MAN ON FIRE FLED GAS EXPLOSION – SAYS EYEWITNESS October 15, 2013 A 42-year-old man is being treated in a Belfast hospital after being critically injured in a gas explosion in the Waterside area of the city late last night. The scene in Bond Street. The blast occurred in Bond Street shortly after 10.30pm. Following the explosion, one neighbour reported the man was on fire when he ran from the house The injured man, Trevor McNeill, is understood to have sustained serious burns to his face and hands. He was rushed to Altnagelvin Hospital before being transferred to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast at 5.00am. His parents, Thomas and Gloria, said he had been placed on a life support machine in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit and remained in a critical condition. Mr McNeill said: “He is in a very bad state. There is the possibility of internal injuries due the the burning to his lungs and his throat. He is not breathing for himself but is breathing through a machine. The house in which the explosion occurred has been badly damaged. Up to 15 homes were evacuated following the blast but the police cordon has since been significantly reduced and most have been allowed to return to their homes. Deputy Mayor of Derry Cllr Gary Middleton, who attended the scene, said his “thoughts and prayers” went out to Mr McNeill. He said: “It is quite a distressing scene for everyone involved. The circumstances surrounding what happened are not clear yet. We are aware there it was gas cylinder inside the house but how that was ignited we are not too sure but I am sure we will find out those details in due course.” He added: “Our thoughts and prayers to out to injured man and his family. I am sure it is a worrying time for them.” Firefighters from Crescent Link fire station in the Waterside who attended the scene have now left but Bond Street remains sealed off.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:59:13 +0000

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