MARK 10 AND 11 OF PERFECT SUBMISSION 10. Perfect submission - TopicsExpress


MARK 10 AND 11 OF PERFECT SUBMISSION 10. Perfect submission also means a fundamental willingness to martyrdom; for according to Revelation 14.4 the firstlings follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Therefore, they are ready even to lay down their life for the Lord, if it should be His will. They dont go looking for it, but dont avoid it either, if it is in Gods plan. The Lord looks at our willingness to martyrdom as if it was actually carried out, like He considered the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son as a done deed. So we can understand that the mentioned martyrs in Revelation will rule with Christ in the millennium. 11. Furthermore, perfect submission includes that we do business with our entrusted talents until the Lord comes. That means to give witness to whoever the Lord shows us; for His command is: Do business until I come back. (Luke 19.13) And what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. (Matthew 10.27) In this respect, there are two kind of Christians as well. The Laodicean Christian dont takes any responsibility for anybody. They are content with being saved and being the only ones to get into heaven, while calmly allowing the masses to walk the broad road that leads to destruction. They bury their entrusted talent and console themselves, that nothing depends on their insignificant gift and that they dont hurt anybody, anyway. They dont want to squander their talent, the knowledge of salvation, but want to faithfully keep it for themselves in order to be able to hand over it to the Lord, when He comes. The Laodicean Christians have no understanding for sins of omission. They dont allow those to be uncovered, but are of the opinion, that despite the divine command, it is not their task to do something for the Lord and spread the entrusted knowledge of salvation. We might be astonished to hear the word out of the Lords mouth some day: Throw the good-for-nothing servant into the outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 25.30) The Philadelphia Christians are different. They may be have only little strength and be insignificant people and dont possess big, brilliant gifts, but they act according to the hymn verse (freely translated): Even if you cant speak like angels or preach like Paul there, you can give witness to Jesus, how He is the sinners refuge. Even if you cant win the strong, and old ones stay away, oh so lead little children into the arms of the Lord. And even if that is not possible, they share their knowledge of salvation by means of printing material or make it possible, by their donations, for others to do so. And despite their little strength, because they are faithful to the Lord and His Word , they are promised an open door that no one can shut. to be continue
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:56:24 +0000

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