. MAKING THE MOVIE PREVIEWS CAMERA SHOWS Javonitho: [Showing the children the plans of Weed they have grown over the pass year they been in his class] Spokesmen: Heres where Javonitho was showing the children the seeds they have planted. He wanted to give them the fill of growing and producing their own product. That included: Potato, Tomato, Weed, Mushrooms, Letters, etc. Javonitho I CAMERA SHOWS Javonitho: [Smiling as he helps the child pick vegetables and Medication off the Tree] Spokesmen: Javonitho had a good spirit. More of an Farm boy as they would call it. His parents made sure before leaving him the property, that he would first, grow his own food. Hunt for his meats, hill himself through medication of the family tradition. (Old papa cough Medication) Spokesmen: For colds as his dad would say. Spokesmen: Javonitho enjoyed the outdoor life. Because of his background, he had an enthusiastic attitude about hunting for animals. Him an his brother Javongen could make dish from harley nothing. Spokesmen: Now Javongen was more of a House kid. Stayed in the housssssssssssse. Kind of just mopping around a day. So he became good at cooking. Make large amounts of food. Lots of people. He love cooking for latrge group of people. CAMERA SHOWS Javongen: [ Smiling with his hands placed in a prayer structure, enjoying a big dinner around the table amongst other family member] Spokesmen: Javongen was more of a quite person. He would sometime stair into his own world whiling cooking. He became good at preparing the food for the family. He even started a business at the age of 14. restaurant business that is. He was not successful his first year in business. But when he found the right location, he did pretty good so on and so on. Thats of course into he became business partner with one of the most successful cooker know in the world. The Trashman. His pops. Then it became a large family business. CAMERA SHOWS Javongen &The Trashman: [ Giving the children a walk through of their restaurant] Spokesmen: As you see, their taking the children through a detour of their restaurant. CAMERA SHOWS [Children preparing food for the Presidents] Spokesmen: Javacant? Javacant Javacant. The Trashman was the child that always got into trouble. You know it got to be one. But how he started investing in Real Estate, he was running from the Cops one day, and he hide in a Abandon house (Vacant property). Once he got older, (around 13, 14) he started doing research on those “Penny Houses” his brother Jeremy Jennings would tell him about. The Trashman Taught Javacant about Real Estate because he wanted Javacant (at his age) to demolish niggas like Mark CAMERA SHOWS Mark: [Painted Van ] Spokesmen: The Trashman asked mark in 2010, “Hi you doing man? My name is Javonte Jennings, I see you are a Real Estate investor. Will you be investing in the Tax Lien Auction next year?” Spokesmen: Mark never replied back. Spokesmen: So right then a there! Okay........... The Trashman knew it had to been some type of hatred there. Spokesmen: You know Mark was talking about how you can pay no money down and all this . But the Trashman knew of a better way. A way you would in up in dept or own any money. Tax Liens is the best investment. Spokesmen: And Mark didnt like that. CAMERA SHOWS Jobot: [Looking good on the News camera] Spokesmen: Thought that if he looked like an Millionaire, people would ultimately treat him like one. And! It worked. He discovered the way of how Rich people would take advantage of other just by, acting, dress, little bit of knowledge an money to back up what they where speaking of. Spokesmen: He would go on interview for the heck of it. CAMERA SHOWS Jobot: [Shaking hands with what seems to look a business man] Spokesmen:And he loved it. He loved the respect that it brought in. The people that it attracted. The Laws that he could break because of his dress code. He just loved everything about the Suite, Tie, and Shoes. Spokesmen: Javonnie was an accounting for the family. He enjoyed saving receipts, keeping track of money, how much was spent, how could they save money, who had the best deals, etc. He was good of making their financial beget squeeze into what he called “Save & Cut” account. This means, if someone in the family didnt want to buy their products from the “Dollar Tree,” he would go out and get a recycling bottle of the same brand they like, and put dollar tree product in there anyway. CAMERA SHOWS Javonnie: [Pouring liquid in a bottle] Spokesmen: This was too save money Spokesmen: Javenney. Child of evilness. Always wanted revenge no matter what. He would set his enemies up by calling the cops on them, too get them placed on Probation. Because he knew the system didnt care if it was true or not, they was going to take over. Javenney: [Laugh devilishly] Spokesmen: Javenney had so much anger in him, that he would even wait into they come home to get them place under arrested again. Javenney: [Pointing at the victim through a window] Spokesmen: He was taking the system to far. Way beyond what it was used for. Spokesmen: Javenit could survive any, and everywhere, you placed him. He was the youngest, but he had the intelligent of all his brother with the attitude of a survivor. He ultimately became the young man his father wanted for all his children. And that was to learn these thing as young as possible. CAMERA SHOWS Javenit: [Looking apond the Mountains] CAMERA SHOWS IN SLOW MOTION
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 22:02:30 +0000

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