MALAGA GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Friday 12th September 2014: Good - TopicsExpress


MALAGA GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Friday 12th September 2014: Good morning everyone......are we getting excited about the possibility of rain yet???......Beats the heat surely???......A bit of gossip here; yesterday up in Valencia region they closed some schools until Monday due to the heat!!!.....And here in Malaga Province we do have a cool down coming but not today........that heat continues along the coast unabated. Those fluffy bits in the sky will be floating by again and we could see some winds about particularly in the west of the coast this afternoon!!!......Tomorrow we are warm again but not as warm as today...thankfully....Plenty of sun around and the odd fluff again and then comes Sunday and the nice cool temperature should start to take hold inland up in those mountain areas!!!.....We are talking daytime temperatures down to mid 20s but again along the coast its not going to make a blind bit of difference to you!!!......Somebody asked yesterday if Coin will cool as it is inland.....Yes it is.....inland but no its not going to cool. Coin is on the peripherals of the Guadalhorce Valley and benefits from its warm micro-climate so although it is technically inland, for this cooling down it needs to raise itself up a couple of hundred metres more above sea level. This cooler air is being caused by high level winds and therefore those at sea level or up to 400 metres wont see a change!!!......Anyway, enough of the technical stuff!!!......Lets talk about the coming week ahead!!!.....That possible bad weather is still on track. We are expecting to see cloud fairly early on Monday start to build or even wake to it in some places.......Over in Huelva province to our west they will see rain by lunchtime and that marks the start of some thick cloud moving in an easterly direction.......That weather will move across Seville and into Cadiz as the day proceeds and the current anticipated timeline puts the weather starting to enter Malaga Provinces western border through the night Monday/Tuesday......Now comes the forecast for that weather from the EiA which does differ from the AEMET forecast a tad......Unless things change, and they can and often do, Tuesday we will see rain reach across the western and north western side of Malaga......We are looking at rain from the coast (Manilva, Casares, Estepona and possibly San Pedro) and pretty much across the Genal and Guadiaro Valleys Inland and up onto the Ronda Plain for sure. However, as the day Tuesday proceeds that cloud is going to continue to push east although the rain will be moving from the South West to the North East as it swirls around a depending low pressure system just off the coast of Portugal!!!.....How far into Malaga Province this stuff will run and how much we will see during the day has to remain a work in progress as we continue to monitor its approach. However, according to AEMET our worst day will be Wednesday but at this time I see Wednesday day to now be an improving day as opposed to a wet one but again we are watching the developments!!!.....And at this time Thursday and Friday continue to look reasonable days!!!.....So my little baked potatoes, I merely suggest at this time that you all prep for rain, clear drains, gullies, bring in terrace cushions, cover BBQs etc as of Monday AM......but above all, have a good day today and a great weekend......Jim Fraser for the EiALERT NETWORK.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:14:09 +0000

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