MAN - multidimensional beings In order to get answers to their - TopicsExpress


MAN - multidimensional beings In order to get answers to their questions , we must first of all, to understand what role man as Creature , indivisible plays in our universe. We must realize that our understanding of the world in which space and time are the only location possible for our existence - its a trap into which we drove . In fact, Man, like the universe , is a multi-dimensional space, which is an indivisible entity . Characterized by a multidimensional space of different levels of density and , as a result, different resonance frequencies. As a result, in the same spatial location may be different dimensions , without interfering with each other. This can be compared with broadcasting . In one and the same location there are a plurality of different radios , but they do not interfere with each other because they have different frequency characteristics , the amplitude and phase of the electromagnetic wave. Rebuilding the receiver , we can tune in to a particular radio station. Man, as part of the universe , arranged by the same laws and have different body corresponding to different measurements. Man , Universe and multidimensional space composed of vibration. These vibrations are present in all dimensions, density of matter and energy. They come from different sources and in all directions , crossing each other , merging , Amplifying , fainting , interfering with each other , subject to the fundamental law of the universe - the law of seven, or the law of octaves. Thats why people in our world manifested seven bodies and at the same time he is seven worlds. The first - the physical body , it is composed of matter . World of Matter. Second - the etheric body - the body sensations or a world of sensations Third - the astral body - the body of emotions and feelings. World of Emotions and Feelings Fourth - the mental body - the body of thought. World of Thought . Fifth - the causal body - the body or body karmic events. World Karma. Sixth - buddhialoe body - intuitive body. World of Intuition . Seventh - Aatmic body - ( Alive Atma) , The Big I Am , Spirit, particle Supreme Mind , the Absolute. Gods peace . Each successive body consists of matter finer order. Understand and describe in words we can only lower mental body . Due to the fact that each body has its own density level that can only communicate directly contacting the body. For example , the physical body can communicate only with other bodies through etheric body sensation. In turn , the etheric body can interact with the physical body and the astral astral can interact with the mental and etheric etc. And since all vibrates , these vibrations are transmitted from the body to the body in one or the other side, and they represent the two streams . These flows are superimposed on the downward and upward flows of our world. Man , being in these two streams passes through yourself and the same way exchanges of energy and information with them ...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:09:35 +0000

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