MAMMYS BOY Chief Constable Herbert Briggs sat uneasily behind - TopicsExpress


MAMMYS BOY Chief Constable Herbert Briggs sat uneasily behind his desk in the Edward Street barracks tonight. Eileen Cosgrove had gone missing on the 14th of November two years ago and Martha Hendry on the same date the following year. Neither had been seen again and a body had never been found. It was the 14th November tonight. A coincidence in the first two dates maybe but Herby had a bad feeling about it and his instincts were usually right. He couldnt put out a full scale alert on a bad feeling but he had called out a couple of reserve constables on walkabout and told all his men to make themselves visible on the street. He had also ordered them to report anything out of the ordinary to him straight away. So far there was nothing but a couple of drunken fights reported and even that was less than usual for a Saturday night. He lay back in his chair and lit a Waverley cigarette, maybe he was just getting too careful in his old age. After all he was forty five last week and did more thinking than doing now. The door of The Black Bull Inn was flung wide open as Brian and Laura stumbled out into the freezing night air. The singing was still loud and cheery inside and Brian took Laura in his arms as they drunkenly danced their way down the back lane. They had only been married for four weeks and this was the first time since then they had a few shillings for a drink. They had enjoyed the craic in the packed pub tonight and were laughing merrily as they jigged down the cobbled street. Neither of them noticed the figure standing in the darkness of the alleyway as he stepped out behind them. The first vicious swing of the crowbar hit Brian square on the top of the head and his face hit the cobbles before the first drop of blood spilled from his open skull. Laura gasped as she watched him fall. She couldnt move nor speak as she turned to the shadowy figure. He was smiling as the crowbar hit her full in the face smashing her nose and jawbone, sending her two steps backward before she collapsed unconscious. He grabbed the body under the arms and dragged it down the alley where he lifted her up into the small cart. He covered her with hay before jumping on the cart and giving the old horse a flick with the reins and headed off slowly down the lane. All this time he had been mumbling to himself but now he was smiling widely as he approached the gates to Brownlow House. Everything was ready and waiting. This was the third time mammy had come back to him on her anniversary and he couldnt wait to hear her voice. Walter was pleased as he entered the wake room. It looked just perfect and he was sure he hadnt overlooked a single thing. The only detail left out was that he hadnt opened the window and he smiled at the thought of it. He had looked forward to this for so long there was no way he was going to let the spirit of the dead go straight out an open window. The silver crucifix was on the cabinet with the already burning candles on each side. Rosary beads hung on the bedpost ready for entwining on those cold hands and all other furniture had been moved to the other room. With the curtains pulled and the mirror turned to the wall the light from the candles gave the room just the feel he wanted to savour. “Now isnt Walter a good boy today mammy” he muttered in a little childish voice as he eased the barely conscious Laura from his shoulder onto the white sheets. A few drops of blood instantly left their stain and the low groan that came from the body reminded him that he still had a little more to prepare. He quickly got the lengths of rope from the other room and tied the wrists to the top bedposts and the ankles to the bottom. He left the gag over her mouth just a little loose so she could make the small noises he needed to hear. Mammy had never meant to be cruel to Walter. She didnt really think he was stupid and ugly, she knew he was a good boy. When she beat him and put him in the wardrobe she only kept him there for so long because she was so sorry and she couldnt face him. Mammy loved him and didnt mean to make him feel bad. He knew that soon she would tell him he was a good boy really. On that day when daddy had took him to her bedside telling him mammy was very ill he was sure this was his time. She stared hard at him but no matter how much he wished it her lips never moved, till her eyes seemed to freeze and daddy had the maid to lead him out. They didnt wait long enough; she wanted to say the words to him, why didnt they wait. He promised himself that night he would bring her back to say those words. This was her third time back and he was humming happily to himself when a louder moan came from the bed. He knew mammy found it hard to say the words through this strange body so he was ready to help. He took the silver fork from the cabinet drawer and he pressed it hard into her thigh till it broke the skin and went deep into flesh. “Tell Walter he’s a good boy mammy” After reading over the notes on the young McBride woman Herby had decided he would speak to Her Ladyship up at the big house first thing in the morning. The young scullery maid had been dismissed for being shouting drunk in the kitchen quarters at the house and throwing a bread knife at the houseman. When a bottle of Bells whiskey was found in the old flour bag in which she kept her meagre possessions a constable was summoned and she was charged with theft. Herby knew he would have to talk Her Ladyship on to a pedestal and convince her she was saving the wretched of the world in one great act of clemency but she would probably agree to drop the theft charge. As long as he promised to keep the young woman in the cells for a week or two till she realised how lucky she was. He had just pinned his notes to the board and decided enough was enough for this night when he heard the hob nailed boots pounding down the street and he knew trouble was on its way. Constable Clarey rushed in as Herby came round the desk. “Sir, there’s been a robbery or some sort down the cobbles at the Black Bull. Young Brian McClane has been badly beaten and would seem his wife Laura is nowhere to be found.” Herby had made his way immediately to the scene and ordered his constables to assemble in the street. He had gathered a quick report on the facts and it was worrying. It would