MANY IN THE US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY FEAR A $100 TRILLION AMERICAN MELTDOWN IS IMMENENT Today, at 3 PM (Eastern Time), the Shocking Evidence Thats Led to This Conclusion Will Be Released. Today, at 3 PM (Eastern Time), we are going to broadcast an urgent interview with Jim Rickards, the CIAs Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor. Rickards and many of his colleagues in the U.S. Intelligence Community have been tracking a series of alarming signals that point to an imminent American economic collapse. They predict a sudden 70% stock market crash is about to strike, followed by a $100 trillion meltdown... and it will plummet our country into a 25-year Great Depression. They now fear this outcome is unavoidable. Which is why Jim Rickards is stepping forward to reveal all of the evidence theyve uncovered, so you can decide for yourself. In this exclusive interview he will discuss: The alarming pattern in our stock market that is now 2X more unstable than it was prior to the Black Tuesday crash of 1929. The frightening signal the intelligence community has detected that suggests our society is already suffering from a secret depression that will soon spiral down to 1930s levels. The one chart that proves our GDP growth is about to flatline. The five flashpoints that could set everything in motion at any moment. The emergency measures our government has already put in play for this coming collapse. And much more... About Jim Rickards Jim Rickards has spent more than 3 decades on Wall Street as a leading international investment banker, hedge fund manager, and as the architect behind the technology nicknamed the brains of the NASDAQ. This unique skillset has placed him at the center of some of the most important events in recent history. For instance, Rickards helped negotiate an end to the Iranian Hostage Crisis in the early 1980s. Then, in the late 1990s, despite being one of its most outspoken critics, the Federal Reserve called on him to prevent a $1.25 trillion Wall Street meltdown during the Long-Term Capital Management crisis. After 9/11, he was tasked by the CIA with investigating suspicious insider trading that took place prior to the attacks. What he uncovered led to the CIAs Project Prophecy. Prophecy used the financial markets to detect imminent threats to our national security from terrorists, rival nations, and from internal weaknesses lurking inside our economy. On August 7, 2006, the system Rickards created for Prophecy proved its accuracy when it detected the warning signs of an impending terrorist attack. Three days later in London, a plot to blow up 10 U.S. passenger jets was thwarted. And 24 Pakistani extremists were arrested. Rickards now warns the next attack is at our doorstep, and its going to come from within.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:46:02 +0000

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