MAKING THE DEVIL MAD....OH WELL! Lost a loved? Let me encourage - TopicsExpress


MAKING THE DEVIL MAD....OH WELL! Lost a loved? Let me encourage you! If you havent...Praise God but still... read Youll be glad you did when you do.💪 #myreply 👣 Precious...if you close your eyes and be still you can hear him and see his smile...theres no goodbyes it see ya later and later is when ever you close your eyes and listen for his voice..youll see his smile and he will answer with words from the past. And surely its okay to cry. I shed tears momentarily too because I miss being able to touch his body. I wish I could still call his name out and hear the sound of his feet running up the stairs. Him shuffling towards me out of breath. Him meeting me at the door...him carrying up my moms groceries😋...Amanda Young I miss him! but in these teary moments I to take joy in his being, the memories... hearing his voice knowing hes still with me so I can keep it movin even wilst I cry..but its okay... Jesus wept for Lazarus when he died so can we too cry over Aaron. But if we confessed Jesus rose as lord and Savior believed he prepared a place... live right we know how this side of heaven we are guranteed an eternity to see him again....NOW thats GOODNEWS!!! It is what keeps me going and encouraged. Let it be ur consultation death has no sting nor victory its not goodbye forever...its till I see you again! The best thing to happen to a Saint is death cause when we open our eyes again we are royalty...with the king! Aaron IS royalty and with the King. Of anyone I know deserving of such a sudden blessing it be he Aaron Miles! In a sense God spared him... he skipped all this and got his mansion...praise the Lord for His compassion loving kindness gentle mercies towards us and for him...Aaron is already where we want to the place prepared...paradise a continuous vaca lol All expenses paid 🙌. This makes me at times jealous😂but I shake&remind myself in time we too will reside with him in our very own mansion. I be like Aaron reserve a spot close to you and I see his big grin his jolly laugh and thru the laughter hear his voice saying Momm! I got you. Love weeping endures for a night but Joy will come....dont slip into depression over this cause this separation is only temporary...only permanent will be when were all residing together in Heaven....thus and untill then let all this be your counsulation beyond hope it is our peace what my faith and trust is in ONE DAY I TOO SHALL SEE MY BABY AGAIN...& SO SHALL YOU SEE UR BROTHER and as a added bonus youll be seeing him for the 1st time in such a glorious and in Heaven with his robe! That should make you shout or at least bring a smile to your face...when you do open your eyes to see him we shall all be flawless. God is awesome marvelous and so is His promise & promotion for us! Gurl... NOW if your still feeling anything but peace about Gods plans for your son...those who read your nephew...cousin...grandson brother or friend....etc let me say IT GRIEVES God because it suggests we dont trust Him & says we doubt His will& His plans...and could very well cause us to miss eternity in Heaven....which means also NO Aaron😨so shake shake shake...shake the Devil off shakeshakeshakeyep the song if you know it haha... anyways lol to weep cause we miss his touch, presence etc is excused...again Jesus wept for Lazarus and he was just a friend ...🐸🍵IJS Either way he had peace in His Father and knew the plan! To lose joy, peace, hope, contentment and the will to live comes from the enemy. Not the Father! (Evangelist Melissa has already kicked in Michelle Davis Kirk Laughlin Stephen Davislol) The enemy desires to convince us, to pursuaded us....those in Christ them who answered the Heavenly call that we are defeated by death and cause us to fear it and believe that death is a sad occasion for us. He knows the truth that Christ overcame death HELLO hell and the grave AND he knows the promise &plan God has in your future.. trusting in Christ. Hes determined to distract... even me with lies. But concerning this...NOT SO! You gotta let the devil know you are pursaded THAT GOD gots our Nan...Your future and it is..still is and was His will. It was God and Only He that had control over the time place and season that promoted our Aaron....this is that peace the bible talks about that surpasses all understanding...people look at us and wonder why were not moved to the core cause we know the Devil aint got no power to take a life less God allows it & even then its for PURPOSE ...the bible says HE(the enemy) COMES to kill steal& destroy comes NOT he CAN.... what would be a sad shame is if Aarons death was in vain cause we let him COME and convince us he had power over life& death...COME steal our peace and faith in the word that Christ overcame death hell&the grave and COME destroy or future plans causing us to depart from this side distrusting that God our Father didnt know what was best for Nan or us and find ourselves entangled with the very one who deceived us & missing an eternity With Aaron for an exchange with the decived in hell.....smh Not so! Sweet love this is your can put a smile on your face even when your in your feelings even past the tears cause behind it all YOUR trust is in the Father and His truth! Absent from here IS present with the Lord! Dont let the enemy question God thru you ....Gods ways are not like ours....officially apologize...) every time you do question Gods will....repent...let it go (the trying to get a understanding) and keep it movin...and tell your doubting Thomas IT AINT GOODBYE... its temporary...I WILL SEE HIM IN HEAVEN! Then thank God for Jesus and Jesus for making heaven possible!!👐 👐Remember you cant figure out or even conjure up the reason why how or when God took Him. But because God is who He is faithful not a man he should lie...we can face this day and every tomorrow on this side of heaven without him Aaron Miles being in attendance knowing who hes with and that one day to we shall be also! And one more thing to encourage you.... His presence is right there with dont need a phone just speak...selah( well two more things lol) ...we... You us all can take pride in Aarons death knowing that God thought enough of your little Son so much that He promoted him...not before time but right on schedule. GOD IS ALWAYS ON TIME..... What the enemy meant to harm you is about to turn around and bless you...if you didnt shout....NOW SHOUT! Thats prophetic! #PRAISEintermission ......the Evangelist in me makes no apologies for the length😡but Aarons mommie does💋 Now in my closing....(lol edited close Dejah December Amanda Miles ) If you find ur self feeling contrary to what the word of Gods says about us......Stop thinking...shake yourself...unbind yourself and cast down the thoughts then thank God for the mind of Christ. His truths! And His plans..promise...purpose and promotion! Now if that dont work dial my are not alone this side nor the other😊 ps No forgive me and it will be in the mail days end! 😉.....Im a shout for my ownself...Thank Ya...Thank Ya..... .......Thank Ya! #truthrevealingtime #goodNabad #itstheEVANGELISTinMe #myresponse #commentingrighthere #TWEAKED70x70
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 20:30:49 +0000

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