MAMMA MONDAY After a mini break Im super excited to have Mamma - TopicsExpress


MAMMA MONDAY After a mini break Im super excited to have Mamma Monday back again! This week spunky young mum, Lauren McCarthy shares her wisdom around growing and birthing her healthy baby girl, Lacey. Ive known Lauren since she was a beautiful teen in highschool and its so amazing to see her step into the role of being a mother so naturally and confidently. Wisdom beyond her years, definitely some tips Im taking for myself from her words! When was your baby born? Lacey was born almost 6 months ago on 26th April - her due date the clever little monkey! What did you do to prepare for birth? I believe there were several things that contributed to my birth experience going so well (6 hour, drug free labour with complication free delivery). I drank raspberry loose leaf tea in the last trimester, and I believe that is why my second stage of labour was only 15 minutes! I drank 1 cup a day 36 weeks, 2 cups 37 weeks, 3 at 38, 4 at 39 then 5 cups up until she was born. Seeing the chiropractor twice a week meant I was able to stay active during labour and was able to deliver the way I really wanted to. I had sciatica pain and wonky hips, and if the chiropractor hadnt helped with this I would have ended up with an epidural and delivering on my back which I was adamant I did not want to do. I delivered on my knees leaning over a beanbag on the bed holding onto my partners forearms who was standing at the head of the bed, I had a positive mindset. I had a feeling the experience was going to go well for me, however I prepared myself that it could have difficulties and complications but I was ok with that. I am not a particularly fit person but I enjoyed walks and light yoga. In 3 words, describe your experience of labour. Intense, painful, empowering. What’s one thing you would want to say to a woman who has just gone into labour? It will be over soon enough and you are so very close to meeting your baby! What are your 3 survival tips for the weeks after having a baby? Expect to go a little crazy, and its OK if you do! Your body has just gone through a massive change and your hormones will be running wild adjusting to no longer being pregnant + producing milk! Let people help you without feeling bad! The first couple of weeks are certainly crazy so welcome offers to help with chores. Remember that right now, the most important thing is your new little family. If you have to live out of your hospital bags and washing baskets, if youre behind on paperwork, you havent replied to calls or txts... STRESS LESS! Any advice for women who are having difficulty breastfeeding? I am extremely lucky that nearly 6 months in and no breastfeeding issues so far. However I do remember it being quite painful to begin with. I pushed through and within no time it became one of the most beautiful and enjoyable things to do. I had Lacey at the Sunshine Coast Private Hospital and stayed for 4 nights. The midwives/lactation consultants were so amazing and I learnt so much from them. You do not realise until youve had your baby that breastfeeding can be an intricate art!!! Especially to start with. If you are struggling I would definitely recommend seeking the help of a lactation consultant.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 23:00:01 +0000

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