MANY PEOPLE UNCONSCIOUSLY STAY IN TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. BAD,LOVELESS AND ABUSIVE MARRIAGES AND/OR UNSATISFYING CAREERS IN ORDER TO PREVENT THEMSELVES FROM EXPERIENCING WHAT THEY CONSIDER A DRAMATIC LOSS OF IDENTIFICATION.As our world undergoes major changes/shifts,most of us will experience an identity crisis at some point.The most common identity attachment is to our jobs.The more time/energy one puts into it,the greater the attachment to that identity.In addition to attaching to an identity in the workplace,we also identify with certain role identities.Its not worth it to be with someone who disrespects,betrays,cheats,takes advantage,who is verbally,mentally and/or physically abusive in order to be able to say,I AM A WIFE.Its not worth it to stay on a job where you cannot even advance.Where you hate going in every day.Where your position is not challenging enough.Where you are not in your field as promised just to be able to say,OH,I WORK FOR A FORTUNE 500 COMPANY.We just don’t know who we would we be without our identity.The mind,or ego,attaches to an identity in order to categorize,separate and survive.The problem is that these labels are only temporary.The kids grow up,you get laid off,your portfolio loses its value or you finally retire.When we identify with something, we are attempting to make it the same as our Self.But the only thing that we can really “be” is our Self.The job,object,person or role is just a temporary substitute which becomes a bottomless pit of seeking happiness.One must dig deep within his/herself to find something with which to identify.This has been referred to as “the dark night of the soul”.Shedding these egoic identifications can be liberating.The voluntarily or even the involuntarily loss of identifications are forcing people to dig deep and find their true Self.What they will find is their soul.Their heart.Our heart is our greatest commodity.Like a compass, it will lead us the way in these times of uncertainty.Use this as an opportunity to find your true Light and let it guide you to your Soul’s inner joy.#singleladiesclub #dontfencemein
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:36:16 +0000

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