MARK OF CAIN The reason why for Centurys the Mormons believed - TopicsExpress


MARK OF CAIN The reason why for Centurys the Mormons believed Black people were cursed. Genesis 4:16-17. (16) And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. (17) And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he build a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. (KJV) Cain was the first born son of Adam and Eve, and Able was the second. In Genesis 4:8. Cain kills his brother and is sent by God to the east of Eden where he marries a Woman and Lays with her. Because Adam and Eve were the first humans from whom all people came. Cains wife was his sister, and consequently, all of the early Biblical relationships were incestuous. With the exception of Adam and Eve. Cain, incidentally, was the guy that caused so much trouble for the Mormons who believed that the cursed Mark of Cain meant black people. Leading the Mormons to forbid black people from entering the Mormon priesthood up until 1978. Thats when the Mormons claim God revealed that they were allowed to let black people into the priesthood. DONT BE FOOLED When Mormon missionaries come to your door, they claim to represent Jesus Christ as well as to be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However that is not the case on many accounts. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Cannot escape their racist doctrine and teachings.!!! Apostle Mark E. Peterson: THE LORD SAID, I WILL NOT KILL CAIN, BUT I WILL PUT A MARK UPON HIM, AND THAT MARK WILL BE SEEN UPON EVERY FACE OF EVERY NEGRO, UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. AND IT IS THE DECREE OF GOD THAT THE MARK SHOULD REMAIN UPON THE SEED OF ANY MAN HAVING ONE OF THE BLOOD OF CAIN IN HIM CANNOT RECEIVE THE PRIESTHOOD. Apostle Bruce R. McConkie: CAIN WAS CURSED WITH DARK SKIN, HE BECAME THE FATHER OF THE NEGROES, AND THOSE SPIRITS WHO ARE NOT WORTHY TO RECEIVE THE PRIESTHOOD. Mormonism teaches: THE GOSPEL MESSAGE OF SALVATION IS NOT CARRIED AFFIRMATIVELY TO THE NEGROES. NEGROES ARE NOT EQUAL WITH OTHER RACES WHERE THE RECEIPT OF CERTAIN SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS ARE CONCERNED. IN THE END, MORMONS REJECT THE WORDS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST; (PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL NATIONS. MATTHEW 28:19-20.) ALL PROFESSING APOSTLES OF LDS SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT; IT IS THE DECREE OF GOD THAT THE MARK SHOULD REMAIN UPON THE SEED OF CAIN, (BLACK PEOPLE) UNTIL THE SEED OF ABLE SHALL BE REDEEMED, AND CAIN SHALL NOT RECEIVE THE PRIESTHOOD UNTIL THE TIME OF THAT REDEMPTION. (The Mormons type of races false doctrine, teaching, and madness is deep rooted within the Mormons believeth and church.) #SatanIsWorkingOverTime
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:50:06 +0000

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