MAN CHILD Written by: D.A.B You little red bastard, I hate - TopicsExpress


MAN CHILD Written by: D.A.B You little red bastard, I hate you, why didnt your mother kill you when you were born? Now take your ass in there, they paid me good money for you I listen to those words and they played out in my head just as loud as an ocen wave crashing on shore, you are my family, why would you do this. All I ever wanted you to do was to love me like you loved them. Why the hell are you crying , you gonna grow up a punk, lay down and shut up before I bury you. I wish you would then this hell im trapped in would be over. Lord if you loved me you could have ended this roller coaster ride, now look at me just a shell of a boy , pieces of me lay scattered as if someone took a hammer and decimated a fragile vase. Im only a child god, I dont understand why you let those things happen, now im sitting her mind spinning like the bullets in a fully load revolver, and im playing a loseing game of Russian roulette. You say you love me, well love is an action and I havent seen you move yet. So where are you .....yeah thats what I though.... you know what im tired, im tired , I just want to rest , im only 14, and im alone,and if you arent gonna do anything to take this pain away I will.. goodbye ..... *click*......*click**click**click*....damn it jammed...
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:25:17 +0000

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