seem that upon leaving the ale house McClane had been seriously injured by a strike to the head. Witnesses said his wife had accompanied him to the ale house but when a constable went the short distance to their home it was empty and a neighbour could tell him that no one had returned that night. Also the girls hand bag had been found lying on the cobbles beside the injured man. Most strange was that the man had nearly two shillings still in his pocket. He had been found by two men leaving the ale house who carried him to Doctor Maguires house. He had ordered two rooms to be cleared to accommodate them in the Black Bull and in one of them he now addressed six of his constables. “This is not a robbery gentlemen, this is an abduction and I believe the lady to be in mortal danger. With that in mind I want you to proceed with my orders with all haste. Use the other room to question all the patrons. Who was here, who talked to the couple, were there any disagreements, who left shortly before the couple and anything else that you deem relevant. Constable Clarey there are five more reserves on their way. Organise them to go house to house in the immediate area to ascertain any movements around that time. Normal or strange, I want to lock down on every movement we can in the street tonight. Send one to the doctor’s house to sit with McClane and tell him to report straight away to me if and when he comes around enough to speak. And Constable, nominate a runner to bring all written notes to me in Edward Street every half hour.” Laura had been on her own in the room now for over an hour. She had managed to calm the wild panic that had consumed her at first and had forced herself to think. She knew her face was badly broken and there were some sort of stab wounds in her thighs and her stomach but the pain meant nothing in her fear of what was to come. Much as she prayed he would not return she knew there was no way he would let her be found in this state. Maybe if she could understand what was happening she could try to give him what he wanted and he would leave her but what did he want? Why did he keep lifting the gag from her mouth and leaning in close to her face saying “Isn’t Walter a good boy mammy.” Did he think his mammy was in the room? No, he was staring in her eyes as he said it. Did he think she was his mammy? If he thought she was his mammy why would he do this to her? If he lifted the gag again what should she say or should she say anything? Just then she heard what sounded like footsteps on gravel. It might be help. It might be Brian looking for her. She tried to scream but the gag was too tight. She tried to make as much noise as she could. She jumped and kicked so hard the bed creaked noisily on the concrete floor and it gave her heart to struggle even harder. The door slammed open against the wall as Walter stormed into the room with eyes ablaze. “Why.why,why do you always try to ruin everything? Why will you never do anything for me?” He was swinging a large wooden club in both hands and screaming now “ Stop trying to spoil everything for Walter. Bad, bad mammy.” He stamped over to the bed and crashed the club on Laura’s right knee so hard the bone broke with a loud crack. Then he stormed around the bed and brought the club from over his head with such force the shin of her left leg smashed like a twig. She passed out in silent agony. When Laura opened her eyes again he was sitting on a stool at the head of the bed, beaming that silly childish smile. His face was only inches from hers as he spoke “ Does mammy want to talk to Walter?” The young reserve constable entered the barracks hurriedly, jolting Herby from his light slumber. It was seven o’clock in the morning and as requested he had been receiving updates from his constables throughout the night. Nothing so far had shed any light on the attack but Herby was still anxious for the notes and spread them out on his desk beside the others. Saturday night twenty yards from an ale house near the main streets of the town, how can anyone attack a man and make off with his wife without a single person noticing anything suspicious or even out of the ordinary. He went through the new notes and then the old once again. Eleven people had told the constables of seeing two men carrying a body, thus telling Herby that people did not only see the suspicious but would say. That was established as being Brian on his way to the doctors. It stood to sense that if the woman was dragged off she would have been screaming, that would have been noticed. If she was in a similar state to her husband she would have been carried off. Surely some of these same people would have noticed that. The attacker had to have had some mode of transport for the body to escape unnoticed. No one wheeling a handcart or barrow had been reported. The only transport seen was the young Lord Brownlow returning to the castle with animal fodder. It would be worth asking if he had noticed anything untoward. The young constable was waiting to be dismissed once the Chief had finished the notes and browsed the duty board as he was waiting. As Herby lay back in his chair studying, the young man announced casually “Well Sir you don’t need to worry about putting off your visit to Her Ladyship today about the maid. The family will all be at the annual memorial service for His Lordships sister anyway. Actually Saturday was her anniversary but they’re having the service today.” Herby turned slowly in his chair and stared a t the young man. “Means, motive and opportunity Constable, means motive and opportunity” Herby repeated as he thumped the desk with a closed fist. He had summoned Constable Clarey back to barracks immediately with another three of the constables and they were readying themselves for the short trip to Brownlow House. “Opportunity, he was in the vicinity as they left the Black Bull. Means, he was the only person seen in the vicinity with a means of transport for the body. Motive, three women disappear on the anniversary of his mothers death is certainly not a direct motive for anything but allied to the first two points, one has to assume there is some sort of weird connection.” “ Gentlemen, shortly we will arrive at Brownlow House and there is no certainty His Lordship will see things as we do or indeed wish to cooperate at all. I will take decisions as they are forced