MARKETING CHEMTRAILS WITH SPIRITUAL AND LOVING MESSAGES The chemtrailers are currently engaged in a very aggressive, implicit i.e. subliminal chemtrails marketing campaign, by propagating whole lot of photos with various types of chemtrails, like this one, as a background for some spiritual and/or healing or even / enlightening/ message. The objective is to let people associate visually various editions of the chemtrailed sky, as something normal and lovely, like in this photo, with messages like on this post, so that we would all be brainwashed enough to just accept the killer the chemtrailed Earth, slowly killed by being sprayed 24/7 by a long list of proven toxins and pathogens. By looking at this photo, people subliminally led, in an unsuspected hypnotic online session, i.e. trance in which their emotional channels are opened up, to allow the subliminal message about accepting and even loving chemtrails to get straight to the deep subconscious, while they are getting the hypnotic suggestion from this post, ....of course you want to be loved... associate your yearning for love with this toxic murky, going to milky blue chemtrailed sky... LOVE it as you never loved your family, lovers, garbage man, cats and dogs,... love chemtrails more than any of them, as your lovely, dear, new family in the blue chemtrailed sky! Pls SHARE this text with the link - to help spreading the word and connecting ALL the dots - by copying and pasting them all together. Thanks. Tiyana Maksimovich- Binno 15 January 2015 Chemtrails Sydney https://facebook/ChristieJoynerBiz/photos/a.369830956462917.1073741826.348156011963745/637306243048719/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 09:48:51 +0000

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