MAPS OF TWIN TOWERS, WORLD TRADE CENTER. NYC AND THE ARCADIAN 188 LEY LINE MAP, FOR ALL THOSE PARTICIPATING IN SUNDAYS MEDITATION. I HAVE SOME LINKS HERE THAT MAY BE HELPFUL AS WELL FOR VISUALIZATIONS AND UNDERSTANDING OF LEY LINE ENERGY... THE ARCADIAN LEY LINE IS LINKED TO MAJOR POINTS IN THE WORLD. godlikeproductions.../pg4 URGENT!!! IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF KNOWLEDGE TO SHARE AMONG LIGHTWOKERS.KNOWING HOW THE DARK MANIPULATES IS KNOWING WHERE TO AIM YOUR LIGHT. AGAIN ALL HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT Dear Rainbow family. after sharing knowledge how the michael leyline(europe) has been manipulated in plain sight we would like to aim the lavender violet flame of transmutation and the blue ray of truth towards the last vestige where the dark resides and therefore are blocking the energies in the leylines to flow freely. please read the following message;…/plasma-and-planetary-situat… This distortion in Gaias energetic field is mainly coursed by the explosion/IMPLOSION of the twin towers/911 and of course the bussiness centres that reside on this impotant vortex.THE TROIDIAL FIELD IS LOW IN VIBRATION. In the Synoptic Overview on the following page you can read how the leylines from europe connect to the leylines of America, sharing the energies of the leylines and therefore knowledge/codes/vibrations to awaken the dna with the human physical form.please read so that you can visualize how the leylines are connected: amarushka/dragon-rose-line.html AS YOU CAN VISUALIZE: THE IMPLOSION IN GAIAS ENERGETIC FIELD CAUSED BY 9/11 IS PREVENTING THE ENERGIES OF THE MICHAELS LEYLINE TO MIX AND CONNECT WITH THE ENERGIES OF THE PIRAMIDCOMPLEX TEOTIHUACAN: AND WE(AURIÉL AND HILDA ASK AGAIN TO SHARE THIS DOCUMENT OF KNOWLEDGE TO THE MAYAN COUNCIL REQUESTING TO JOIN THE LIGHTFORCES: jhaines6.wordpress/…/a-meditation-from-hilda-wh…/ THE ENERGIES OF THE PIRAMIDE COMPLEX TEOTIHUACAN CONTAIN THE SAME ENERGIES OF TRUTH AND TRANSMUTATION(BLUE RAY/LAVENDER VIOLET RAY) AS THE MICHAELS LEYLINE IN EUROPE. TWIN TOWERS: The twin towers and others building that were taken down on 9/11: As I have descibed in the document how did we become souls of distortion, the twin towers were taken down by the power of gaias own leyline grid. An energybeam extracted from a leyline node(haarp installations).,was projected into space and projected back towards the twin towers via dishes which are a part of secret war programms.The planes were a hollographic projection,creating an enemy for war.Same for the pentagon. The metal frames of the twin towers and the mercury in the lamps and fire alarmsystems are perfect conductors of energy that will triggger the bombs attacht to the metal frames.Both towers act as transmitters and receivers o signals and energy.. The same thing you see in paris..on the michaels leyline:The eiffel tower. They are both parts of the cage of Faraday:dark metal matrix invention and connected to the low vibrating horizontal vibrations of HAARP:negative horizontal programming.distoring the verical input into the leyline grid. The twin towers reside on a sacred vortex and resemble the same energies as the skellig islands(irland):The Blue ray of truth and the lavender violet ray of transmutation. And as you have read in cobras last message...this is where the dark chimera group is hiding out and to their bodies they have devices connected that will trigger bombs etc.Threatening to hurt people. What happens when we blaze the violet ray of transmutation and the blue ray of truth???? lets know this first:on the place were these metal frames(twin towers) stood,should actually stand 2 cristalline obelisks which represent the male and female principal,as the skellig islands.The towers stood on a leyline node , an ancient vortex: Placing cristals would clear it a lot.The cristals will become satelites for the acturians to energetically intervene.