MAKU LOCKED OUT OF RADIO HOUSE Ezekiel A. Kuje Labaran Maku , one of the longest serving Minister of Information was today locked out of the gate of Radio House Nigeria Area 10 that housed his office, few hours to his supposed plan to quit the office to pursue his political ambition. The staff of the Ministry of Information in a unionism songs chanting “Solidarity forever, Ole Ole Ole Ole,thief, thief, return our money before handing over” barricaded the gate of Radio House when the Honourable Minister was about to enter the office this morning. Maku who could not contend with the situation withdrew to unknown destination, however sent the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry to invite the union executive to a hotel for dialogue they refused. Her car was barricaded front and back that she has no option than to walk into the National Press centre hall with the intention to address the union officials and staff in general but the situation was unbearable that she has to send for the Minister. One could see Aminu the Minister S.A. outside the gate putting many calls through to the Minister. The Minister in his wisdom came in a disguised vehicle without security attachment, no siren and disembarked meters away, he walked through the narrow gate on foot at 2:02 pm un noticed by many at the gate even the security could not recognized him quickly for a salute. The minister headed straight to the National Press Center where majority of staff gathered and waiting. Seated in front quietly, the Permanent Secretary informed the staff the Minister is now here and microphone was handed over a sizeable number of the staff to voice out their grievances. Most of the staff that went out to speak complained about the need for the Minister to fulfill his promises before leaving the office these includes: Reactivating the abandoned Government Press in Lagos and Abuja, despite the Millions sank into the Press why were they not working?, Some allowances due for staff not paid who will then pay when he leaves?, they staff trainings he promised not visible will there be another training this year? They asked, he promised when SURE-P money is released something will be given to the sport unit; they are yet to receive it. Among other complains were lack of staff bus, lack of stationeries, non participations in workshops, bad condition of toilet facilities, that Clinic is not Clinic worthy, only 1 lift is working out of 6 lifts in the Ministry, the Art unit of the Ministry not recognized, Non usage of nominal role for staff and non distributions of gift items to staff during Easter and Sallah celebrations. The honourable Minister haven listened to his staff, stood up and charged the workers “I do not have the intension to leave you people Nicodemusly, you know I have worked with you and people have commended your wonderful efforts, especially during the good governor tour…” I sent a circular round for a meeting with all my staff today did you not see it? They echoed Nooo…, well I gave the directive yesterday Am suppressed at this protest. Note my staff if I am a failure then we all failed, if I have succeeded, then we all have succeeded. I admit Am not a perfect person because I so much buried myself in work that I did not had time to address issues such as these. I actually promised to ensure Government Printing Press work but unfortunately it became the casualty of our government, I will include this in my handing over note for the next Minister to look into. The lifts were built during NCC and the Chinese that built it were good only that the issue could be light and generator might not carry all at the same time. At this point, the Minister’s speech was intercepted by someone shouting at the back walking towards the front and had to be curdles out of the hall while the Minister echoed on the microphone, leave him leave him, maybe he has a personal problem in fact he is spicing this meeting. About staff training, the Minister said I know over 100 staff went on training this year, a chorus answered nooo… from the staff was received well I will instruct that names be paste on the board and should be department by department. About the Easter and sallah gifts, Am sorry I went to all the rivers they were all dried that was why you could not see anything, however, I will appeal to the permanent secretary that something should still be done, and if not please expect a bumper harvest at Christmas. Please check out all my records in Nasarawa state since 1999 all my staff were cared for only for some issues now. I will recommend in my handing over note that Ministry of information needs more funding and that 1% of every government contract should be set aside for information and publicity. Know that I could not have left you like a thief in the night that is why I have to address you people now. But just to say bye bye and warmed hand shake with my staff I will give you people N2,000,000:000 for you to buy two cows and party together to enjoy youselves, they staff shouted nooo… even if we share it N1,000:00 each it won’t go round us. To crown the meeting that ended at 3:16pm and the gate was reopened, Maku appreciated the staff and asked them to keep the good records of the Ministry very high that they should always remember they are the light of Nigeria, I love you all and I am leaving you people a happy man. 20th October 2014.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 23:53:52 +0000

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