MALAGA WEATHER UPDATE Monday 24th March 2014: Good morning to all - TopicsExpress


MALAGA WEATHER UPDATE Monday 24th March 2014: Good morning to all you fire and weather watchers here on Facebook. Another spankingly good day should await you outside with minimal cloud. A very minimal risk of rain for those of you breathing the freshest of clean air up in yonder mountains exists as well and again those winds could be troublesome in places!!!!.......And to get your Monday off to a great start let me tell you that Tuesday is going to be awfully nice too (English Tuition 101: Quirk of our language with term Awful meaning horrible, not nice, bad etc. yet when termed as in awfully nice meaning becomes blinking well top notch old bean. And that concludes this lesson for all you foreign types......from North of Watford Gap!!!)........ Tuesday is to be a day of sun as well but come the afternoon we will see clouds develop and do watch again for those sneaky high winds in exposed places, wind tunnels and crevices!!!......Wednesday is our WOW day with not only sunshine, but those temperatures to go with it but before you all go planning those amazing BBQs you keep going to invite me to, let me tell you that its looking very much like a downward spiral as of Wednesday night!!!......At this time Thursday is looking to ease you all gently out of the sun preparing you all for what is likely to be a dreary, overcast and hopefully wet day Friday!!!.....I say hopefully wet as it is definitely looking like a grey day so we might as well drag some rain out of it for good measure!!! .....And the weekend aint be looking that great either!!!......To what extent this inclement weather is going to become is still on the drawing board, but rain is coming!!!.....However, dont go cancelling your whole weekend just yet.....give me a day or two to peer at my crystal balls and forecast your weekends weather!!!.......or give you Saturdays winning lottery numbers which will probably be easier!!!........Now; thank you all those who PMd me offering your advice on the three diseased. I must say that I thought that most of you ex patsy types were all animal lovers so it was rather refreshing to see a majority of the messages mentioned the word Abattoir. If I thought they were worth anything then I would certainly consider it!!!.......Couldnt quite get what one lady from Granadas LFWW Group was saying as her instructions on what to do with a high pressure water hose got very technical, and as for her parting comment of That will put a smile on their face!!!, just tended to make me think that these three idiots would quite welcome the experience!!!.....So yesterday was a day of ultimatums with the threat of removing the XBox working on Horace; he wouldve died if I had prevented him from playing his favourite game before bed!!!.....which just happens to be Death Race; Kill the Engineer Edition!!!.......And Doris was a push over as I threatened her with making her work on a Wednesday Night, which is the night she goes to the YMCA!!!.......No silly!!!......not for discos and dancing and meeting boys!!!......thats the Young Mans Christian Association!!!....Im talking YMCA, Young Menopausal Camels Anonymous!!!....And as for Boris!!!.......He was always going to be a toughie as he often does the opposite of what he agrees to do!!!......but thats the Russian blood in him; why else would he be called Boris???.........but a quick paint job on a spare Camel Saddle and a threat of putting it on him as it now is fully displaying the richness of the Ukrainian National Colours.......has changed his Camelsona completely into a much better flea bitten type......So Karma is restored and contrary to belief, there can be peace in the Middle East!!!......Just call Jim!!!........and on that note one shall ride off towards the nearest Jebel along the great Wadi to watch the desert sun rise from the East whilst at the same time reminding all you folks to keep an eye out for wild fire and all things likely to cause one!!!.....Jim Fraser for the Local Fire & Weather Watch Network playing in the sand with his bucket and spade!!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 04:19:25 +0000

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