… The devices connected to the beings living in these too low vibrating vortexes only exist in the energies of the duality matrix. ENERGY IS THE GLUE THAT KEEP THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE TOETHER BY INENT.TOLTECS SAY THE ENERGY BETWEEN THE MOLUCULES IS CALLED INTENT....AND WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR INTENT...TO MANIFEST?TO HAPPEN? These devices/structures can only exist in a tooo low vibrating frequency and as we know the region of the twin towers is vibrating too low. Its is the only place,after clearing other leyline nodes and bases,that their fear based hollogramm(matrix) is still activated distorting the connection between the leylines. When we Blaze the violet flame of transmutation and the blue Ray of truth towards the place where the twin towers stoon ,we will be changing the outcome of the fearbased intent. By imagining the lavenender violet upward spiral and the upwards indigo blue spiral shooting out into infinity,we will be changing the outcome into love.The blue ray of truth shall show the true form of these shapeshifters en the violet lavender ray will let these devices seize to exist.Creating an upwards spiral will also give the forces of light,who create the downwards spiral,an entrance(cristalline wormhole) to energetically intervene. These devices do not exist in the higher vibrations of only love. and if we change the matrix to love...they will seize to exist. BY SENDING LOVE THEY WILL FALL APART AND THE TRUE FORM OF THE BEINGS HIDNG THERE WILL BE REVEALED OR VACUMED UP TO BE DISLOVED AS AN INDIVIDUAL BEING.PURIFIED BY THE CENTRAL SUN/SOURCE. SO LETS ACTIVATED THE BLUE AND VIOLET RAY/ENERGIES(SKELLIG SLANDS) OF THE VORTEX ON MANHATTON ISLAND(TWIN TOWERS) AND SEEING THE ENERGIES OF AMERICA AND EUROPE UNITING IN LOVE FORCE..AND LETS VISULALIZE THE EMERALD GREEN RAY OF TARA HILL HEALING THIS VORTEX AND FLOODING THE LEYLINES WORLDWIDE!!!!! LET EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS UNITE IN LIGHTFORCE AND CONNECT AT THIS SACRED SITE ON MANHATTON. WITH LOVE AND LIGHT NAMASTÉ AURIËL AND HILDA UnlikeUnlike · · Share You, Dirk Hertveldt, Patrick Spike René, Kathryn ParamGian Curtis and 3 others like this. Kathryn ParamGian Curtis Love prevails ~ Love is Invincible ~ Radiant Love Light will reveal all and transmute all unto Divine Source Radiant Love Light expression ~ Hearts joined in Love vibrate this truth ~ Love prevailing invincibly Yesterday at 7:21am · Like · 3 Auriel Morgana WE ARE REQUESTING ALL MEDITATION GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS TO ADD THIS TO YOUR MEDITATIONS. THE GLOBAL LEY LINE PROJECT FB GROUP NOW HAS THREE RAINBOW BRIDGE MEDITATIONS GOING ON THIS SUNDAY AND EACH SUNDAY. WE ASK THAT YOU ADD THIS POWERFUL SEGMENT TO YOUR MEDITATIONS AND SHARE OUT TO THE MASS... Yesterday at 7:50am · Like · 2 Auriel Morgana https://facebook/events/780889888616721/792858770753166/?notif_t=like Going Building the Rainbowbridge until disclosure.First the energy and then the full manifestation Tomorrow worldwide 1,203 people are going Yesterday at 7:52am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Auriel Morgana https://facebook/events/1481211885460457/ ALL LIGHT WORKERS FACEBOOK GROUPS UNITING FOR GLOBAL LIBERATION Sunday, October 12 at 3:00pm in UTC+02 each Sunday at 3:00 p.m. GMT in the World and Universe. 2,183 people are going Yesterday at 7:52am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Auriel Morgana https://facebook/events/357568397723896/ SUSTAINING THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE ... BUILDING THE RAINBOW BRIDGE Tomorrow 3:00 p.m. GMT / 3:00 UTC +02 1,526 people are going Yesterday at 7:53am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview Hilda van der Laan metal structured piramid LOS VEGAS amplifying the energies(symbol) of MONEY into the leylines: same principal as the metal piramid at the louvre museum pyramid las vegas - Google zoeken GOOGLE.NL 18 hrs · Edited · Unlike · 1 · Remove Preview Hilda van der Laan amarushka/dragon-rose-line.html Amarushka - Quetzlcoatl Dragon Rose Line Legacy So begins J. J. Hurtaks surreal experience, during which... AMARUSHKA.COM 18 hrs · Unlike · 1 · Remove Preview
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:07:33 +0000

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