upon me. What I expect of you all is that you follow the orders I issue and be assured if there are any repercussions i will take full responsibility for your actions.” Herby and his constables left the barracks and hurried onto the waiting carriage. Laura was drifting in and out of awareness. The pain was excruciating with every tiny movement. She could see Walter moving about the room and talking to himself in a very agitated state. She had to please him, give him whatever it was he wanted because she realised that if the crazed fury gripped him again it would probably be the end. He pulled his stool up to the head of the bed and leaning over he gently put his hands on her cheeks and turned her head to face him. ”Does mammy want to talk to Walter.” he said in that childish voice. Laura wanted to cry with the pain of the movement but she summoned all her strength and in a low, soft voice she said “Walter’s a good boy and mammy loves Walter.” He jumped off the stool and slammed back against the wall with his head in his hands. He was sobbing uncontrollably and the tears ran down his cheeks as he slowly slid down the wall till his head was between his knees. Herby and his men had arrived at Brownlow House and he himself had been shown straight to His Lordship. He was very respectful to William Brownlow but stressed the importance of his visit and went on to outline why he needed to speak Williams nephew, the son of his sister Lady Anne. William listened intently and let the Chief give his full report. He did not, as Herby feared, react with any sense of indignance. Rather he chewed on the arm of his spectacles for just a few seconds before stating. “Walter has always been somewhat of a strange boy and even more so since the death of his mother some ten years ago. She herself I am sorry to say was rather afflicted. She never wanted the child to begin with and when her husband was killed in a tragic accident she totally rejected him, even further affecting the boys reasoning I believe. To such an extent that when he asked a few years past if he might reside in the cottage at the bottom of the gardens I was only too happy to grant his request. I cannot envisage him engaging in the conduct to which you allude but you must of course conclude your inquiries. I will walk with you now to the cottage.” Despite all the tears Walter had never been so happy in all his life. He had always known what his mammy really felt for him and how sad it was for her to have been taken away before she could tell him. How desperate she must have been to return to her little boy and speak those words. He had done a brave thing in gaining her passage back and now they could both be happy. He could return her now to whatever heavenly place he had awakened her from and she might lay in contentment until she needed to talk to him once again. He went to the corner of the room and lifted the pointed stave from against the wall. Smiling sweetly he stared at the broken body before him. He lifted the stave above his head in both hands with the point aiming at her chest. “Bye bye mammy and never be sad because if you need to talk to Walter again he will come and get you.” Lord William and the constables arrived at the cottage together. Herby had ordered them to approach quietly and now they stood before the oaken door. He wanted to enter without a knock and turned to tell his constables not to enter until summoned. As he did so Lord Brownlow stepped forward and walked quickly through the door. He stepped into that room and the sight that greeted him would haunt him forever. Walter stood over the blood splattered and broken body of a wretched young woman. He had a stave above his head and incredibly he was smiling. “Walter, my God.” were his only words. Walter froze as he heard the voice of his uncle. He turned to face him and lowered the stave to his side as he backed against the wall. He tried to speak but no words would come out. He dropped the stave and put his arms out towards his uncle. Lord William turned to leave as Herby pushed past him. “Do your duty as you see it Chief Constable” Walter stood against the wall still with his arms outstretched. Herby stared at the young woman on the bed and sighed as he heard her low moans. He turned now to Walter and through gritted teeth he snarled “How could a man do such a monstrous thing. An animal would not inflict such suffering and I know now that this is not the first young lady to endure these agonies.” “But mammy wanted to come and talk to me. She had to. It was mammy that was suffering, not this waste of the street. Mammy’s ready to go now, can I send her back?” Walter cried. Herby knew what this situation meant to Lord Brownlow and understood what he meant when he said “your duty as you see it.” As he looked again at the bed he was more than happy to interpret his duty in such a fashion. This could never reach public scrutiny. No court would ever ponder the actions of this lunatic. He spat the words “You are pure evil. Your mother may have been somewhat twisted but even she could recognise and reject the monster she had spawned. I believe she hated and resented you and you need to hear that from her very mouth. Moreover I see it as my solemn duty to accommodate such a meeting and am more than happy to do so” Hereby raised his revolver and shot Walter between the eyes. Chief Constable Herbert Briggs was now Chief Inspector and the constables on duty that day all received recommendations in the force. Reports in the local press of the incident were brief and sanitary and the locals were left to speculate if the reports from those present at the Black Bull that night were exact or the murmurings of one too many. Laura never stood properly again but with the aid of her walking sticks she was able to hobble around their new little cottage in the country. She happily tidied and cooked as she waited for her fit again husband to arrive home, hungry and tired from tending their little freehold. The cottage and land which had been granted from the estates of Lord Brownlow would be forever in their family name and they had agreed, happily, never to speak of their horrors. No mention of these happenings appear in the Brownlow family archives. By Gregory Creaney
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:16:20 +0000

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