MARCH/PISCES ASTROLOGY FORECAST PISCES/NEPTUNE The planet Neptune is the ruler of the sign of Pisces. The symbol for Neptune, is Poseidon’s three-pronged fish spear. This spear is considered to be the cross of matter breaking through crescent of one’s personality. Hence, setting it free to manifest itself at a higher level than one’s own personal ego. In regard to Neptune, “The brightest light casts the deepest shadow”, which means that Neptune can reach the highest levels, and the lowest depths. It rules the astral plane; the next dimensions, and finds it’s hard to remain planted in the earth and material level of consciousness. Neptune dissolves matter, rather than building it. When this planet is strong in the astrology chart, the individual will be extremely sensitive, secretive and have a difficult time dealing with the harshness of the material world. These individual can be very creative and in touch with a higher sense of reality. They can be very wise, poetic, intuitive, literary and musical. In these areas of creativity, they can often be considered to have a touch of genius. The sign of Pisces is in effect from February 21st to March 21st. And the keyword for Pisces is “I believe”. It is dual in nature, and is represented by the two fish swimming in different directions. This is because one fish is considered to be swimming downstream, which represents the individual’s personality, and the other fish swimming upstream represents the soul. Because of this the Pisces person may appear to be confused and somewhat nebulous at times. But they are in fact considering the situation from both the material and spiritual levels. Pisces people need much time alone, to maintain their balance. They can be very kind and compassionate people, and can suffer from being too kind sometimes. They are considered the “old man of the zodiac”, and possess a wisdom beyond their years. This can often bring with it, a daunting responsibility that only a Pisces can handle, in their own special way. FAMOUS PISCES FEMALES: Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone, Glenn Close, Drew Barrymore, Rihanna, Jessica Biel, Cindy Crawford, Queen Latifah, Vanessa Williams, Eva Longoria and Eva Mendes. FAMOUS PISCES MALES: Bruce Willis, David Niven, Kurt Cobain, Michael Caine, Peter Fonda, Prince Andrew, Mitt Romney, George Harrison, George Washington, Johnny Cash and Jon Bon Jovi. PISCES: Hello Pisces, this will be a very interesting month for you, as transiting Mercury has just come out of retrograde motion. Which may add to some confusion, and deep periods of contemplation for you. March will not be a time of reflection for you, but one of major action. You are to spend this time putting your desires and goals into action. Financially, don’t expect any rapid or sudden changes. In regard to love, it is time to stick with what is working for you, and to stay on point. ARIES: Hello Aries, you will find this month very challenging for yourself. As you will be met with many decisions you must make about your future goals. You may be a bit hesitant to come to any clear decision, but once u do, nothing will stop you, that is just your nature. But for you, this is a month of action, and strength. Time to get in touch with your individual power. Financially, don’t make any major decisions this month. In regard to love, you are to welcome whatever new adventures come your way, and enjoy yourself. TAURUS: Hello Taurus, this will be a month of very good changes for you. The lessons you experience this month, will be all about personal growth. which will be a positive help over the next few months.You will no longer get stuck in doing everything in the same old, tired way. This month is all about changing, and about you being totally open to these changes. Financially, you will see an upswing in your earning abilities. In regard to love, there is a new a positive love coming into your life, so now is the time to accept it with open arms. GEMINI: Hello Gemini, welcome to March, and both transiting Mercury is finally out of retrograde motion. So now it is a time for you to get on with your life and enjoy the ride. Because, it is always an interesting ride for you! Pick a flower, sing a song, write a song! Financially, you may actually see a bit of an upswing in this area, what fun. Don’t spend it all in one place, put a bit away for a rainy day! In regard to love, choices, choices and more choices! Take your time here also, and choose carefully. For “all that glitters, is not GOLD” all the time. CANCER: Hello Cancer, you have finally stopped all that worrying. The month of March will actually turn out better than you thought it would. Slow down, once more don’t worry, and look at the bigger picture. You have known for some time that you needed to make some direction changes. Now that transiting Mercury is no longer retrograde, this is the perfect time to chart your plans, and put them into action. Financially, not all is, as it appears to be, your monies will be on the upswing by the end of March. In regard to love, stay with what is working for you now. LEO: Hello Leo, you know what makes you really happy, and March is the perfect month for you to go after all that you have been holding back on. This is not a good month for you to put things off for another time. You have a quick and fertile mind that you don’t always entirely use. Try this month not to fit into what everyone else expects of you, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Financially, take your time in the spending arena, as there may be some unexpected expenditures. In regard to love, you have always been the hopeless romantic, and will continue do so. VIRGO: Hello Virgo, it appears that the transiting Mercury retrograde may have affectted you more than you would have likeed. But now it is over and you survivied it, actually you did more than survive it. In the long run, you will actually flourish in what projects and goals you endeavor to do this month.You may not feel this way at first, but just “hang in there”! You already know you can do anything, once you set your mind to it. Financially, this will be more of a month of rebuilding and letting go of old habits, and ways of thinking about money. On the love front, enjoy what you have. LIBRA: Hello Libra, so many changes for you this month. There is so much going on that you almost want to take a breather. Sorry, no time for that now, this month is about change for you, and accepting all that comes with it. You are to welcome and enjoy all that is coming your way right now, and know that all you need is there for the taking. Enjoy the ride; much the way you enjoy a rainbow after a rainstorm. Financially, this month you will not have any worries, as all that you need, will be there for you, when you need it. In regard to love, there will be many surprises that you may never had dreamt of. SCORPIO: Hello Scorpio, March is here, and you are ready to go. You may not be absolutely sure what goals and projects that you want to start on first. And actually, it really doesn’t matter what project you start with, but that you start with something, and keep your long-range goals in mind. You are very good at setting your mind on what you want, and being totally focused. And the month of March will not be any different for you. Financially, use last months retrograde Mercury to your advantage, and get all your monies in order. In regard to love, there may be a new romance on the horizon. SAGITTARIUS: Hello Sagittarius, the month of March will be an interesting time for you. You will have many opportunities that you had not expected. It would be wise to consider all that is being offered to you this month, but make a decision on only two offers. There is no need to worry about whether one decision is better than another. Make a firm decision, and then take it from there, you will be pleasantly surprised at how everything turns out. Financially “hang in there”, and maintain your monies as you have been. In regard to love, you will be surprised at the good that is they’re waiting for you. CAPRICORN: Hello Capricorn, this month you will be met with many choices, both in your work place, and your personal life. There may be some sudden endings in the area of work, but the new beginnings in this area will be well worth it. You have felt and known there were going to be some changes coming your way, in these areas. You just did not know when. Now it is important that you know you have the strength to handle it all. Financially, towards the end of March, you will see an increase in your monies. In regard to love, hang on for the ride; you may just have more than one love interest this month. AQUARIUS: Hello Aquarius, the month of March will be a much better than you had expected. First of all it is important that you take a “one-day at a time” approach to everything in March. There appear to be some false starts in some areas and projects you are involved with. But all of these issues will be cleared up, by the end of the month. So “hang in there”, and relax, and let go of any control issues you may have. Financially, keep your spending and your output to a minimum. In regard to love and romance, there may be a new romance awaiting you in March.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 19:41:41 +0000

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