MARK NESBITT REGAINS HIS SQUASH CROWN The Corowa RSL squash championships have recently been played and Mark Nesbitt won the event for the 13th time, but he did not have it all his own way. Graeme Leslie really pushed him, and took him to 4, it was Mark fitness which got him through. Graeme came off the court after the third game, and looked spent, to win from there would have been a miraculous effort, but it wasnt to be. Mark runs almost every day, and that certainly helped. Whilst he too was doing it hard, it was his fitness got him through. Well done Mark , commiserations Graeme Steve Blain won the Mens B Grade Championship in a close 5 setter with Danny Green. This is the first time in 22 years where there have been enough players to warrant having a B Grade Club Championship, so Steve is wrapped being the first player to win this in 22 years. Another player who was elated to win was Chanelle Upton. For several years Joan Bromwich has been her nemesis and therefore the Club Champion, but this year Joan wasnt available. Chanell played Helen Fuge and was expected to win because she plays as a Number 2 and Helen as a Number 3, but Helen put up a game effort, but to no avail. There was some confusion in regards to the junior boys Club Champion, but it ended up being Cameron Lambert. Cameron plays in both comps, and is keen about his squash so hes a deserving winner. He never gives up. A special mention must be made of Marg Gillick. She organized this tournament and it had the most number of participants in the last 10 years. She did a great job in organizing the matches, and running the tournament so smoothly. Thank You Marg
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 00:41:43 +0000

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