bloodshed first, it doesn’t matter WHO). Rather, blast him in public in response to his request which looks valueless to you. Tell him if he really has the nation at heart he doesn’t need any official letter from Presidency, he should just go ahead without any official acknowledgement from you. Allow your Ego to push you to wanting to win the war selfishly yourself to get the glory while bloodshed keeps alarming due to your incapability. Make sure this act and decision gets your personality blasted and your government criticized in annoyance by this elder through MY WATCH. Try to clean the air off his non-support of your administration, so invite him to a party during election mood and make the funny man humorously and intentionally play along with your trick by attending your party and try pay him visit few days after to beg on your kneels for his support, and disappointedly watch him sneak out to avoid you and later see him bag another honourable funny Nick; (ABJ?), (Corruption Kissing Corruption): Make sure your administration is caught up with so many corruption charges and allegations and of course, ensure not a single of those corrupt charges or Persons is really successfully persecuted. For example; Allow also some set of people who were caught embezzle 33 Billions of Naira, Police pension fund get away without any clear judgment of the court about the case till date. Also, ensure your Aviation Minister spends fraudulently, 225 million naira on two BMW bullet proof cars and after she’s been caught and became a global talk, relief her of office and watch as she’s been sponsoredly glorified with a title in her village. Make sure the chairman of the House of Representatives on Subsidy Probe Panel cart away 620,000 dollar bribe from an oil Baron despite video and audio evidence without any clear result of court sitting on the case. Likewise, watch your Petroleum Minister be scandalously accused of Renting and Maintaining private jets with 10 Billion Naira of Nigerians money, and to shield her, buy your way into neighbouring communities for her to be given the uppermost position among West African communities in order to chilled her from being investigated by the ever ready to bounce on your government House of Representative. Also, allow your Personality to be fraudulently ALLEGED of been connected to hiding under buying and equipping the Nigerian Army with Fire Arms to defraud Nigerians of 9.3 million Dollars caught by the South African government and to cover this, send another Jet carrying close amount, directed intentionally towards that same lane to be caught again to look as if the initially caught jet was actually meant for buying Fire Arms. Watch also under your nose, fraudulent set of Nigerian Immigration Service agents defraud poor unemployed Nigerians of Millions of naira and do nothing substantial about it despite 18 deaths of poor unemployed Nigerian victims recorded during the incident. Make a politician, the South West leader of your party, someone indicted by the United State for drug trafficking charges and conspiracy to smuggle heroin into their country under a ruling by the United State court, instead of handling him over to US for prosecution. Openly tell Nigerians that Stealing is not corruption, and contradictly tell them again during your campaigns that you will tame corruption when voted back into office again, Give Presidential Pardon to a convicted governor of a South-Southern state who stole several Billions of naira citizen’s tax payer fund. Also give presidential pardon to a world known killer of the wife of the former June-12 Yoruba Presidential Aspirant. Give Presidential Pardon to the son of a former corrupt brutal military Head of state of 446.3 Billion naira (almost ½ Trillion), a Theft Scandal case with the Anti-Financial Crime Commission. Ironically give presidential pardon to a former aviation minister, a critical negative critic of your administration in the Anti-Financial Crime Agent’s net and make him your campaign Media and Publicity Chairman (Stealing is not corruption). Give an ex-convicted leader of a group of amnestied militant presidential contract to on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria acquire 5 War Ships, a person dreaded by Nigerians as one who can divert such national sensitive weapon into harming Nigerians in future. Keep mute on the incidence of a call by a senior legal elder-statesman activist on the adjustment of the daily death sentence of soldiers fighting this war for you, (Corruption kissing Corruption) Allow your Boy, your banker to publicly challenge your personality as a sitting President for robbing and defrauding merciless citizens of 49.8 billion dollars, and later tell the citizens that it’s just 20 billion dollars that is missing with no trace or backing of where the said 20 billion dollars went hiding. Impatiently sack this boy and immediately harass him around with the Arm Forces, the instrument you constitutional own in a bid to punish him for trying to ridicule you in public. But cheaply allow this boy to challenge you in court several times and win you, a sitting President. Cheaply allow the court inclusively punish you in favour of the boy that you should even pay him 50 million Naira personality damage fee. Not stopping there, watch this boy at your nostril became an Emir in one of Nigeria’s most populated and respected Northern state, while you ironically confirm his royalship position to the nation by inviting him and other notable Emirs of the region to a National Breakfast Prayer Tea meeting at Aso-Rock , allowing yourself to be in a dilemma of whether you should on a visit intend prostrate or bow as the case may be to this your Emir boy, to beg for support and help accumulate his state’s vote during election, that’s if the states’ vote is of any meaning to you, Watch an estimated number of more than 40,000 Nigerians be slaughtered and more than 3 million Nigerians displaced during your tenure. Also watch more than 200 girls be kidnapped for almost 9 months as at this day of this write up. Initially disregard the claim but later accept the claim after several meaningful Nigerians and celebrities within and abroad including the White House demand your acknowledgment of the incident and also the immediate restoration of the girls back home and of course, the #BringBackOurGirls by a Concerned Nigerian; someone like a former World bank vice president Africa region. Also watch as these children is been suspectedly used to