MALAGA GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Tuesday 23rd December 2014: Two (2) - TopicsExpress


MALAGA GROUP WEATHER UPDATE Tuesday 23rd December 2014: Two (2) days to go!!!.......OMG!!!......Its nearly here!!!......Hello everyone. Have not got a clue what happened yesterday to the forecast. Can only assume my FB app on the iPad didnt sync up to the web but it sure as hell looked posted to me!!!......Anyway, soon be Christmas; how exciting......Well I am at least!!!......As you can see from our main photo, it was the Christmas party down the local kennels last night so today we have the morning after......not too much noise please!!!.......Now, for some of you nice peeps along the western and central costa and up that central valley that is the Guadalhorce.....and a tad to the east.......we continue that fable Fifty Shades of Grey this morning!!!......Now I realise theres the odd newbie to the group out there now getting very excited at the mere thought of Grey and what he can do, but I am referring to the colour of the sky this morning.....Sorry to get you all hot under the collar!!!......Yes, some of you in the province of Malaga, and indeed Cadiz, are possibly still experiencng cloudy skys this morning!!!......Head inland or out along the eastern costa and that cloud breaks quickly therefore a majority of Malaga Province will be sunny.....but being the majority of folk in Malaga Province lives on the western or central costa, a majority of folk may have a grey morning!!!......I say grey morning because later that greyness shrinks back nicely allowing the sun to show!!!.......Those folk up in our western mountains of the Serrania de Ronda, the Genal and Guadiarro Valleys that includes Cadiz Province down to the Campo de Gibraltar, you too will have raised cloud levels, not necessarily overcast but broken, throughout today and you too could see a drop of wet stuff from the larger greying blob!!!.....Elsewhere, not a bad day but there is winds about, particularly this morning, so some places could be drafty!!!......For tomorrow sun is expected but that cloud is reluctant to push off (being polite as I am!!!)......and then comes Christmas Day whereby that sun will shine, there will be fluff in the sky in places but a great day is expected although chilly evening!!!.....but then the evenings are chilly these days anyway!!!..... Friday we see more fluff and as we head into Saturday greyness may just start to return as we begin to see some inclement stuff heading in between then and New Years Eve.......still working on the period of the new year celebrations and might just ask you members for one of those group efforts to help blow those clouds pucker up and have a practice just in case!!!.......On a real upbeat note, yesterday was the shortest day of the year so from today the nights get shorter again......can you believe it!!!.......So, to loose that Monday blues left over from yesterday as you didnt get you weather or sing song, lets sing together again today. I have chosen probably my all time favourite parody of a Christmas song based on one of my all time actual favourite Christmas songs.....Walking in a winter wonderland!!! Lacy things -- the wife is missin, Didnt ask -- her permission, Im wearin her clothes, Her silk pantyhose, Walkin round in womens underwear. In the store -- theres a teddy, Little straps -- like spaghetti, It holds me so tight, Like handcuffs at night, Walkin round in womens underwear. In the office theres a guy named Michael! He pretends that I am Murphy Brown. Hell say, Are you ready? Ill say,Whoa, Man! Lets wait until our wives are out of town! Later on, if you wanna, We can dress -- like Madonna, Put on eyeshade, And join the parade, Walkin round in womens underwear! Lacy things... They are missin, Didnt ask... Her permission, Wearin her clothes, Her silk pantyhose, Walkin round in womens underwear, Walk-in in womens UNDER WEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!! Now if that didnt get your day going go back to bed and start again!!!......Hell-knows what I can pull out of the bag after that???......Back though to the job in hand, and that is what this group is about. The Emergency Information Alert group is, by its design, here for members to post up emergency and urgent info for other members. This might be very localised info, provincial, national or, heavens above, international info but it has to be info that impacts on our members!!!.....Now it strikes me that we continue to be mainly weather orientated and we are seeing many photos of the sky which, I have to agree are some great photographs. So, I ask in the first instance that you members need to start using this group and post your info up......Secondly, those great weather orientated photos need to be posted within the weather weather thread a day is enough unless there is urgent weather news or updates to post!!!......CAPICHE???.......Have a great day and for those of you now on that Chrimbo vacation, have a relaxing one......Asta Mañana!!!......Jim Fraser for YOUR EiALERT NETWORK :)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:01:15 +0000

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