MARCH 12, 2014 WEDNESDAY 05:06 P.M. TO: WHOM IT MAY - TopicsExpress


MARCH 12, 2014 WEDNESDAY 05:06 P.M. TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, HONORED PRESIDENT BENIGNO NOYNOY SIMEON COJUANGCO AQUINO III, HONORED PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, HONORED AMBASSADOR OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: HONORED ASEAN NONE UNIFORM PERSONNEL: CHIEF GENENAL, DIRECTOR, JOURNALIST AND MEDIA PRESS, MTRCB: HONORED LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICES, HEAD OFFICE FAIRVIEW DILIMAN QUEZON CITY: HONORED SECRETARY OF DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT D.I.L.G. MAR ROXAS: HONORED TELEVISION CO-HOST, T.V. PERSONALITY, T.V. CELEBRITY: KORINA SANCEHZ OF ABS-CBN CHANNEL 02: MEMORANDUM: A PLEASANT GOOD AFTERNOON, HOW ARE YOU ? ATTENTION ALL OFFICER IN THE GOVERNMENT, PURSUED FOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BATHORY FISCAL ON NOTICE OF PROMULGATION AGAINTS TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN, NEGLEGENCE STAFF, PERJURY CASE, HUMAN RIGHTS, DISCRIMINATION, ACT OF LASCSIVIOUSNESS, PLAGIARIZED, OVER-PRICE, BIR OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN - COMPELLED THE VICTIM FOR INTERNET CAFE TO PAY EXACT AMOUNT WITH OUT SATISFIED THE VICTIM IN ACTUAL SCAN SIZED OF PORFOLIO SUBMITTED TO HONORED PRESIDENT BENIGNO NOYNOY SIMEON COJUANGCO AQUINO III. PREPARED BY AND RESPECTFULLY YOURS: 1. PRINCESS MARIA CRISTIANA BELGICA ABERIN FEMALE APRIL 04, 1981 2. JOHN ANGELO BELGICA ABERIN MALE JULY 10, 2000 3. MARLYN BELGICA ABERIN FEMALE NOVEMBER 11, 2001 4. CRISANTO BELGICA ABERIN MALE MAY 06, 1980 5. JOANNA MARIE BELGICA ABERIN FEMALE NOVEMBER 23, 1988 Alleged case of falsification of documents brought into European Commission attention Kurt Weiss made this access to information request to Human Resources and Security (HR) Human Resources and Security (HR) has replied saying they have transferred your request to another public body. From: Kurt Weiss May 29, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information: *All and any information and documents related to an alleged case of falsification of documents brought into attention of European Commission President and relevant departments dealing with fundamental human rights and rights of European Union citizens. *All and any information and documents as to the state of play of this alleged case of falsification of documents. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) June 03, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, I confirm receipt of your request below. However, we are unable to treat this request, because it is too unspecific in its current form. I would therefore kindly ask you to specify your request and identify the documents that you wish to have access to as precisely as possible. Best regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [1][email address] IDOC on the intranet: [2] show quoted sections Link to this From: Kurt Weiss June 05, 2013 Dear President Barroso, In accordance to p. 165 of Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 2 May 2007 in Case F-23/05: “it has to be recognized that a culture of accountability has grown up within the Community institutions, responding in particular to the concern of the public to be informed and assured that malfunctions and frauds are identified and, as appropriate, duly eliminated and punished. The consequence of that requirement is that officials and other servants who hold posts of responsibility within an administration such as the Commission must take into account the possible existence of a justified need to communicate a degree of information to the public”. In this context and under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information: *all and any information and documents related to an alleged case of falsification and backdating of documents and violation of fundamental human rights, brought into your attention on 21.02.2013 under provisions of EU Staff Regulations (i.e. conduct relating to the discharge of professional duties which may constitute a serious failure to comply with the obligations of officials from European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna, Austria). As per request of European Commission services to provide more details, here they are: – the case you was informed of in 21.02.2012 is about sending alleged tampered evidences to one of the EU Courts and alleged misleading of judges (alleged obstruction of justice by representatives of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights). *I request relevant information as to the context and veracity of the alleged facts, verifications made, conclusions and any other information releasable at this moment to the public (in light with the duty for transparency towards public by European Union Institutions and jurisprudence invoked in present Request. Apparently the FRA has a past history as to the respecting of fundamental rights of EU citizens. My request is based also on FRA past behavior as here (see the EDPS reply and pdf annexes): . See also p. 35, 53, 71, 72, 75 in this link Please pass this part of the request related to further info about the intense atmosphere of fear identified at FRA also to the Commissioner in charge with fundamental rights in the EU. As I wrote in asktheeu website we live modern times now and such intense atmosphere of fear is of great public concern. Please find more details here If such atmosphere of fear would have been identified somewhere in other continent, in a poor developing country, still struggling for fundamental rights of its citizens, would EC take an attitude, by sending les`t say a task force to reinstate the order as to the respecting FR? Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this From: Kurt Weiss July 15, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), This is a reminder that my request of 5 June 2013 is still pending your reply. I would appreciate if my request is considered. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) July 15, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, See my reply below, we would be grateful if you could specify your request. Best regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [email address] show quoted sections Link to this From: Kurt Weiss July 23, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), Relevant details related to my request could be found in this link, particularly the document dated 17 May 2013 I would be grateful if you could treat this email as a request for internal review, based also on information I already provided in my clarifications after your first request for details. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) July 24, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, Thank you for your message. Since these are documents held by OLAF, any request for internal review should be addressed to the Director-General of OLAF, Mr Giovanni Kessler. Kind regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [email address] show quoted sections Link to this Things to do with this request Anyone: Add an annotation (to help the requester or others) Download a zip file of all correspondence Kurt Weiss only: Write a reply Update the status of this request Request an internal review Follow this request There is 1 person following this request Follow RSS feed of updates Offensive? Unsuitable? Requests for personal information and vexatious requests are not considered valid for FOI purposes (read more). If you believe this request is not suitable, you can report it for attention by the site administrators Report this request Act on what youve learnt Tweet this request Similar requests Whistleblowing-Regelungen für EU-Bedienstete - SEC(2012)679 To Secretariat General (SG) by Guido Strack December 09, 2012 Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Vicky Cann May 24, 2012 IDOC annual Report 2012 To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Constantinos Katsanevas February 13, 2013 EU Staff Regulation - article 11a and 16 dealing with pre and post-employment conflict of interest To Secretariat General (SG) by Kurt Weiss May 29, 2013 Article 11a, Staff Regulations To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Vicky Cann June 20, 2012 Ethics guide for staff To Home Affairs (HOME) by Vicky Cann April 02, 2012 Duty for Transparency towards public by European Union Institutions To European Parliament by Kurt Weiss June 03, 2013 DG RTD presentation of a hypothetical fraud case in NFS workshop 22-24/6/2011, personal data protection, double-funding, plagiarism To Research and Innovation (RTD) by Mr. Sifis RAPTIS June 29, 2013 Access to Documents To Council of the EU by Richard Dowling June 14, 2012 Post employment activities (revolving doors) To European Court of Justice by Kurt Weiss June 10, 2013 More similar requests Alleged case of falsification of documents brought into European Commission attention Kurt Weiss made this access to information request to Human Resources and Security (HR) Human Resources and Security (HR) has replied saying they have transferred your request to another public body. From: Kurt Weiss May 29, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information: *All and any information and documents related to an alleged case of falsification of documents brought into attention of European Commission President and relevant departments dealing with fundamental human rights and rights of European Union citizens. *All and any information and documents as to the state of play of this alleged case of falsification of documents. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) June 03, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, I confirm receipt of your request below. However, we are unable to treat this request, because it is too unspecific in its current form. I would therefore kindly ask you to specify your request and identify the documents that you wish to have access to as precisely as possible. Best regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [1][email address] IDOC on the intranet: [2] show quoted sections Link to this From: Kurt Weiss June 05, 2013 Dear President Barroso, In accordance to p. 165 of Judgment of the Civil Service Tribunal of 2 May 2007 in Case F-23/05: “it has to be recognized that a culture of accountability has grown up within the Community institutions, responding in particular to the concern of the public to be informed and assured that malfunctions and frauds are identified and, as appropriate, duly eliminated and punished. The consequence of that requirement is that officials and other servants who hold posts of responsibility within an administration such as the Commission must take into account the possible existence of a justified need to communicate a degree of information to the public”. In this context and