MAKING THE MOST OF A DAILY DEVOTIONAL - PART ONE, THE PURPOSE Let me begin by saying God does NOTHING without His Word. If we must experience the glory of Heaven manifesting within and through us, then our fellowship, abiding, and investment in His Word (His thoughts, intent, and purpose) is not an alternative but mandatory of us. His Word is His wisdom given us to live a successful life. And because there can be no true productivity or fruitfulness without His Word, then it stands out to be our only true hope. Remember Man shall not live by bread alone.... but BY EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4). Its the seed of good success. Hence worthy to be that which we meditate on day and night. Now hear Gods wisdom to good success and prosperity; ... thou shall meditate therein (His Word) DAY AND NIGHT, ... then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. - Joshua 1:8 Gods plan is prosperity and good success. And may i sight this; Any prosperity or success which is not a collective progress/advancement of your spirit, soul, and body, isnt genuine, or isnt Gods standard of success or prosperity. (3John 1:2 & 1Thessalonians 5:23). Your advancement must be by the standard and integrity of Gods Word for it to be accepted or approved. Remember Jesus said without me you can do nothing.. (John 15:5). Therefore anything done without Him is not of Him, and of negative consequences. Thats why i write you this devotional daily. To ensure theres Gods Word for your success and prosperity, in a manner accepted by Him. The goal is to extract the substance in the devotional message for a productive and effective daily life. If this isnt your experience, then its not serving its purpose in/to you. The Word of God has to sink into your heart to produce its expected result. Theres no other alternative method to living as the Lord expects apart from His Word. Jesus speaking said The sower sows the word. (Mark 4:14). And everyone falls in one of the four categories He sighted in the parable; pathway, stony ground, thorns, or good soil. But God expects everyone of us to be productive. That is only possible when His Word is abiding in the soil of our hearts (spirit), so as to produce its Fruits in us. (John 15). Your approach toward this daily devotional can set your heart in one of the above mentioned categories as a seed receiver. I intend by this write to help you effectively align your heart as a good receptive soil,capable of extracting the right substance in this daily devotional, (not giving it the passive or novel-like approach), so it can produce the right fruit in you. You do be amazed what the Word of God can make of you in the blink of an eye if you give it the right attitude or attention. Let me also sight this. We live in one of those very critical Ages in the unfolding of Gods plan for us and the world, wherein are full of plenty distractions and issues vying for our attention almost daily. I call it the speed and entertainment Age. And theres this risk of wanting to give Gods Word the on the road approach. I.e reading His Word when theres nothing else to do. Such approach often keeps many Christians in the babyhood stage for so long. Thats not what Mary (sister of Martha) did! Read full story -Luke 10:38-42. Many things seem important, but one thing is needful. So did Jesus Christ Your Lord, master, creator and saviour say. Remember He is creator of all things. So when He says amongst many things one is needful, we better go in for that one. For therein is found all answers to that which we seek. No wonder Wisdom says ... those that seek me EARLY shall find me. -Proverbs 8:17. And to see what Wisdom owns or is capable of doing, read further verses 18-21. I will be back with Part 2 of MAKING THE MOST OF A DAILY DEVOTIONAL. Meanwhile, read the verses quoted in this first part for better understanding. God Bless You. Daniel Allo
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:05:59 +0000

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