harm the nation as suicide bombing weapon while several fresh cases of kidnaps fails to seize. Also in ensuring this national history, a reality, don’t ever think of visiting or supporting the parents of these kidnapped girls, despite pressure from activists in the nation, instead allow an ordinary 17 years old foreigner girl (Ordinary; as in, compared age) to fly down to your country on quest to advice you (an elderly man) to visit these parents. After series of reasoning and deliberation, later reason to send them coming to Aso Rock instead. Get yourself publicly disgraced by these parents through declining your invitation on your calendar fixed event day while you were expecting them at Aso Rock, before considering your offer another scheduled date, Wastefully BUDGET 34.5 Million in 2014 for two animals inside Aso Rock Zoo, increase your 2014 meal and refreshment budget in Aso Rock from 362 million naira in 2014 to 517.9 million for 2015. Budget 834 million naira for fuel and lubricant for your car and generator in 2014. Budget 1.6 Billion naira for a new jet in 2014, of course all out poverty stricken Nigerians’ money. Sell the PHCN to private operators without any substantial improvement in the power sector while zathe PHCN customer pay bill skyrockets and approve the new inflated tariff for poor masses to pay. Take to the decision of spending millions of naira to change the 100 naira note, but devalue the textural quality, remove the Zuma rock and the Arabic on the former note and get yourself blasted by Muslim Associations across the country on your decision to remove the arabics and make the note look strange from other Nigerian currency similar to that of Saudi currency. Re-arose the ATM bank charges of 65 naira after your former banker saw it as unnecessary. Refuse to declare your assets publicly, as opposed to your counterparts. Allow yourself to be mentioned in one global site as the 6th richest president in the whole Africa. Make your administration known for always borrowing money abroad, Keep ringing it to Nigerians’ ear through your coordinating minister for Finance and Economy that Nigerian’s GDP is 2.3 Billion dollars, the richest country in Africa even richer than South Africa, allow this to leave an impression by the Nigerian masses that “YES! They already knew Nigeria is rich, safe the bad breath, but can a common man feed on the street of Nigeria? Where is the money going to?, Boldly tell Nigerians on a Live Media Chat that your government can only provide 25% of jobs to sky-rocketed rate of unemployed graduates that only private companies can provide more jobs, which your government is trying in its best to empower. Of course, watch 75% of young graduates during your administration become unemployed as you keep speaking through your minister of finance that your government is really creating jobs, without any clear notice or site of any job, Be the first president to be cheaply insulted and challenged with provocative statement from Nobel Laureates, ex-presidents, ex-ministers, senators, governors, ex-governors, your banker, recently as at this day “IRRESPONSIBLE” by a South African politician and concerned citizens on all forms of media platforms. Also make sure death of any Nigerian citizen doesn’t stop your dancing at a political rally or postponing your Centenary merriment. Likewise, spend millions of naira on CONFAB without implementation of result before election even as it’s not certain to you before planning the COMFAB whether you will win another term to implement the result. Also, make sure your government is acknowledged for various long term strike actions from all major sectors of the economy, ranging from; Education, Health, Legal, Petroleum e.t.c, Publicly accept and declare to Nigerians that your government and the past have actually failed Nigerians at your Campaign Rally in Lagos. And also watch as a group of known influential organization in your region publicly rejects you as their candidate while they endorse opposition party’s candidate, a bid to see you witness your political downfall where you should have seen strength. Allow your opposition candidate to start his political campaign from your region while you dread his own region to start with, Humorously through your PA on media and publicity allow yourself to be named after Jesus Christ, a savior, bearing countless un-noticed sacrifices for Nigeria and Nigerians and watch as citizens welcome the development as acknowledged, but leave them wondering if your minister of Lies and Mis-information, minister of Finance and Economy and PA on media and publicity are the 3 wise men. And lastly ensure as the insurgents keep BOMBING Nigerians with physical explosives each day, inclusively allow our First-Lady to simultaneously BOMB along we merciless Nigerians with GRAMMATICAL ORAL EXPLOSIVES. With all these ensured by you, my friend, YOU ARE A CELEBRATED NATIONAL HERO, YOU’VE MADE NATIONAL HISTORY ALREADY. IN CONCLUSION: I say “Leadership is not by NATURAL LUCK, but by CAPABILITY. Whether you withdraw your 2015 presidential race or you lose either ways, you would consequently be celebrated. It only depends on the part of this National glory you desire to be mentioned. RESOLUTION: Nigeria is TOO BIG for you to manage. Even if your counterpart doesn’t have a Primary School Certificate and can at least tender a NEPA BILL, Nigerians will still unbribely vote him to power and remove you from office. Nigerians are wise now, logical Nigerians will never vote an incapable Dr. instead. TO ALL RATIONAL NIGERIANS: Don’t give the security job of a Dog to a Chicken, Don’t give the security job of The General to a Zoology Lecturer, Nigerians are not animals. Nigerians should confirm and take all what have said so far along in mind to the polling booth and vote for POSITIVE CHANGE. #VOTE Team of INTEGRITY + HUMULITY and WISDOM #Positive CHANGE is NECESSARY AND ITS POSSIBLE. It begins with you. PLEASE NOTE: This write up is graphonologically directed to NOBODY as no name was written or mentioned and all figures and account of stories in this write up was strictly Researched and Referenced to these medias: PUNCH, CHANNELS-TV, VANGUARD, PRIMUM TIMES, SAHARA REPORTERS, E-REPORTERS, THIS DAY, HUMAN RIGHT WATCH (HRW), SCANNEWS, CONCEREND NIGERIANS’ FORUM, ADEOLA-KEEPING IT REAL AND ALL CONCERNED NIGERIANS. © 2015, OBAGUNLE ADELOWO
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 16:35:35 +0000

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