MALAYSIANS ARE IN LOVE WITH MARIAM MOKHTAR... (Not All though,like the IGP, the Home Minister, and the PMs Cabinet Ministers and UMNO politicians). QUOTE: Mariam, we love what you write for the love of your country, your people and for truth and justice.Many Malaysians at home and abroad love you and your writings and I am a proud member of the ‘Love Mariam Mokhtar Club’..... - Steve Oh HERES A LOVE LETTER TO MARIAM MOKHTAR written by Steve Oh (author of Tiger King in the Golden Jungle) expressing the views of many Malaysians. Click Here: Music VIDEO clip dedicated to Mariam Mokhtar : youtube/watch?v=9YAsL51bKj4 ----- malaysiakini/news/248361 Dear Mariam, Many Malaysians love you. The comments from your readers say it all - and you have many fans and admirers because you write for the people. One with the pseudonym ‘My Opinion’ wrote: ‘Mariam Mokhtar ... I fell in love with your intelligence’. And who should doubt you are the intelligent readers poster girl. What is in your mind and heart wins us over when you express your thoughts and feelings in plain, simple and well-crafted English and in a tempered and polite manner if at times justifiably directed at those who deserve rebuke. As a Biblical proverb says, ‘Open rebuke is better than love concealed’. Those who are above reproach should not have to worry about you and what you write. As another proverb goes, ‘Reprove a wise person and he will love you but reprove a wicked man and he will hate you’. You could have easily chosen to dine with the oppressor, but like Moses the Deliverer of the Oppressed who sacrificed the comforts of Pharaohs court for the desert road, you chose to walk your own hard and narrow road of leading your fellow-Malaysians into a land of freedom - so you write. In a place where fear pervades and prevents many from speaking their mind, your writings are like fresh air in a dank dungeon. Some things need to be said and you say it well. When the countrys top cop threatened to go after you with that spurious, over-used and out-dated charge of sedition, it upset many Malaysians. And readers have vented their anger and dont mince their words in their comments against such unbecoming abuse of power. It is the least they can do for you as a token of the solidarity of all fair-minded democrats in the country. Author Kee Thuan Chye, himself an outspoken critic of abuse of power, put it aptly when in an article in your defence he asks,’IGP, what is seditious in Mariams article?’. The obvious answer is, ‘Nothing’. But to those who abuse their power to justify undemocratic and unjust actions, it is everything. It is the modus operandi of the oppressors to bring false accusations against the innocent and to use all the machinations of power at their disposal to destroy those who stand up for truth and justice and desire good governance. Wrong charge? I wonder though if the police chief had meant to threaten you with a charge of seduction. You, after all, have enticed many to abandon the status quo - that dark state of ignorance - and move into a place of political and social enlightenment. Like Islams Prophet Mohammed, you have a mission to inform and lead others into the truth as he himself led others into the truth that there is only one God - Allah - when many live in ignorance as in the age of Jahiliyyah. Incidentally, this same repressiveness has unfairly and wrongly banned the Christians and Sikhs from calling on Allah against the ancient and contemporary global practice where anyone anywhere can call on Allah. And now they want to stop you from writing the truth about them. The truth is there for everyone to judge because your writings are your best defence and those who accuse you falsely will be put to shame in the court of public opinion and - if the day ever comes - before a court of law. I nearly became eligible to join the Sedition Club Uniting Malaysians (SCUM) that you mentioned not too long ago. But as it panned out, the 15 police personnel sent on a Keystone Cops assignment to the Malaysiakini office to get my email address merely had to put on a show for someone. In a kangaroo court and where there is abuse of power, it is all for show so the innocent are turned martyrs. John the Baptist - the outspoken critic of the corrupt King Herod - lost his head so that the evil ruler could put on a show to please his conniving illegal wife. Many Malaysians will become martyrs because, like you, they dare to dissent and speak out against the corrupt deeds of those in power. Your list of SCUM club-members comprise of some of Malaysias most patriotic citizens and I am sure your addition will make it an even more eminent club. But I doubt you will enjoy that honour unless they want to turn you into another cause célèbre like Anwar Ibrahim and further tarnish the countrys already jaded image. Undaunted, you will no doubt persist in writing without fear or favour as you have done after the gratuitous threat. I want to affirm what you may already know and exhibit in your writings that ‘righteousness exalts a nation’ and ‘Gods eyes move to and fro throughout the Earth that he may strongly support those whose hearts are completely his’. Good governance cannot be achieved by those in power delivering threats to innocent and law-abiding citizens. Such abuse of power is indictable if not also morally reprehensible. It borders on criminal harassment if not intimidation. Mariam, we love what you write for the love of your country, your people and for truth and justice. Many Malaysians at home and abroad love you and your writings and I am a proud member of the ‘Love Mariam Mokhtar Club’. Believe in the ‘power of one’ and the world has seen change because the pen is still mightier than the sword or, if you prefer, the word processor is stronger than the repressor. God bless you and God watch over Malaysia. - Steve Oh
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:37:55 +0000

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