under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information: *all and any information and documents related to an alleged case of falsification and backdating of documents and violation of fundamental human rights, brought into your attention on 21.02.2013 under provisions of EU Staff Regulations (i.e. conduct relating to the discharge of professional duties which may constitute a serious failure to comply with the obligations of officials from European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna, Austria). As per request of European Commission services to provide more details, here they are: – the case you was informed of in 21.02.2012 is about sending alleged tampered evidences to one of the EU Courts and alleged misleading of judges (alleged obstruction of justice by representatives of European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights). *I request relevant information as to the context and veracity of the alleged facts, verifications made, conclusions and any other information releasable at this moment to the public (in light with the duty for transparency towards public by European Union Institutions and jurisprudence invoked in present Request. Apparently the FRA has a past history as to the respecting of fundamental rights of EU citizens. My request is based also on FRA past behavior as here (see the EDPS reply and pdf annexes): . See also p. 35, 53, 71, 72, 75 in this link Please pass this part of the request related to further info about the intense atmosphere of fear identified at FRA also to the Commissioner in charge with fundamental rights in the EU. As I wrote in asktheeu website we live modern times now and such intense atmosphere of fear is of great public concern. Please find more details here If such atmosphere of fear would have been identified somewhere in other continent, in a poor developing country, still struggling for fundamental rights of its citizens, would EC take an attitude, by sending les`t say a task force to reinstate the order as to the respecting FR? Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this From: Kurt Weiss July 15, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), This is a reminder that my request of 5 June 2013 is still pending your reply. I would appreciate if my request is considered. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) July 15, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, See my reply below, we would be grateful if you could specify your request. Best regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [email address] show quoted sections Link to this From: Kurt Weiss July 23, 2013 Dear Human Resources and Security (HR), Relevant details related to my request could be found in this link, particularly the document dated 17 May 2013 I would be grateful if you could treat this email as a request for internal review, based also on information I already provided in my clarifications after your first request for details. Yours faithfully, Kurt Weiss Link to this Human Resources and Security (HR) July 24, 2013 Dear Mr Weiss, Thank you for your message. Since these are documents held by OLAF, any request for internal review should be addressed to the Director-General of OLAF, Mr Giovanni Kessler. Kind regards, René SLOOTJES Head of Unit European Commission DG HR – Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission Unit HR.IDOC.1 MO34 4/103 B-1049 Brussels/Belgium +32 2 2956559 [email address] show quoted sections Link to this Things to do with this request Anyone: Add an annotation (to help the requester or others) Download a zip file of all correspondence Kurt Weiss only: Write a reply Update the status of this request Request an internal review Follow this request There is 1 person following this request Follow RSS feed of updates Offensive? Unsuitable? Requests for personal information and vexatious requests are not considered valid for FOI purposes (read more). If you believe this request is not suitable, you can report it for attention by the site administrators Report this request Act on what youve learnt Tweet this request Similar requests Whistleblowing-Regelungen für EU-Bedienstete - SEC(2012)679 To Secretariat General (SG) by Guido Strack December 09, 2012 Investigation and Disciplinary Office of the Commission To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Vicky Cann May 24, 2012 IDOC annual Report 2012 To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Constantinos Katsanevas February 13, 2013 EU Staff Regulation - article 11a and 16 dealing with pre and post-employment conflict of interest To Secretariat General (SG) by Kurt Weiss May 29, 2013 Article 11a, Staff Regulations To Human Resources and Security (HR) by Vicky Cann June 20, 2012 Ethics guide for staff To Home Affairs (HOME) by Vicky Cann April 02, 2012 Duty for Transparency towards public by European Union Institutions To European Parliament by Kurt Weiss June 03, 2013 DG RTD presentation of a hypothetical fraud case in NFS workshop 22-24/6/2011, personal data protection, double-funding, plagiarism To Research and Innovation (RTD) by Mr. Sifis RAPTIS June 29, 2013 Access to Documents To Council of the EU by Richard Dowling June 14, 2012 Post employment activities (revolving doors) To European Court of Justice by Kurt Weiss June 10, 2013 More similar requests
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:21:42 +0000

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