MARCH 22 DRIVE THE STORM CLOUDS AWAY WITH PRAISE The Bible informs us that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). Believers know that when it begins to storm in our lives that we can drive the dark clouds away by singing praises to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. God loves to hear His people praise Him and not just in church on Sunday morning, but in our homes and while we are on the job. God, in all His richness, truly inhabits our praise and worship. Believers who have experienced this truth are blessed. They understand that every time we praise Him, every time we worship Him in song, He appears and is eager to meet our needs. There is nothing more uplifting than being in the presence of God. He delights in our praise and as soon as He hears us call His name, He is ready to respond. Praise and worship is the believer’s weapon to use against Satan. It gives Satan a headache just to hear believers clap their hands in worship. Paul and Silas used the weapon in Acts 16:25-34 to allow God to set their fellow prisoners free and bring the salvation experience to the jailer in the Scripture. Even though they were in prison they did not despair but they sang, knowing the weapon of praise that God had given them was enough to bring miraculous liberty. When it begins to rain in our lives, take God’s suggestion and sing praises. Worship Him! Let our hearts be filled with His grace and glory! It makes perfect sense.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:14:37 +0000

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