MAN GETS BITTEN BY SNAKE ON PENIS A snake reared up and bit a - TopicsExpress


MAN GETS BITTEN BY SNAKE ON PENIS A snake reared up and bit a man’s penis while he was sit­ting on a toi­let, para­medics in Israel have said. For­tu­nate­ly, it was non-venomous and the unnamed 35-year-old was able to joke about the attack after­wards. The man, from north­ern Israel, told emer­gency staff at Ram­bam Med­ical Cen­tre in Haifa he noticed the snake was attack­ing him after he felt burn­ing around his penis. He said he then looked down and saw a small ser­pent. Para­medics said the vic­tim was in good spir­its despite the rather uncom­fort­able encounter but stressed although the snake was not poi­so­nous, the man would still have suf­fered bite marks. ‘This is the first time I’ve seen a snake bite like this,’ a medic said. ‘Luck­i­ly, all tests seem fine and the man is feel­ing well.’
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:50:51 +0000

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